
Friday, April 2, 2010

Saturday Easter Pinks and Colorful Cozumel

So sorry, I missed posting for Sightseeing Sat.last week. We were traveling and I posted things in advance and I thought I did for Sat. too but didn't. Anyway, I hope this post makes up for it since I am doing a triple.
Pink Saturday is hosted by Beverly at
Laurie just started hosting a new exciting meme where we can show a few of our Favorite Things. You know I have lots of favorite things so this would be a fun and easy one for me. Visit Laurie at

I told ya I have lots of favorite things but let me show you just a few. Do you Skype? I miss my grandkids a lot so I see and talk to them through the computer screen. That's one of my favorite things to do. You can download it for free and try it if you have a webcam. Shelia of Note Songs wanted to see a new picture of the baby so here he is! I think he needs to go on a diet, lol!

Yesterday after coming back from buying crawfish, I saw this huge package in the garage. It was from my sister, a birthday gift. I opened it right away (even if my bday is not until the 29th) and it is a peacock. My sister knows me very well and knows I love peacocks. I love all the jewels in it too and it's one of my favorites. Thanks sis! Love the birthday present. It looks a lot better in person too, the picture does not do it justice at all.
Beverly said we should post some Easter pinks so here are a few things, a cloth bunny with a watering can, an egg cup on a pedestal (I love its tiny spoon!) and just a part of my centerpiece in the kitchen nook that I plan to use for Easter breakfast. I will post the whole thing for Tablescape Thursday.
And now I would like to show you the first port of call on the cruise that we just took last week. We did not take an excursion for 2 reasons: we have been there several times and we had to babysit. My stepdaughter and her hubby wanted to take an excursion. They cruised with 3 toddlers and the youngest one who just turned 1 on the first day of our cruise was too young for Camp Carnival so we volunteered to take him. So, we just strolled and shopped by the port. I hope you don't mind me showing you just around there.
One thing I like about Cozumel is the color of the water, it is aqua blue and it really is very refreshing to see.
Here we are starting the long walk to the port.

I think the port is beautiful.
The pinatas give the place a very Mexican feel.
Posing by the sign so I can be reminded in the future where I was. lol.

Lots of palms and coconut trees.

Holden was so good and it was such a pleasure to take care of him.

The flowers were gorgeous and so colorful.
I had a lot of fun shopping. Holden had fun too, grabbing things here and there, lol. Do you see the Mexican house in the center? I bought it and you will see it in one of my future tablescapes. I also bought a small sombrero for what I have in mind.
We went back to the ship for lunch and to meet with Kerri and Steve and the wind was blowing so hard. Holden just kept laughing, he really enjoyed the wind.

We went back to the port with Kerri and her 2 older children. Here you will see them partying.
Miss Glamour Girl was showing us her dance moves.
Then we snacked at this restaurant and just rested for a while before going back to the ship.

It was a very nice sunny day, the weather was perfect and we had a lot of fun just walking around.
I hope you enjoyed that part of Mexico.
Thanks Susan and Laurie, for posting 2 fun memes and thank you all for your visit!


  1. Christine, you guys always take the best vacations and so nice to do it with family. I know you all had a lot of fun. The children are adorable and Mexico looks gorgeous. So glad you are home and try to get some rest. Have a Blessed Easter. Hugs, Marty

  2. Looks like you all had a fabulous time. Thanks for sharing the beautiful photos. Happy Spring to you and your family!

  3. Hi C, glad you are home safe and sound but Oh what a wonderful vacation you had. I have been there also and the beaches are so beautiful. Little Holden is a doll baby!! what a cutie. Looks like there was lots of fun going on . Beautiful photography!! Kathysue

  4. Thank you Christine for all the wonderful warm shots of Mexico! I can almost absorb the heat through my puter *winks* Looks like ya'll had a great time! And your new peacock is a real cutie! How kind of your sister! And she made sure you got it early too! Vanna

  5. Looks like a great trip, and you were so nice to babysit. BTW, that is the cutest peacock I've seen in a while.

  6. These pictures are beautiful! They really show the beauty of Cozumel! There are some really cute pics of Holden and the kids too! I love the one with my Dad in a balloon hat!! Thanks for posting these!

  7. Hi Christine! Oh, what lovely pictures and I want to wish you a Happy Birthday in advance. How sweet of your sister to send you the peacock!
    Now, I can not believe the baby has grown that much! He's adorable! I sure do hate I can't see my little gran very much. I'll have to do with a few pictures!
    Thanks for popping in and Happy Easter to you, sweet friend.
    Shelia ;)

  8. OOOO, Christine, these pictures are so pretty. That water is gorgeous. I thought the photo of the beach chairs with the ship in the background was very artsy, and I loved the photo of John in the balloon hat! Your grands and John's grands are all so cute. That peacock is fabulous - almost as good as Vanna's! laurie

  9. It looks like a beautiful city and those waters, oh my! Fun peacock too!
    Happy Pink Saturday Christine and have a very Happy Easter!

  10. Sch an enjoyable trip. Have fun. Thank you for sharing.

    Happy Pink Saturday Christine dearest and
    a Blessed Easter!


  11. You look so proud with your little grand-children! You are obviously a very special grandma! My mum loves skype too. My sister is living in the UK at the moment with her hubby and two kids and they would all be lost without skype!

    Best wishes,

  12. What a lovely post! Wishing you a happy Pink Saturday and blessed Easter.

    Sherry @ A Happy Valentine

  13. Ohhhh, vacation is also my favorite thing to!!!! Anywhere with a palm tree would qualify. I love your pictures. They are divine!

  14. Wow! Christine, your photos get better and better. I think this was the best so far (for me :-)

    My husband goes to Taiwan on the 28th for a couple of weeks so I hope to be in New Orleans then. It's always dependent on the installation time line, but that's the date now. If you are "in port", I hope we can get together for lunch with any and all the area bloggers.

    Happy Easter and Happy Pink Saturday!

  15. What stunning photos - Mexico looks wonderful. What a fabulous, fabulous trip.

    Happy Pink Saturday and Happy Easter!

  16. The turquoise water, the ship, your family - all BEAUTIFUL, Christine! Your certainly had a lovely travel adventure! How nice that you could go with your kids and help them out with babysitting - I'm sure you didn't mind a bit! :-)
    A joyous Easter to you and your loved ones!

  17. Everything is gorgeous. You take such amazing trips and pictures.


  18. Your peacock is a cutie patootie Cx!! And your cruise pics look fabulous! I'm trying to talk Tom into going on a cruise as I type this! LOL! Love ya! L~

  19. Christine, I know you had a great time. I have been to Cozumel, too and I believe we either stayed at port or that may be where we went to a beach. So beautiful there. Love your photos and that is a great picture of the ship sitting out on the water. The baby sure has grown!

  20. Oh what fun! Thanks for taking us on your trip!

  21. Sounds and looks like you had a great time! Thanks for the tour.
    Hope you have a wonderful weekend!

  22. I need to go on a cruise!! Love all the pictures. The baby pictures are adorable and I love the peacock! Happy Easter and Happy Spring.

  23. Hey Christine!
    Thanks for taking me to's beautiful there...the color of the water is amazing and the atmosphere looks so fun and festive...Mexican food is my favorite, I bet it was amazing! Those grandkids are precious...looks like everyone had a great time.
    By the way...I enjoyed seeing the pics from the other port too. Thanks for sharing!

    Big Hugs,


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