
Saturday, January 30, 2010

My First Silver Sunday Party...Whoohoo!

This is exciting! I am finally going to join Beth's silver party at But of course I will not abandon the other parties so after you visit Beth, go see
Let's all have fun and go there!
John's patient was selling this vintage sterling Poole 6 piece silver set. He came to the house to show me but after I saw the price tag (over $5000), I looked at the tray but I did not even bother to unwrap the tea and coffee set to look at them. I knew they were out of my price range. But, he went to see dh at the clinic and told him he will give them to us for $1500 since that was the offer he got from the antique shop downtown. He said he would rather sell it to us than to them. John asked me if the set is worth that price.
So I went to work. I searched Ebay and found a set selling for $4999 and a 3 piece set (no tray) for almost $3000 and a 5 piece set (no tray) for over $3000. I told him they are definitely worth what he is selling them to us for. The tray alone is huge and heavy, almost 30 inches long so you can imagine how big this set is. I don't even know where to put it permanently.

Anyway, dh was not convinced yet so he checked for himself only to find out that the replacement value is almost $7000. I know Replacement is always overpriced but I think the deal was still good. To make a long story short, we bought the set and it is sitting on the breakfast nook right now.

Take a look at the design on the tray, very ornate.

and here is the whole set, a tray, coffee pot, tea pot, waste bin, sugar and creamer, all of them marked "sterling" and "Poole 990" at the bottom. The pattern is Lancaster Rose.
Do you see that little strip on the handle? Did you all know what it is for? I just found out and I wonder if I was the only one who did not know its purpose. It's to keep the handle from getting hot.

I copied this picture on Ebay and they have it listed for $4999.00.
I also have this Victorian EPNS marked silver plated set. I have posted this set before when I used it as a centerpiece on one of my past tablescapes.
I just love the bird finials.
Coffee pot
love the etching on the body

Last but not least, I am showing you our Sheffield coffee pot. It has an ivory finial and has ivory strips on the handle too to prevent it from getting too hot to handle when there is hot fluid inside.
Ok now for Metamorphosis Monday....... just take a look at how the breakfast nook used to be before the pool was built.
I replaced the valance with one with blue plaid. And you can see the pool from the windows. See the blue water?
I brought the orchids in because it was freezing last night again.
and I added this ivy topiary. Isn't it pretty? I bought 2 and I wish I bought more because they were on clearance at $5 each. I know the ivy is hardy because of all the hanging plants I have on the porch, the only 2 live ones now that did not freeze are the ivy.

Thanks for coming and now, let's all go visit our gracious hostesses!


  1. Gorgeous silver set! I think Replacements is always high but you still got a wonderful deal - it's beautiful.

  2. What an amazing silver set! You'd go a far piece to find such a detailed set!

  3. Hi Christine...

    Ohhh my goodness...your honey does spoil you, Girlfriend! Hehe! What a fabulous silver tea and coffee set! I am sooooo envious!!! It's gorgeous and I think you got a good deal on it!!! I also love your Victorian silver set! I really, really love the ornate etchings and those pretty bird finials!!! Soooo pretty!!! Thank you for sharing some of your fabulous silver collection with us...what a treat!!!

    Love ya,

  4. You have quite a silver collection. I like the pieces with the bird details -- so unique! Enjoy your new set.

  5. That is absolutely gorgeous! I love the little feet on the tray! Enjoy your beautiful set! Happy SS!

  6. What a beautiful silver service. Sounds like you got a fantastic deal.
    Enjoy your weekend.

  7. Simply said! Gorgeous!
    Thanks for being part of Silver Sunday....see you next week~
    {{gypsy hugs}}

  8. Oh wow Christine, both of your silver service sets are just gorgeous. I love them both. They are very ornate and so unusual to have the complete sets. What wonderful treasures. I love your topiary's too. I need to try and grow one or at least make a faux one. lol Hugs, Marty

  9. You have one fine and generous husband! :) The set is gorgeous! ...and I love the sweet bird accents! ~hugs, Rhonda :)

  10. Oh my goodness.... that teaset is amazing.

  11. Absolutely gorgeous silver set. I would not have known the value of such a set but it sounds like you got a great deal.
    Thanks for filling me in on why those strips are on the handles of the silver coffee/tea pots. I did not know why either!

  12. Hi Christine!

    What a stunning set of silver you just got! And your other set is beautiful!! I really love the Sheffield pot!

  13. Christine~~~

    Your silver set is absolutely stunning. And you are quite the researcher!! I would not have known where to look (but now I know to call you!!). Your photos of all the details are beautiful!!

    I like what you have done with the breakfast nook. $5.00 for those large ivy wreaths is wonderful. What a deal. Maybe you can go back to see if they have more. Lovely...

    Hope you are having a good week. Alan gets home Monday. I am getting a bit bored!!


  14. You have some amazing silver pieces! I love your new silver tea service...what a lovely crafted set...and you did get a great deal on that lovely set! Your other pieces are gorgeous too!
    What a beautiful post and I enjoyed looking at your pieces...the teapot is precious!

    Happy Silver Sunday!

    Miss Bloomers

  15. Wow!! What lovely silver pieces..I agree John does spoil you.. lol I love your bank of windows what a lovely spot to set at each day... hugs ~lynne~

  16. What gorgeous silver Christine. It sounds like you got a fabulous deal on the coffee service! And I love your set with the bird finials, very pretty and unusual. And your breakfast area looks like a great way to start the day, overlooking that beautiful pool. Hope you are having a great weekend! Kathy

  17. Both sets are very, very pretty! I hope you will find the perfect spot to display the large one! It would be such a shame to store it.
    Have a great Silver Sunday!

  18. Oh my goodness, your set is absolutely gorgeous! I loved your Silver Sunday post!

  19. Beautiful. Happy Silver Sunday...


  20. What beautiful silver-you are a lucky lady! Thanks for stopping by! Happy Silver Sunday!

  21. An excellent first Silver Sunday! Christine, that is just a lovely set.

  22. Christine that silver tea set is killer!!~ How special and how sweet of your husband!~ You nook also looks so so pretty of course looking at the pool makes me miss Florida again!!~ We have snow today here in SC!~ My boys are loving it, but I think they will be off from school tomorrow!

  23. I love this idea of silver day!!! It is wonderful to look at all the incredible stuff out there. What a great story about your set... It is really lovely... Great post! Now I have to check some of these other silver saturday blogs!!!

  24. It's gorgeous Christine! Those are the dogwood flowers on the tray aren't they? I LOVE anything with that flower carved or molded into it. Like pottery, wood, and silver. What a wonderful addition to your home.

  25. My husband would croak if I told him I was spending $150 on a set, so he'd definitely fall over if he had to spend what your hubby did. What a great guy.

    And about the set, it is fabulous. I love all of the detail pictures, and love those bird finials.

  26. Christine, love both sets, but the larger one is spectacular...30 inch tray, wow, that is huge! I really like it sitting on your breakfast table, probably not the best place to showcase it, but it looks so nice there, nestled between the green of the plants.

  27. Hi Christine! Beautiful tea service! And I love teh bird finials on the Victorian pretty! Yur breakfast nook looks so nice with the view of your pool! I know you are heading off to your grandbaby's birth in a few days! Mine may be arriving around the 15th... a week early! Woo hooo! We will soon have our new babies to hold! Sooo exciting! Keep us posted! Happy Sunday!...hugs...Debbie

  28. The silver tea set is absolutely gorgeous Christine! I love it, thanks for sharing the beauty of it! I think the Queen would enjoy that one! Hugs, Cindy

  29. I really enjoyed looking at your silver tea set. I also loved seeing the before and after of the window area facing your pool--what a transformation!

    nannykim at

  30. Wow, Christine...what an awesome deal! Sterling is going for so much really did get a terrific buy...and it's so beautiful! I was drooling all over my keyboard! I keep forgetting about the silver party...I should participate one day. Thanks for the close up is truly beautiful. I didn't know that about the thing on the handle...that is really neat!
    Oh, I answered your question about the flooring in my comments on my blog in case anyone else wanted to know, too. I'll just copy and paste the answer here for you, too. :-)

    Hi Christine,
    Good questions! The porch flooring is tongue and groove, pine flooring and it's nailed and glued down. It's a special porch type flooring that is KDAT...Kiln Dried After Treatment. All that mean is it's pressure treated, then kiln dried afterwards to pull the moisture back out. So far, after 2-3 years, it still looks as nice as the day it was installed. It sat for three days covered in several inches of snow before they ever stained and polyurethaned it, and it did great. I like it better than deck flooring because mosquitoes can't come up from underneath and I don't have to have messy screening underneath that will trap leaves and such.
    Yes, the grill stays in one spot. You can unhook it and move it with a quick release thingy...but to use it, you have to move it back to where the gas line comes up to the deck. I never move my grill anyway, so it works out well. :-)

  31. Terrific buy and absolutely gorgeous!

  32. Beautiful mosais of gorgeous silver, Christine!

  33. Omigosh, what a gorgeous set! I'm sure it will become a family heirloom! Thanks so much for sharing at mm. :)

  34. Hi Christine !
    Wow what a great deal ! I always have to research a ton too, to make sure I got the best deal !
    Thanks for letting me know that my scrolly thing is a crown - you are the best at knowing the names of things :o)

  35. C/x whatever the party is, you have a card to play! Love your silver!! Thanks for visiting, let me know when that new grandbaby gets here.

  36. Wow, that set is fantabulous!!!
    Cindy at Lakewood

  37. Fabulous silver tea sets. I inherited a set but the inside of the tea & coffee pot need re-silvering. It's expensive but I'd like to get it done so I can use them.
    You need a tea cart to keep your set on. :-)

  38. Christine, these serving sets are gorgeous! You did get a real deal on your new set, and the set you already had is so wonderful with the bird finials. I wish I'd seen those ivy topiaries for $5! That is so pretty, and I love it in your Polish pottery pot. laurie

  39. Aren't you a lucky girl! I do not think I have ever seen a more elegant set. You must have a fabulous dinner party to welcome the set to its new home! Joan @Americana By Candlelight

  40. I forgot to mention to you, I love that lil rustic rooster!

  41. Oh my that is one beautiful set! You are one lucky duck

  42. Gorgeous silver!
    Have a great week.

  43. Oh yes, you got a wonderful deal, Christine. Happy Blue Monday.

  44. Well, everything is absolutely beautiful here, but of course, since I collect them, I can't help loving the little rooster setting at your table the most! Nice to meet you today! Happy Blue Monday! ~tina

  45. Hi Christine! thats absolutely perfect :) looks really like those stuffs in a palace :)

    u may view mine here

  46. Oh thanks for sharing your photos from home. You truly did well on your silver tea service. It's a lot of work to keep that silver polished but so worth it when you have such a handsome set.

  47. Your silver is very pretty. What a nice set you just purchased! Happy Silver Sunday!

  48. That silver set is FANTASTIC! I love Silver. Just started collecting it a couple of years ago. I am always on the lookout for some. Just beautiful!


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