
Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Target Birds Went on Honeymoon

Today, we are having some fun with our salt and pepper birds from Target. Susan's birds at started all these wild adventure on Blogland. Please visit her to find out where all the birds are this Wednesday.
It is also Outdoor Wednesday hosted by another Susan of Please visit Susan also to see all the wonderful outdoor posts of everyone.
All the Target birds in Blogland are all going on a holiday and I cannot allow mine to be couped up indoors, so I released them. And wouldn't you know it? They went on a honeymoon and guess what happened! They had babies, right inside my hanging planter. Now, I cannot water my plant because I do not want to drown the eggs.
They are just enjoying themselves!

See the eggs?
Here is a better view.
They are too deep inside the nest and it's dark so I could not count the eggs but there must be at least 4 of them that I can see.
It seems like a lot of birds are just building nests everywhere. Here is another one.

And I even found a nest on one of our shelves in the garage.
Thanks to both of you, Susans for these 2 exciting events.


  1. Hi Christine! Is that a real nest with real eggs? What kind of bird has such teeny tiny eggs? What a sweet post!...hugs...Debbie

  2. Well your birds have been really busy. Look at all the babies you're going to have. I can't wait to see them. What a great post. I loved seeing all the nests. Hugs, Marty

  3. Christine, that's awesome! You're gonna be a granny again for your own Target birds! LOL

    Mine will be ready at Texas midnight!

  4. Cute Christine! Little S & P birdies will be everywhere! Don't you just love the little nests? ~ Robyn

  5. Those Target birds are certainly enjoying their holidays!

    Cute post, Christine!

  6. Oh my gosh! Please take photos of your baby birdies when they hatch! How cool is that? Right there on your patio! Loved the cute post!

    ~Really Rainey~

  7. I can't believe those eggs!!! Do you know what kind of bird this is? Your pictures are great! Keep us posted on the babies!

  8. Your flowers are gorgis! Lucky lil birdies to get to play in such beauty.

  9. Oh Christina...I am so glad you show this..How cute are those little eggs..what kind are they do you know?? you had to keep up up dated on this...Hugs and smiles Gl♥ria

  10. Wow real flowers..we don't dare
    have them yet in Colorado...thanks
    for the taste of spring ! Your birds are tweet ! Hugs ~ Kammy

  11. Oh Christine - those are the most darling little eggs. What cute birdlettes your Target feathered friends will make. LOL

    Thanks for sharing friend!! Barb

  12. Cute post! Every year I have a bird or two that likes to build a nest in the wreath I have hanging on our front door. I don't know who scares whom opening the door and scaring the birds or the birds taking flight and scaring me! LOL

    Blessings to you from Kansas,

  13. Christine,
    You have the most beautiful flowers and a cute birdie post! Cindy

  14. Those birds sure have been busy nesting this Spring.

  15. Hey Girlfriend...

    Welcome home! Hehe...I bet that there's alot more to this story...seeing that you were gone for an entire week and your little birdies had run of the place! hehe!!! All I can say is...all of your little birds must be soooo happy at your place...since they're all nesting and laying eggs! I always enjoy seeing all of your beautiful photos...such pretty flowers and the the nests!!! I would just love to watch that whole experiece but we don't have any nearby...or at least any that I'm aware of!

    Thanks for sharing your sweet birdies with sure did put a smile on my face, Sweetie!
    Love ya,
    Chari happy that you're safely back home!

  16. Mmorning, Christine! Oh, those little Target birds have been busy! I'm supposing those are real eggs! How sweet! Love all your blooms on your beautiful patio!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  17. Christine, so sweet and so lovely!!

    Happy Outdoor Wednesday.


  18. Your T birds made a nest and laid eggs! They are FAST.

  19. OOO, I've never seen such itty bitty little so sweet.
    Fun post!

  20. how precious Cx.this is KNOW i would have a ball watching much fun when those babies come out.and so tiny.
    well done for you to use this.good imagination there time you go on a trip,you'll have to take them with you,huh?...ann

  21. Oh Christine how cute!

    Spring babies are everywhere it seems!

    I can't wait til you show us pictures of the baby birdies. :)

  22. Are you going to have a shower? Should I start making baby blankets?

  23. Happy Outdoor Wednesday Christine..
    Sorry I haven't been around as much lately..... I haven't felt good. Thanks for sharing your photos.~ Susan

  24. Oh how sweet...I get so excited when I see a little nest in my bushes....great post girl...hope you are having a beautiful day!

  25. Christine, That is so sweet. Is that a real nest with real eggs? Gorgeous hanging basket! Linda

  26. How cute. But boo hoo that you won't get to water your beautiful plant. Oh well, life is all about sacrifice.

  27. How neat! If Target birds come out of those eggs, you'll be on the Jay Leno show! Great pictures Christine (did you have to stand on a ladder?) laurie

  28. The Target shakers strike again!

    Your flowers are beautiful btw!

    Justine :o )

  29. I am curious how many new birds there will be!!!!! Great post.

  30. Christine, I think this has to be my favorite birdie story. Maybe it's because of the live flowers. I am not sure. But, I love it. And those little eggs are just adorable. Hugs, Terrie

  31. Oh Christine, that is so sweet. The same thing happened to me a couple of years ago. I was able to watch them hatch & then eventually fly away.


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