
Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Coffee or Tea?

My favorite play day is here! Susan of is again hosting a Tablescape Thursday, which means we get to play with our dishes and tea sets.
Brrrr! It's cold outside. Do you see that big glob of ice by the pool slide outside? Let's beat the cold and warm up with either hot tea or coffee.

I am using some of my Polish pottery. I just love playing with these cause you can mix and match the different patterns and I think they are so attractive with their vibrant colors. For a tray, I used a ceramic tray with a winter scene. And no, it's not a Polish pottery.
I's getting dark so soon. The days are shorter now. Aren't the napkins pretty with a dancing Dutch boy and girl? You wouldn't mind if they are not Polish, right? They match though, don't they?
They even match the pool water.

I just love taking tablescapes by candle light.
I'd like to thank Susan again for hosting this very fun event. And of course, I will never close without thanking you all for coming by.
Coffee or tea anyone?


  1. Hi C, I am seeing a lot of blue and white around blog land today. I am loving the napkins those are so unique. You always find the most unique pieces. Hugs Kathysue

  2. I am taken with the polish pottery. So bright and lovely.

  3. Hello Christine! Another fabulous collection on your table! I'd love to see your storage closet :0)

  4. What a delightful table...those napkins are the cutest and I love the Polish pottery.

  5. I'm heading to the kitchen to fix a cup of hot tea now! Loved seeing your pieces of Polish pottery. I have one small bowl that I purchased many many years ago. I've always admired the color and pattern. You have some lovely pieces. ~ Sarah

  6. Love, love, love that napkin! Very pretty table setting. Thanks for sharing and happy TT to you!

  7. Christine, you know I loved ths pottery when you started collecting it, but I really want some of those napkins. Those are absolutely charming! Where did you find them -- I know, I know, some foreign country or something, right? I do love them though. laurie

  8. Hi Christine,
    I'll have some tea please. The pottery is so pretty and festive. I really love the napkin too!

  9. Christine,
    Your Polish pottery is beautiful. Everything goes together beautifully.


  10. It's an international table! :-) I really love that you set for an intimate tea. With just the two of us now, this works!!! Love your ice fountain. I still need to get out to take a pic of the B & B with theirs in front.

  11. Coffee, please. I love this Christine, so nice and cozy next to the fireplace. I love the pottery, it's so colorful and fun. And those napkins are fantastic. Your candlelight shots are gorgeous! Kathy

  12. I always think this Polish pottery is so stylish yet has a great country feel also.
    Tea with milk and no sugar, please.

  13. Your Polish dishes are beautiful. Your table looks so warm and cozy with the pool glowing outside the windows. Is it still very cold? I love the night pictures, they come out so well for you. I need to practice!

    Stay warm, sweet friend! :-)


  14. Thank you for posting your Polish Pottery, very beautiful pieces.
    It sets a pretty table. I like tea and coffee....

  15. Christine your Polish pottery is just gorgeous and I agree mixing the patterns is so pretty and interesting. Love the pretty napkin too. The view outside looks so cold. Hope you stay warm by the fire. Hugs, Marty

  16. what a fun and festive table. I've never seen Polish Pottery..what a treasure.. loving the napkins..I'm busy now making tons of new napkins and hugs ~lynne~

  17. I love this pottery. It makes for such a pretty table and there is something about the coloring that just makes me happy! I want some!


  18. Every year there is a small pottery sale here in a wonderful old mansion.. I try to go and admire all of the beautiful pieces..something about the blue always speaks to me.. you've put this together beautifully..and I do love the napkins..simply gorgeous. Love, Cindy

  19. beautiful pottery and blue and white...perfect always!

  20. Hi Christine,
    I'd love a cup of tea, served by the pool! Well ... not BY the pool but rather from inside your warm, inviting home ... with a VIEW of your gorgeous pool! Everything looks beautiful, as always. Your Polish pottery collection is very special.

    Thank you for the tea! It's very soothing. OK, I'm sipping a cup I made for myself ... just pretending you handed it to me in one of your beautiful cups. ;)

  21. I love your pottery collection. The colors are so striking. And what unusual napkins - I love your tablescape!

  22. I love this! The pottery is beautiful, Christine.

  23. I am NOT envying you your cold weather. If it's that cold I want snow., but at those temps it's too cold to snow. A real catch 22! Your photos of the ice in the pool fountains are amazing to see. It gives me the shivers. Beautiful tablescape, they always are!

  24. Hello Christine!
    Thanks so much for visiting, following and entering my Giveaway! Have popped 2 entries in for you hun, please let me know if you post a link or join the Fb group and I can pop in some more for you!!!
    LOVE your look very inviting!
    GOOD LUCK!!!
    Annie xx

  25. Thanks for coming by to visit me! What a welcoming and warm table! I love the napkings of the Dutch boy and girl ~ I won't say anything. : )

  26. Hi Christine, your table is lovely. I love the blue color in your is a happy color.

    Hugs, Barb ♥

  27. Oh Christine, I just love Polish pottery; I have a couple of small pieces, and I treasure them.

  28. The plant on my blog today is:
    PRODUCTUS PURPLE ICEPLANT - Lampranthus Productus 0 to -10 Sun

  29. This comment has been removed by the author.

  30. I love your collection of Polish pottery and the piece that is NOT is pretty too.
    The napkin is a adorable!!

  31. I just love that Polish Pottery! And those napkins,they are the neatest! Oh and the lacey tablecloth too and your great pics Christine! What a lovely setting, have a lovely week-end too! Cindy

  32. Wow! You are incredibly talented! I could just sit here and look at these pictures for hours.

  33. Christine... love your Polish Pottery pieces! And as always~everything looks beautiful!

    Blessings & Aloha!


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