
Saturday, April 10, 2010

Attn: Mississippi Magnolia Southern Belles

It's time for another get together. At least 6 of us (so far) are willing to have a get together in Natchez on June 5th. I do not have a complete list of all the belles so Lady Katherine, please provide one for me and I would love it if you all make an announcement on your blogs. I am thinking of having lunch at home and then we can drive around Natchez (which is very small) and then tour at least one of the antebellum houses (your choice). Then, maybe we can walk around downtown and browse through the antique shops. We can go back to the house for some tea and pastries later on if time allows. You can even go swimming if you want so bring a bathing suit.
Of course I am open to suggestions as far as activities go. These are all tentative. Please email me if you are interested in attending. It will be fun for sure to see each other again and to meet new ones that we have not met.

I am hoping to hear from you all!.....................................Christine


  1. Oh Christine, this sounds like so much fun. I sure wish I could be there. I know you will take lots of pics so we can all enjoy it. Hugs, Marty

  2. Christine dear, if I were not 3000 miles away I would come and join everyone in a heartbeat! It sounds like you will have a marvelous time!!

  3. This sounds Wonderful. You all will have such a great time. Please do bring back lots of photos. I cant wait to see..

    hugs and happy thoughts

  4. This sounds Wonderful. You all will have such a great time. Please do bring back lots of photos. I cant wait to see..

    hugs and happy thoughts

  5. Oh that would be so nice and would love to be able to join in on the fun! Lot's of pictures please!


  6. Sounds like a great "get together". Looking forward to hearing all about it and pictures. I am looking forward to getting together with fellow bloggers in my area again also.
    Hope you are enjoying your weekend.

  7. Christine, this sounds like a perfect day! I wish I could be there too! Have lots of fun and take LOTS of pictures. Kat

  8. Oh, I so wish I wasn't so far away. Hubby and I visited there about 3 years ago. We toured the cemetery and all those beautiful antebellum homes. Be sure to take lots of pictures, and have a great time.

  9. Christine, I'm so sorry, I have not answered! I've had no time, my daughter announced Tuesday night that she was getting married on Friday. She was to have gotten married at the end of the month. I had to pull together a reception. here at my home. I am still cleaning and putting things up. I am exhausted. Yes, I will do a post about the luncheon at your home. I might use your post and add some. Instead of doing a Tea for Tea Time Tuesday. I will do this post for it. I have a list on my side bar of everyone that is a member,and I have two ladies, I just saw on my site wanting to join and come to Natchez. I will get the info today and add them to the list. I also have a list on the page at the top of my site called Mississippi Magnolia Southern Belles Again, I am so sorry.

  10. I wish I lived closer! This sounds so amazing and I can just see myself swimming in your fabulous pool.
    The booth is going great so far, we managed to pay our first months rent and much more besides, thank you for asking. Have a beautiful Sunday Christine!

  11. Wish I lived closer so that I could come and enjoy all the fun you gals are going to have this year.

  12. Oh, that sounds so wonderful. One of my most wonderful memories of my mom and grandmother were on the Natchez pilgrimage. They took me right before my parents divorced and we had the best time. So beautiful there!

  13. Oh, that sounds so wonderful. One of my most wonderful memories of my mom and grandmother were on the Natchez pilgrimage. They took me right before my parents divorced and we had the best time. So beautiful there!

  14. Well, I'm no belle, so I would have to come in drag, and it's a long way anyway.

    I used to work at Laurel Hill Plantation, which is west of Hwy 61 about 12 miles below town.

  15. Christine, This sounds like so much fun! I wish I lived closer! Have a wonderful tour, conversation, and tea time and be sure to get some photos! Would love to see pics of our fellow bloggers having fun in MS!
    Blessings, Beth

  16. Sounds like a lot of fun but I already have plans that weekend.


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