
Friday, July 10, 2009


It's Outdoor Wednesday and Susan of is hosting it so be sure you swing over her blog to see her and her other participants' outdoor posts. It's a fun event for sure.

I am in Florida visiting my kids right now. It so happened that my nephew in law drove from Chicago and took her 3 children as well. So, we, together with my daughter and her family, all drove to Cape Coral to visit my youngest daughter and her family.

While the big guys and my older daughter went fishing, I and my youngest took all 5 kids to Sun Splash Water Park.

There they are! Brendan, my grandson was so funny. As soon as he heard we were going to Sun Splash and the pool, he got his swimming trunks, took off his top and asked me to put his trunks on. Then, he kept saying "swimming pool" , "swimming pool", and kept crying until we placed him in his car seat. He just could not wait. I stayed with Brendan while my daughter took the bigger kids around the water slides. This little guy really had a lot of fun! Then, they all came back to get us to go on the lazy river. Omigosh! I am getting so dark!
The whole gang minus me since I was the photographer.
AJ and her little cousin.

Brendan even tried the water slide for the first time, with much hesitation. I had to get ready to catch him when he got down so I did not want to take another picture.
We were getting hungry so we decided to get home. We all had a great time! What a fun place to spend under a hot Florida sunshine.
Thanks Susan, for another fun outdoor event. And thank you all for coming by!


  1. What a fun day! Everyone looks like they had a great time. And the look of sheer joy on your grandson's face as he is splashing in the water - priceless. Kathy

  2. OOO, this looks like so much fun. I know everyone just loved it.
    We have a water park here called Water Rampage and it is just about like this one..O, how my grands love to go there!!
    Happy OD Wednesday..and thanks for stopping by tonight.

  3. this just looks like soooooo much fun! I love the photos!

  4. this just looks like soooooo much fun! I love the photos!

  5. How much fun they look to be having. I can remember...many years ago... how much fun it was to have days like that.

  6. Fun! I go to our water park as much as possible during the summer months.. Heck here in Florida we could go year round.

  7. Oh, Christine, you always know how to have fun!! The smile on your face in the water is as big as the kid's!! lol!! Your grandson Brendan is just so lovable and cute as a button. All of your grandkids are cute, they must get that from a certain grandmother!!

    So glad you are having fun in Florida with your family and how nice that the Chicagoan's came down to visit too!

    I may have missed some posts, so I will scroll down and comment. How nice that you are keeping up on the blogging while you are away...I would have missed you, my friend! :-)


  8. Such a fun day for the children. Thanks for sharing.

  9. Christine,

    I thought maybe I had missed one or two of your recent posts, but as I scrolled down, I had missed so many. I am not sure why. I thought first it was because I am up at the lake and don't blog as much there and sometimes can't get a signal (we are getting comcast, thank goodness). I also thought that maybe because I have been paticipating in so many events that I was missing things on my blogroll when visiting other participants, but it seems impossible that I could miss so many of your posts. I sincerely apologize as it must have made you wonder where I was!!

    I am going to check the blogs I follow to make sure there has not been a problem with you, and anyone else for that matter, not showing up on my blogroll.

    I hope you understand. I left comments on all of your interesting posts. You have been a busy girl!!

    Much love,


  10. Christine,

    This is like texting!! I did read about your mothers party and the reunion and it sounded like an absolute blast. How thoughtful of your family to honor her that way.

    I have left comments on all of your posts. They were great and much fun reading!!


  11. They all look like they are having the best time. What a great day for them.

  12. Thanks for sharing your fun wet family day! I feel like I had a nice little vacation. Great pictures!!! :D Jewel

  13. I wannta be there! This looks like so much fun. I love the way this camera you are using takes these photos. Have a wonderful day.

  14. What a glorious time you all had.. Brendan is growing so fast.. what beautiful children. Thanks for a beautiful Outdoor Wednesday.
    hugs ~lynne~

  15. Wonderful and fun.
    Great post Christine.
    Happy outdoor. Enjoy your summer.

  16. Cool the little guy doing the fountain dance...CUTE! I'll be thinking about what to post for SS. Off to meet a blogger friend (Dixie)for a bit of thrifting.

  17. Hi Christine!

    So your are back in my hot ol' state. It looks like you had a wonderful time at the pool. The kids are just so sweet and I love the look of excitement on their faces. Nice to hear from you..I always wonder where your little mother is at. I just love the fact that your family takes such good care of her!


  18. You sure know how to enjoy the summer. Thanks for sharing. Happy Outdoor Wednesday.

  19. What a fun looking place Christine! Yeah! ;)

  20. Oh won't he be excited when he gets to visit your new pool? Soooo cute and what a great that memories are made... Love, Cindy

  21. This looks like so much fun! Oh to be a kid again and not have a care in the world! It looks like you adults had a great time too!

  22. What a fun day that must have been, and your family is just beautiful!

    Justine :o )

  23. You made the right choice to skip the fishing and head straight to the water park. What a great day and great photos!! Adorable family!!

  24. This looks like so much fun! I hope you will stop by Dining With Debbie with your favorite Crock Pot Wednesday entry. Misty Linky is up and waiting for you. The first of the giveaways for the inaugural event is posted.

  25. Christine, you did such a great job of capturing Brendan's excitement. I am just grining from ear to ear after looking at those precious photos of him splashing around with a huge grin on his face. I thought his mom was the photographer in the family, but looks to me like she inherited that talent from her mom. Great photos. laurie

  26. Lots of fun photos! It looks like all of you had a great day at the waterpark :o)

    the lazy river is about my speed...everyone else in my family love all the fast stuff!

  27. Vedere i bambini giocare, porta calore al cuore! felice giornata...ciao


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