
Friday, October 8, 2010

12 Years Ago, "It's a Girl!" was Announced

Twelve years ago, my very first grandchild was born. She was the prettiest little baby girl and she still is, but of course you all know I am biased.

I decided to skip a Sightseeing Sat. post today so I can focus on AJ. You probably know how we always take a lot of pictures of our first child, first grandchild is not any different. I have a lot of pictures taken and I have a lot uploaded here even after weeding out so many. I created a lot of mosaics so that my blog will not be too long.

I am linking with Laurie for a Few of my Favorite Things Saturday at

and Beverly for Pink Saturday at

Here is AJ, she was so excited on her first day in Kindergarten. She has been very active in school, being in Chorus, Student Council, Teacher's assistant and so on and so forth. She won First Place on her Science project about crystals in 5th grade and her entry was invited to be entered to compete with the HS projects.

When I lived in Florida, I took her to school everyday because her parents went to work early. They would bring her to the house and she will sleep with me for a while until it was time to go to school.

I packed her lunch and would always insert a little note and a little gift in it. She said her classmates would gather and were always excited to find out what the surprise of the day would be because she always shared it with them.

We first took her with us on our trip to Hawaii when she was 5 and since then, we have taken her with us on almost every trip and we try to schedule them when she is off from school. Occasionally, she is allowed to go with us even when she has school because the trips are often educational.

She has been to a lot of countries, both in the Caribbean and Europe. Below you will see pictures of her taken in Hawaii, Belize, Rome, Pompeii, Cozumel, inside a cruise ship, Puerto Rico, Portugal, Paris and body boarding on the Oasis of the Seas while docked in the Bahamas. You know I would do anything for her. She even talked me into going with her parasailing. She could not go by herself because she wasn't heavy enough and John could not accompany her because they would be too heavy together, so I was it. Can you tell how scared and tense I was? I love you very much, AJ, but please don't ask me to do that again, LOL!

She is really a very funny girl. She comes up with these one liners which keep John and me in stitches. When we were in Hawaii, we stayed at Sheraton right on Waikiki Beach and we were on one of the top floors. She was eating popcorn when one pigeon landed on the balcony. She threw some popcorn to it. Then so many more came and she got so excited and said, "OMG, this is like a pigeon buffet!"
One evening at almost midnight, she got this idea of making money by buying something from Hawaii to sell back home. She asked me to take her shopping but I was in bed in my nightgown. John agreed to take her. Yep, there are still a lot of stores that are open at that time along Waikiki Beach. They came back with a bunch of souvenir key chains.

The next day while waiting for a tour bus, the 2 of them started peddling these key chains and I was surprised to see that people were actually buying them and handing AJ money. Then later on, I found out that John was secretly giving them the money to buy from her, lol.

She loves Ariel and any mermaid. That is one reason I decorated our guest room for grandkids here with a mermaid theme. It's been changed since because she is a lot older now. She asked me how can mermaids have their babies when they have no butts. LOL!

She loves bunnies too. When I lived in Florida, John kept buying these bunnies until I ended up with 4 big cages in my back porch. At first he bought 2 and put them in one cage but the female kept having babies so we had to separate them. AJ's mom is allergic to bunnies so I had to keep them in our house.

The 2 bunnies below are babies of her older bunnies. There was a time that there were 8 babies. Everytime AJ looked in the cage, there was one more and she got so excited, jumping up and down all over the porch saying, "OMG, OMG! I do not know what to do, there are so many of them! Lala, what am I going to do?", lol!

After we moved, they had to give them away because her mom is allergic to them as I have mentioned earlier.

Here she is in our home in Florida which is being rented out now. I miss being there because of her. We even used to paint together.
We bought her a scooter one Christmas and she could not wait to open to find out what it was cause the package was huge! It was sitting by the wall because it would not fit under the tree and it was a real challenge wrapping it.

AJ posing with her mom (my daughter) after her first commiunion.

We used to take her to summer camp at Busch Gardens in Tampa and she loved it. She loves animals especially the babies.

She has been to New York at least 3x with us.

Some of her birthday parties:

6th birthday at Celebration Station in Clearwater

7th Birthday party with a hired mad scientist to perform experiments with the kids at home.

On her 8th birthday, her mom had a whole petting farm brought to my sideyard, complete with a pony for the kids to ride on.

Her 9th birthday was celebrated in Chicago, a party given to her by her dad's parents. She is also their first grandchild.

AJ loves to dance! Here she is in on one of her ballet costumes after a recital.

And she is in love with Wicked and Elphaba.

She loves watching Broadway shows. We go to NY sometimes just because she wants to see a show there. We have seen Wicked at least 3 times (twice in Tampa and once in NY) and we also saw Beauty and the Beast, Tarzan, Lion King, the Little Mermaid in NY and Hairspray during a cruise on the Oasis of the Seas.

And just like any other kid, she loves Disney. Her dad takes her there almost every year during her birthday month.

She is also very daring, not afraid of anything.

Here you see her rock climbing and ziplining on the Oasis of the Seas and ziplining again in Destin over water.

She loves to swim that is why we try to bring her here every summer. Do you see all those frogs on her arm. She loves them and she says she is saving them from drowning and from being sucked by the pool polaris.

My grandbaby is growing so fast and it is making me very sad. I am afraid that pretty soon she would not want to hang out with us anymore.

Happy birthday, Tweetie Pie. I love you very much!

I have uploaded 3 video clips below. I hope you will watch them. They are very short but fun to watch. The first one is when she swam with a dolphin.

During a dance recital

This was taken at home doing a hula dance with Tabitha, a neighbor.

Thank you so much for coming by. I hope my pictures did not bore you. I just want AJ to remember everything because she follows my blog.

Thanks, Laurie and Susan for hosting.

Happy birthday again, AJ! Sorry I missed being with you on this special day but I will see you very soon. I love you!


  1. Hi Christine - You're such a sweet grandma to dedicate this post to your grand daughter's birthday! She is a very lucky girl to have a sweet "lola" like you that spoils her dearly. AJ is growing up and blossoming into a beautiful girl just like grandma :-) I enjoyed this post very much.

  2. What a beautiful granddaughter and daughter you have and they both look like you. I loved seeing your pictures.

  3. Hi Christine...

    Ahhhh...a very Happy Birthday to AJ!!! Girlfriend, I really feel like I've watched this sweet young girl grow up...what has it been? I think about 3 yrs. since we first met on RMS. Three years of AJ photos...watching this beautiful young girl grow!!! I wish her the happiest of birthday...and send many birthday blessings her way!!!

    Thank you for sharing all the photos! Ya'll have a fabulous day celebrating AJ's birthday, my friend! You know, you mentioned that you worried that since AJ is growing up...that she might not want to spend so much time with you. Christine, you and John are to AJ...just what my Grandma and Grandpa were to me! They took me everywhere with them...and I never tired of spending time with them! My Grandma and Grandpa are the two people that made the biggest impact on my life!!! I miss them terribly but know that I will see them again!!! I know that AJ loves her Grandma and Grandpa...and that you are the "apple of her eye"!!! versa!

    Love ya,

    PS...I seen your birthday wishes to my Noah yesterday on Facebook! Thank you, Girlfriend! He's such a darling boy...turned 12. I kept him for the first two years of his life while his mama and daddy worked! So I have special bonds with that boy!!!

  4. Happy birthday AJ!
    Our oldest is twelve this year too...'ve had some amazing birthdays!!!!
    xoxo~kathy @
    Sweet Up-North Mornings...

  5. Beautiful, Mama. Thank you for posting these pictures and memories. Makes my eyes water, because she is really growing up to be such an exceptional young lady and the years have flown by. The trips and parties also remind me of how much we all love and SPOIL her! haha This weekend we're having mini celebrations. She didn't want a party, but next weekend I'm taking her to Disney instead of Dad this time. Her baby cousins and family are also coming along!

    When I drove her to school this morning I kept hugging and kissing her because today's the last day she'll be my 11 yr old girl and I told her tomorrow I'll be hugging and kissing my big 12 yr old. She thought I was nuts of course. LOL She teases me with her comments: "Mom, just 4 yrs and I'll be driving...Just 6 years and I'll be going away to college." Of course, then I pretend cry and jokingly collapse at the thought of this. She's so funny. :)

    I'm a very proud mommy and lucky to have the wonderful daughter and family I have. Love and miss you, Mom...and Happy Birthday, baby girl! xoxo

  6. She is beautiful, Christine. I can see her fabulous personality thru the photos!

    Happy Birthday AJ!

  7. She is certainly beautiful Christine, and I'm not biased. Your daughter and you are both beautiful too. I can't believe you have a 12 year old Granddaughter!
    I used to put notes in my kids lunches too. ;-)
    Love the pic of her with the frogs all over her arm! Too cute!


  8. Oh, yes...I remember this sweet girl..she is growing so fast and is a raving beauty.
    I know how she makes you weak in the knees with just a smile..I know, cause I've been there..done that !! :))
    Love from one grandmother to another...:)
    xo bj

  9. Christine, AJ is darling. She certainly leads an active life. What a lucky little girl to have you in her life. ~ Sarah

  10. Christine...what a wonderful favorite thing! AJ looks like a darling who has her grandma's heart (although you hardly look to be a grandma of a 12 year old). What terrific memories you have made with her :)


  11. Christine~~~

    I never tire of seeing pictures of AJ...she is such a darling little girl and she and her mom remind me so much of you. This post must have taken a long time to put together and I'm sure that AJ will cherish it always. I really loved seeing pictures of all the places you have traveled together and all of the wonderful parties and events AJ, John and you have shared. Happy Birthday to such a sweet girl! I am on my way to look at your post about your son!


  12. Hi Christine, She will never tire of visiting her grandparents. She is such a cutie, happy birthday, you are a lucky grandmama. Take care and have a wonderful weekend.

  13. Gorgeous family and AJ is precious Ÿ

  14. A very beautiful granddaughter indeed! I sure hope she appreciates her grandmother who gives her so much! I know, she gives so much too: )

    Happy PS,

  15. Happy Birthday to your sweet AJ! She is a doll baby and so beautiful. I love her big smile and I can see that she has many of your lovely features.

    You are a wonderful Grandmother and you are both lucky to have one another.


  16. A beautiful and lucky young lady. Happy Birthday AJ. Happy Pink Saturday.

  17. What a lucky girl to have you as her Grandma! I am sure she loves you very much!
    Happy Birthday to AJ!

  18. Christine this was so fun and AJ will love it. I think your mosaics were a fun way to include a ton of pics. She is very lucky as I have said before. You are a great grandmother to have and I am sure she knows that. I love all of her pinks too. Happy Pink Saturday. If you hop on over, you have to go down one to my Pink Saturday as I have already posted again this evening.

  19. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, AJ!!!!!!
    AJ: I think you are the most luckiest girl in the whole world! You have been to so many places and wow, look at that scooter you got! You must be a very good granddaughter! :) I know that your grandmother and grandfather love you more than anything and I can see that they love when you are with them. Remember how good they were to you when you are older! Don't forget how much you are loved!
    Christine: You and your husband are the best grandparents ever! Can you please adopt me? LOL!
    Best regards,

  20. Happy Pink Saturday weekend to you! AJ is so lovely, you have a blessed family and life

  21. Looks fantastic and wonderful way to see her in different stages.

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  22. Happy Birthday AJ!
    Christine, you have the most beautiful assortment of pictures of your gorgeous granddaughter.
    Your daughter is so pretty too..... well, actually your entire family is beautiful!!!

  23. What a beautiful girl! And what a lucky one too. Having you two, as grandparents.

    Gentle hugs...

  24. Hi Christine and Happy Birthday to AJ! I can't believe she's 12! She's a beautiful young lady and has a wonderful grandmother! :)
    Oh, you've just got to clean your counters off and come to my party! We want to see your kitchen.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  25. Oh My gosh, How quickly they grow. she is very beautiful (no wonder your bias) I would be to love these photos frogs and that scooter very cool and the things she has dome places she has been I have only drempt of the is very blessed and worth it all I am sure.

    so nice to see a new face on my blog thank you for commenting, because you did I got to meet your lovely Grand daughter

    Love Dawn xx

  26. AJ gets prettier every time I see a photo of her. She is a beauty. Loved that video of her teachig the neighbor to hula (you're so right, she did get an education on her trips with you-she definitely leared to hula dance!) That photo of you and John with her is so good of all 3 of you, and that last picture of her looking so grown up is beautiful. She is one lucky little lady, and you are a lucky grandmother. Thank you for linking this to Favorite Things. I hope AJ had a fab birthday. laurie

  27. Christine, AJ is just adorable! You and your daughter are very beautiful and you passed your looks on to her. AJ is a very lucky girl to get to go on so many fabulous trips together. Hoope she has a great birthday!
    Hugs, Beth

  28. What Gorgeous pic's Sweetie.. WOW is more like it,,,they were a JOY to see.. Such blessings you have with your family..Thanks for my note on PINK day sorry I'm a bit behind..
    Hope your Sunday was blessed and your new week is too.. As my Super~Hubb's reminds me,, " Each day is a new life in Christ" and thats just how we need to feel huh???
    May God keep shinning His lingering Light on you and yours as your trust in Him~~~Hugs Dena

  29. i enjoy every photo here. you have the same smile sweet as your granddaughter.

    have a great week!

  30. You ...have the absolutly most gorgeous family ever! NOT an ugly one in the bunch! :) Just handsome people all the way around!!
    And that is not to mention your fantastic home!
    Well...some people just got it all!

  31. Aw! What a wonderful birthday post! Happy Birthday A.J. You three are so beautiful. It was fun to see all these photos and see how big she is growing.

    What amazing experiences you all have together. And what wonderful memories!! I have to agree with Gloria's comment to A.J. And to you Christine :o)

    I can't wait until I am a "Lola" :o) I hope that we live near when that time comes, rather than the 12 hour drive it takes us from Savannah, Georgia to Lexington, KY.

    Blessings & Aloha!


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