
Friday, September 18, 2009

Pink Piano Babies, Hail to the Victors: Let's Go Blue!!

Sightseeing Saturday and Pink Saturday: a weekly double post!
Another Pink adventure is happening in our house. I have been frantically walking around the house, trying to find some pinks so I can join Beverly at And then, when I got to the living room, wah lah!...... there they are, my 2 pairs of piano babies with a lot of pinkness!
Aren't they just the cutest things?
Just look at those innocent faces!

Thanks Beverly, for allowing me to participate! Now don't forget to visit her to see more lovely pinkness!

And now for our weekly sightseeing!

It's Saturday and you all know I am taking you on a trip today. If anybody wants to participate, please copy the SS logo on your website so people will know that you are a participant. Enter your name and permalink below where Mr. Linky is. I have to do this in advance again because believe it or not, I am going on a trip again on Thursday and won't be back until Monday.

Last week, I showed you a trip we took a few years ago to Ann Arbor, Michigan, to watch the Wolverines' football game. Today, I am showing you pictures of our recent trip, the first game of this season. I took so many pictures and I like a lot of them. I had a hard time deciding which ones to upload or leave out so I just created a bunch of mosaics so I can show you a lot. You can of course, enlarge the pictures by clicking.
We took AJ with us, in addition, we also took John's daughter and her hubby. Below are pictures of buildings at the University of Michigan. I just love old brick and stone buildings. The first 2 pictures is the dorm where John stayed the first year of College. The next is Hutchins Hall and Law School. You will also see the Diag, Burton Bell Tower, Michigan Union where John F. Kennedy stood and first defined the Peace Corps in 1960. Also pictured below are very nice sorority houses and a Congregational Church. We went to the pep rally and watched the cheerleaders, dancers and Michigan Marching Band perform. We sat on a hill and then, we had a hard time getting up. AJ had to pull us up. LOL! There was so much food and it was all free.

The next day, we dressed up in maize and blue, to cheer our team. On our way to where the marching band muster, we passed by lots of students having tail gate parties. You can feel so much of excitement everywhere! These students sure have fun!

Here, the marching band gathered, uniforms inspected and performed some moves. Then they all headed to the Big House Michigan stadium and the crowd followed. Did you notice John's shirt? I think he was the only one wearing purple, lol. And to think that he has so many Michigan shirts but you know, that shirt saved AJ and me a lot of aggravation. We got separated from our group because of the crowd and all I had to do was look for someone wearing something different and I found him. That purple shirt sure stood out amongst all the blue and maize. LOL!

It was a record attendance, 119,019 spectators. Just look at all those people!

Of course, our team won. These were the final scores. GO BLUE!!!

I took videos of the band's performance. John is very proud of this marching band. He keeps telling me that they are the best in the world and I have to admit, I was impressed and I really enjoyed watching them. Enjoy!

I don't understand football but I sure enjoyed watching the marching band play.

For anyone who wants to participate, please enter your name and permalink here.

Thank you so much for stopping by.


  1. Wonderful pictures. Looks like it was an awesome weekend.

    So why are they called piano babies. I have a few of those, my grandmother had one and then a friend of my dads gave me some when a female friend of his passed away. I thought they were just children.

  2. Piano babies hhhmmmm yes, why are they called that? Were they meant to sit above the piano? LOL

    AJ wearing a cheerleading outfit? Is that a little hint of the future, maybe? :-) It must be quite overwhelming to visit one's alma mater.


  3. I love college football

    Boomer Sooner!!!

  4. Cute things!
    Happy Pink Saturday.
    Enjoy your weekend.

  5. Thank you for sharing those little babies!
    Have a wonderful pink Saturday!!
    xo Tami

  6. Me know the band being the best part of a game. WOW what a crowd.

  7. Cute cute piano babies. Great photos of your day in Michigan!

  8. What a wonderful post. I hope you will let us know why they are called piano babies. In the meantime I hope you are in the pink and having a wonderful day.

  9. Oh, oh! I sense a rivalry coming on. I lived in the land of the Minnesota Gophers for 24 years!

  10. I think that they are called piano babies because they were used to decorate the piano top. They're pretty Christine.

  11. Those little figurines are ADORABLE!!

  12. When the blossoms of summer begin to fade we can always count on Pink Saturday to bring a smile to our faces and to remind us that somewhere there are pastels and pretty things.

    Thanks so much for sharing this week. I wish you sunshine and lollipops today and always.

  13. You are always so busy, love the piano babies, Happy Pink Saturday, Char

  14. Hi Christine, Thanks for your visit. i look forward to hearing from you between trips.''

    I am fascinated by your blog and have been reading it slowly so I can figure out who is who. You have a lovely family and it's so nice you can get together with them every now and then.
    I was thinking about your trips and trying to decide where I would like to go. I have to say I would love to see Monoco. Is the water that pretty sparkling blue ?
    Looks glorious. I have also been enjoying the marching bands. I love those and the half time.
    You do good work. Very enjoyable!

  15. It's always a pleasure to visit and see your treasures and travels. Such fun. Happy Pink Saturday!

  16. The babes were so darling! Your trip look like you all had a great time. No wonder you were saying AJ was full of enegery! WOW I can sure you were all tired!
    Oh, Here is a link to the Corner Bakery Cafe in Flowood, MS directions on their site for a map.
    Or you can go to my bluebird Tea Post and the link will take you to the map.
    Can't wait to meet you and all the Belles!

  17. Hi Christine! I love your cute! And it looks like you all had a wonderful time on your trip! I haven't been to a college football game in years! How fun for AJ to get to be a part of all of the excitement!! Have a great week!...hugs...Debbie

  18. Hey Christine,
    It's Cheri from Its So Very Cheri and I was wondering if you will be ready to be a part of the home tour next Friday Oct 2? Let me know either way and I will send you info. I am trying to work ahead on getting Oct 1, and the 9th both ready because we will be out of town.

    Please e-mail me

  19. Cooking Class sounds so fun, I going to go back with you! lol I wish! The luncheon, for as I know there will be 9 bloggers ladies, and your husband. My husband maybe. Total of eleven. I still have not heard from a few, for a positive count. But as now that is the total. Looking forward to meeting you all.

  20. what very cute pinks today!

    And a fun trip!

    Blessings & Aloha!

  21. Your Piano Babies are beautiful...their faces so precious!! And the football game looked very exciting. I have never been to a football game, but from watching Notre Dame games (so close to our lakehouse and always loved by Chicagoans), I can see that there is much more spirit than National and American football games. Beautiful, colorfull pictures. You must have looked like a professional photographer, snapping away so many pictures, And I love the mosaic. I have to practice that.

    I think Alan's clematis is star jasmine and yes, I showed off my clematis (for sure) awhile back. It is purple on the black arbor going into my garden.

    Funny you should bring up the thyme, I have a funny story even if I was a bit upset at the time. Emily arrived at the cottage before us last Friday and as usual, she cleans and rearranges all my things. Then she told me I had all sorts of weeds and grasses growing between my stones so she pulled it all. It was my THYME!!!! Grrrr... The spaces where I planted were only 1/4 inch wide and had sand in them. Let me know where you planted yours and maybe we can figure it out. I need to order more seeds and I can order you some too.

    Did you get all the terrible rain in the South? I was so worried for everyone. I am terrified of floods altough we don't get them here! lol!!

    Maybe soon we can talk on the phone...


  22. Hi Christine,
    Just stopping by to see if you'd posted a tablescape (I know I'm early!). Your piano babies are adorable! ;)


  23. Oh goodie! More marching videos! They are really, really good. And the cymbal line is REALLY impressive. I liked your comment about football/marching band. Whenever my boss (a former UT football player) asks if we went to the football game, I always told him that we went to the marching band performance and happened to see some football while we were there! Hope you're having a great week. Kathy


I am so happy you came. Please feel free to leave a comment. I love reading them. Have a good day!!

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