
Sunday, July 12, 2009

Let's Explore More of New Mexico and Pink Spode Tea Set

Another Saturday, another trip! I am hoping you can all join too. Today why don't we stay in our our own beautiful country? Last Saturday, Chandy showed a little of New Mexico. Let's explore even more, ok? It is a beautiful state with all its picturesque rocky mountains.
BTW, I am happy to announce that Chandy at is joining us again so please go visit her and see where she is taking us today. If you are just like me, I can't wait to see!

John worked in an Indian Hopsital in Gallup. Gallup is the biggest producer of hand made Navajo Indian turquoise jewelry so that alone persuaded me to keep coming back to visit him. In one of my trips, we hiked El Morro. Below you will see ancient Indian inscriptions on a rock.
I saw this big rock and I knew I could climb it so I did.
and was successful until I looked behind me and saw this pool of water, I don't know how deep. I was afraid of falling back and my knees started shaking so I got down as fast as I could. LOL!
I should have read this first.
John is ready with his climbing stick.
The "Twin Rocks", isn't this gorgeous?We reached the top and this is evidently where the Indians set up their homes. They had old kitchen utensils there.
We were way up on the top.
Do you see the amber on the alligator looking tree trunks?
On another day, John went to an Indian Festival. unfortunately, I was not there but I will share the pictures with you anyway. Aren't the pictures colorful? You really should click and enlarge this to see the real beauty.
These 2 little Indians with their pretty outfits are so cute!
St. Francis Cathedral is in Sta. Fe. Have you ever been to Sta. Fe, NM? If you haven't, you should. It is so pretty. I enjoyed walking around and shopping.
They have these jewelry vendors every weekend at the Governor's Palace.
Look at the chili peppers in Old Town Albuquerque! Sorry my pictures got mixed up a little but anyway, we are still in New Mexico.
Now, we're back in Sta. Fe. Here is the Loretto Chapel, which is the home of the miraculous stairway. Here is a link to the history.
I hope you enjoyed our tour for today. I certainly enjoyed having you come along.
Today is also Pink Saturday, hosted by Beverly at Please visit her, check out her lovely pinks and everyone's pinks on her list of participants.
I found this Spode tea pot, sugar and creamer at Marshall's while shopping with a friend in Baton Rouge. I fell in love with the colors and design and the price attracted me too. I think the tea pot was $9.99 and the sugar and creamer containers were $4.99 each.Then I found this tray at Burlington Coat Factory for $3.99. I thought it matched the tea set.

Thank you for your visit. I enjoy hearing from you!
Thanks, Beverly, for another fun Saturday event!
I will be gone for a week or so, taking my granddauhter, AJ for a cruise during her spring break. I am not sure if I can schedule posts but I will not be able to leave comments. I will try to catch up when I get back. I hope you all have a great week!


  1. Great pictures of New Mexico and I love the tea set, but the tray is my favorite.

  2. Christina,
    Beautiful pics of Mexico and your tea set is just gorgeous. Cindy

  3. great pics of mexico,i bet it was really hot just they way i like it,lol.
    your tea set it gorgeous,the colors are great for the summer..thanks for another beautiful trip...silvia.

  4. Christine, my SS post will be ready at midnight.

    Those pictures are so cool! You are so brave to climb up those cliffside and the Spode pieces are just beautiful!

    Hugs, Chandy

  5. NM is one of those places I'd love to visit. I love the whole Native American culture, and their jewelry is amazing!!!!!!!

    That teapot set is totally adorable! And can't beat that price!

    Justine :o )

  6. Oh, New Mexico, I would love to go there and paint the magnificent scenes. Your pink treasures are lovely.
    Happy Pink Saturday,

  7. Ohmygoodness, you really outdid yourself today. I ♥ coming by each week to see what you're sharing with us on Pink Saturday. Your blog is a delight.

  8. Christine, as always, your trip pictures are gorgeous! You were so brave to climb so high. But the view was worth it. Your tea set is sooo pretty, and of course I love that it was such a bargain! I hope you are having another wonderful trip. laurie

  9. I was scared for you when I saw you up there.Thank goodness you got down girl.haha.Fabulous trip.but I'll travel via you,ok?...Ann

  10. I love the Pink Tray it is beautiful! It looks like you had tons of fun on your trip!
    Happy Pink Saturday!

  11. Thanks for sharing. Happy Pink Saturday.

    Come for Blue Monday.

  12. Wonderful pictures. What a lovely way to capture the memories forever. Happy Pink!

  13. Great pictures...enjoyed the trip.

    The tea set and tray and wonderful together.

    Happy Pink Saturday!

  14. Loved your rock tour too;) Yes Vegas is awesome I want to go back!!! Thanks for popping in and visiting;) French;)

  15. Hello Dearheart...

    Isn't New Mexico a pretty state? I really enjoyed the tour through your photos! Girl, you're a brave soul to have climbed that mountain...eeekks!!! Bet the view was beautiful though! I just loved the photo that John took at the festival...and you're right, the colors are gorgeous!!!

    Girl, I love your little teaset...what a pretty design and colors! And a such a great bargain too! The tray does look fabulous with the tea beautiful!!!

    Love ya,

  16. What beautiful pictures of Mexico..You know I "love" your teaset.. thanks for swinging in, I hope all is well your way..
    hugs ~lynne~

  17. happy PS! love the teapot & tray.. so pretty..

  18. I always love taking a "trip" and then the pink. Happy Pink Saturday!

  19. Your pictures this week are so pretty, the tea set is just lovely, Happy Pink Saturday, Char

  20. Thanks for the photos of Mexico! And that tray is lovely! Happy Pink Saturday!

  21. What beautiful pictures! I would have climbed down real fast too. Well, I'm not sure if I would have been brave enough to climb up in the first place!

    Thanks for sharing these pics.

  22. Thanks for sharing!

    Happy (belated) Pink Saturday...on Tuesday! X Es X

  23. Love the tea set! Wow, your photos are so amazing! I feel like I'm there with you. ♥ Diane


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