We are very fortunate to have 3 fireplaces in our home. I have shown 2 of them in the past and now I would like to show you the 3rd one. Of course, I am one who likes changes so the mantel does not always look like this, but it's been this way since I took down the Christmas accessories. I am sure it will change again as soon as I get back home.
This fireplace is in the dining portion of our kitchen. We have placed a TV above it because hubby's favorite shows just happen to go on during dinner time and I do not like to take the food to the family room game table all the time.
Can you tell that I like candles? Shown in the pic below are 10 candles and their holders. Can you spot all of them? Do you think that is a good enough contribution for 3 or more? And you will notice that most of them are blue so they also count for Blue Monday. You will also see a framed blue tile of "Our Lady of Fatima" on the right short hall wall, which is leading to the family room. I bought the tile ( a total of 6 put together) when we visited Fatima in Portugal and had it framed when we got home. I think I might have shown it in one of the past Blue Mondays.
On the left side of the mantel are candles on Corinthian column holders that I just mentioned earlier, a planter with faux plant, a bird given to me by Laurie, the Bargainhunter, and a small Polish pottery cottage tea light candle holder.
In the center is a box that I placed on an iron tray. This wooden box serves as a double purpose: to conceal the TV electrical cord and to hold a set of flatware.
On the right side of the mantel are another Polish pottery tealight candle holder, a hand made heavy pottery bowl that we also won at the chamber of commerce silent auction and a pair of brass candlestick holders I bought at a flea market for $2.
On the floor next to the mantel is a flatware cabinet. I was able to fit 5 sets of flatware there, including one set with a settings for 12 on the top compartment. On top of it are another pair of candles on iron holders, a teapot I bought from one of our London trips, a miniature tea set and another faux plant. I see a tin bird peeking out under the cabinet.