
Sunday, August 23, 2009

A Pair of Huge Sevres Eggs

Let's all join Sally at and show off some blues. Let's check out her participants' sites and enjoy their blues too!
For today, I would like to show you our pair of Sevres eggs on ormolu stands. I think they call this shade Celeste Blue.
I might have shown you these in passing but never on their own. They are quite large, in fact, I cannot find a pedestal big enough to hold them. Their base alone is 18 inches wide.
They have a different hand painted design on each side.
John likes to collect eggs so we have a lot of egg shaped items here at the house.

Because I cannot find pedestals big and strong (they're heavy!) enough to hold them, they are sitting on the floor on either side of the French Provincial cabinet in our formal dining room.
In case you are wondering, behind each door of the cabinet holds a set of dinnerware.
Thanks Sally, for diligently hosting Blue Monday week after week.
And thanks all, for visiting my blog. I really do appreciate it, especially when you leave a comment. I hope you all have a nice week!


  1. How beautiful! Such a pretty shade of blue in the first photo.


  2. They are big!

    I love that shade of blue and the details in the eggs.

    Becky K.

  3. Wow, those eggs are stunning. So beautiful in blue. They are surprisingly large. They look lovely where you have displayed them.


  4. They are very pretty. I didn't realize they were that big.

  5. They are splendid! I notice that you have a bit of blue paint on the wainscoting behind them. Thanks for sharing your blues. Happy Blue Monday.

  6. These are just magnificent and look beautiful where you have them.

  7. I have never seen them that large. They are lovely!

  8. These eggs are so beautiful, Christine and so big. I've never seen anything like them. YOu're one blessed pretty lady.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  9. Such beautiful works of art. Thanks for sharing them.
    Happy Blue Monday.

  10. Your egg collection is just unreal and these two are so gorgeous. I love them. You always show us such wonderful pieces. They have the most wonderful detail to them. Thanks for sharing. Hugs, Marty

  11. Beautiful French eggs! Thanks for sharing this lovely Blue Monday post! Hope to see you at
    my place for a Blue Rooster Monday. ~ Hyacinth

  12. What a beautiful blue. Your French eggs are really lovely and I'm sure they have given your husband great pleasure. I hope you are having a wonderful day.

  13. Those are beautiful!! I would be scared to death someone would come around the corner and knock one over!! Keep shopping - you'll find something to secure them, so I can sleep at night. LOL! Sally

  14. Those two eggs are huge, I didn't realize how big they were until you showed the photo by the cabinet.I'ts interesting that your huband is the egg collector.
    Kathy b

  15. Good Morning Christine,
    Thanks for the birthday wishes and the blue eggs are so lovely! What a collection you have. I always love seeing all your wonderful posts! Hugs, Cindy

  16. Christine
    You always have such interesting things to show us.
    How beautiful is that collection.
    Happy Blue Monday
    Love Claudie

  17. Oh my gosh Christine! They are absolutely beautiful! You have got to find some stands for those!! I have thought about selling on Etsy. But that site is so huge! I thought I'd just get lost in the abundance of other jewelers! But thanks for your compliments! God Bless! Lauralu :)

  18. Howdy
    Oh how beautiful !
    Happy Blue Monday to you .
    Thank you Christine for sharing your gorgeous collection today,it was such a delight to see all the fabulous photos .
    You are always so gracious.
    Have a wonderful week.
    Blessings of joy to you .
    Happy Trails

  19. These are gorgeous. Thanks for showing them to us. I hope you will join me at for Crock Pot Wednesday. Mr. Linky will be up on Tuesday for your link. Thanks for posting.

  20. Hi Christine,
    I'm late coming around today but I'm glad I didn't miss this ginormous eggs! Very pretty!

  21. When I saw your first photo, I assumed that your pieces were small. WOW, when I saw them next to your cabinet, I saw their actual size! They are so beautiful! I absolutely LOVE their shade of blue.
    Thanks for sharing!

  22. I didn't realize how big these eggs were uuntil the picture of them on the floor by the cabinet (how convenient to have your dinner sets stored right in the dining room!!).

    These are so beautiful and must be rare if they are handpainted, no? I can't get over all of the pretty artwork and pieces you have in your home. So lovely!


  23. CX, You already know I think these are gorgeous! laurie

  24. Wow! they are huge!

    Until I saw them on the floor, did it hit me how big they are! They are quite beautiful!

    Blessings & Aloha!


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