
Sunday, March 22, 2009

DH Training Well for Tablescaping and We're Ready to Climb the Waterfall!

I participated in Anita's Sunday Shopping Secrets and since it is almost Monday and everything I shared for Sunday is blue, I decided to enter the same post for Blue Monday too. Blue Monday is hosted by Smiling Sally at Please visit her blog and check out everybody else's blues tomorrow.
Whoohoo! My favorite past time is shopping so you know I will always have something to share for Anita's hosted event of Sunday Shopping Secrets. Please visit Anita at and check out what everybody brought home from the stores this week. I have bought so much this week and this page will not be enough if I uploaded all the pictures so I will just show you a few. We went to Baton Rouge to pick up my laptop yesterday and then I asked dh if we could stop by Ross. And yes, we did! I saw these 2 fish and I immediately thought "hmmmm...beachy tablescape". I showed them to hubby and then he left the aisle. Then he came back with these three wood carved items, a lighthouse and 2 pelicans and said, "I brought you more for your tablescape" LOL! He is getting a good training, isn't he?
I have looked at different stores for water shoes for AJ that she can use for our trip to Jamaica next month. And then I saw a size 2, sport Teva sandals. I was so excited cause they will be perfect for her to climb Dunns River Waterfalls. I already have my water shoes but I liked hers so much that I searched high and low for my size and found a pair so I got those too. Yipee! Just look at those rubber soles! I think they have enough traction and won't make us slip in the slippery waterfall. And we match...LOL!
I got even more excited when I saw the price of $8.99! Can you believe that? Do you know how much these cost in a sporting goods shop?
Now, we are all set to climb 600 ft up the Dunns River Waterfall!

Thanks Anita, for allowing us to show off what we bought. Now I am off to see everybody else's cool stuff.


  1. Christine, how neat that your DH is helping you shop for items to do a tablescape. That's just too precious. Love the fish and lighthouse and seahorses. The shoes are a terrific buy and what a great find to take on your trip. Be sure to take lots of pics as always so we can all enjoy your trip. Hugs, Marty

  2. DH is cute! lol....happy climbing!

  3. Hi Christine! Happy Sunday ... you always manage to find the cutest things .......... have a wonderful week!

  4. Christine, You've trained him well! I can't wait to see that tablescapre. You guys are too cute! AJ's gonna love her sandals. Teva's are so comfy. ~ Robyn

  5. Well Christine, if I go find my glasses and then wear them I guess I can see that they are pelicans. hahaha. Anyway, they're still cute and I can't wait to see what you do with them. I know it will be spectacular, and I will wear my glasses. lol Hugs, Marty

  6. Your Dh is too cute. I am sure his yablescape will be lovely.

  7. Wow, Christine, I wish I could convince my hubby to do that, but instead he's my "voice of reason", lol!

    Great find on those shoes and good luck in Jamaica! I will see you again Friday night for Sightseeing Saturday!

  8. Hello Dearheart...

    Girl, you just crack me up!!! Since you're joining in on Anita's fun filled Sunday'll be like watching the shopping network at your place!!! Hehe!!!

    Love your pretty blue fish...and even better yet...I love that your honey was helping you to put together a tablescape...that's the sweetest! You have the greatest hubby, my friend! Not to mention, that he sure does have great taste...all of those items will make a fabulous tablescape! Can't wait to see what you come up with!

    Hope you're having a super Sunday, Sweetie!
    Love ya,

  9. Christine,

    Your DH is a sweetie! Maybe he should start his own blog!

    I didn't know you were going to Jamaica next month. So is my daughter Abby with some of her friends. It is our graduation present to her. Originally she was going to Mexico, but because of the escalating violence there, we re~routed her to Jamaica!

    Climbing the waterfalls sounds like a real thrill! I assume it is safe if you are letting AJ climb also.

    I love your purchases. maybe I will participate one Sunday!


  10. So glad you came by for the shopping sunday secrets. Those fish will make an excellent tablescape thursday. I love the shoes too; I climb that falls some 8 years ago and its a trip. Can't wait to see what else you bought; please show us next week. Oh, I just love shoes and stuff.

  11. christine, thanks for stopping by too see my new drum stool, mine is going to sit beside my chair to hold a few of my fav decorating magazines, but some do use them outside.

    Your Dh is a real good guy to help you find some tablescape items. Your new buys are very neat, and love the shoes. Isnt shopping so fun, and so fun to see what others have brought home.

  12. Christine, my computer at home is on the blink. I'm at the office, catching up. I cannot believe your husband is shopping for your tablescapes now!! How great! laurie

  13. I'm so envious -- sounds like your hubby is learning how to do some good shopping!! :-)

    Love the big & little shoes :-)

    Kelly @ DesignTies

  14. You can tell that your husband is so supportive of your blog when he helps you shop for stuff. I think that's so cute! Mine will come up with post ideas or say..hey you should take a picture of that for your blog....It always makes me smile. I love the nautical stuff you got. I can't wait to see what you do with them.

  15. A beach-themed tablescape. I wonder what you'll prepare for such event :-)The two fishies are so cute and the additional lighthouse and pelicans are just perfect! You and your hubby must really think alike :-)

  16. Oh man, those fish are fantastic! Don't you love looking around stores like Ross? And holy cow, but you DO have the hubby trained! I'd never get Jimmy to walking INTO a store like that with me, much less HELP me spend his money! LOL
    Ah, Jamaica. I'm soooooooooo jealous!

    Justine :o )

  17. I love the pelican,and the lighthouse! Hubby would love them! The girl has shoes! I got to go shopping its killing me. lol Going to go Tuesday, while at Doc's! I love Baton Rouge! I know there is someone on my blog that from there! Isn't it great to have a Hubby that loves to spend time with you doing the things you love! Mine has even, just waited outside for me if he had finished looking around.

  18. Oh Christine I can't wait to see what a special table you will do with these items I just know it will be fun..Thanks for sharing all your great finds...hugs and smiles Gl♥ria

  19. Hi Christina,
    I like those cute blue fish and it's good your stimulating our economy. LOL, Cindy

  20. boy do u travel a lot! ;) Those shoes will be perfect!

  21. I know you will enjoy your trip to Jamaica and Dunns River Falls. It is a beautiful place for a holiday. Happy Blue Monday.

  22. Don't ya love it when the guys start getting the hang of our blogsite?! I can tell that you are going to have a fun beachy tablescape soon. Can't wait! Linda

  23. what a great husband to join in on your fun! can't wait to see the tablescape

  24. You're right; it is mostly beautiful blue! Thanks for sharing. Happy Blue Monday.

  25. Christine, thanks for stopping by my Met Mon post and as always leaving such nice comments. I always love it when you visit. Thanks Marty

  26. Morning girl....hubby must be taking excellent notes from you! lol I loved that tour on the older homes in your area...driving thru places like that just make me tear up...they are so beautiful and there is something about them that just takes you back in time...great pics girl! Hope you had a great weekend sweetie...this is a new week started..may it be glorious for you and yours!

  27. How cute that your hubby helps out. Sounds like a keeper!

  28. Now that's my kind of weekend...loads of shopping! Looks like you did well too.

  29. Love what your husband picked out! I've got mine trained to look for cows!

  30. Hi Christine...My DH is getting into spotting things for tablescaping or vignettes too...not always stuff I want though...LOL
    Cute sandals...have another marvelous trip! ;-) Bo

  31. Great finds at Ross! I love the fishies!

  32. Cute things for a beachy tablescape, Christine!!

  33. I have been to Jamaica and climbed the waterfalls. It's sooooooo much fun Christine. You will love it.
    Tablescape Thursday will be fun. Mine is all about Bunnies.
    Happy Blue Monday
    Love Claudie

  34. In my excitement over your great finds, I forget to tell how envious I am over those fish! I can't wait to see your summer tablescape!

  35. Great tablescape pieces! You're right, your hubby is certainly well trained. Do you offer courses for other husband's too? lol Wishing you a lovely day!
    Amanda (aka Cottage Contessa)

  36. Cool stuff, love the lighthouse and pelicans. Happy Blue Monday! Mary :O)

  37. How sweet your DH is helping out!

  38. You really bought a lot of neat things. The fish are adorable. The shoes for your daughter are oh so cute. Your DH is sweet for helping. And Jamaica - it doesn't get much better than that.


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