
Friday, October 15, 2010

Forks of the Road

I just remembered that I have agreed to post for Beverly's Pink Sat. at

automatically so I had to add this to the post and since it is one of favorite pictures, I's like to link with Laurie too at
I almost did not link for both memes because I have been so busy tending for my mother who just had a terrible accident but thank God, she is doing well.

Thanks, Beverly and Laurie, for hosting these memes.

What I am sharing is an oil painting I got from Ebay of a cottage with pink flowers in the front. I am envisioning my future painting studio when I look at the cottage. Also next to the picture is a pitcher with pink flowers. I love both items that's why I have them in our home office where I can see them all the time.

I am still pretty shaken from my mom's accident and been really busy taking care of her but I did not post for Sightseeing Saturday last week because of AJ's birthday post and I do not want to miss another one today.

I thought I would just post something really historical. I live in a very historical place and I want to share some of what I have learned since we moved here.

This post will make me emotional for sure because when I visited the site, my chest felt so heavy and I felt really bad imagining what had occurred on this location in the past called The Forks of the Road. Natchez was the second largest enslavement market before the civil war and trading was mostly done here although some trading was also done in some other parts of the city.

It is not too far from downtown and it is not a big area but so much can be learned by reading and looking at the pictures posted in this place.

The pictures will tell the story.


There's really nothing much to see at this "Forks of the Road" anymore except for historical signs and photos but the most interesting thing is the presence of the actual chains that were used, so be sure to look at the last photos. I was having goosebumps looking at them and I felt so sorry for the people who were chained and traded.

These are the actual chains that were used on the slaves.

I am just so glad that this trading is all behind us but I don't think anybody should ever forget.

Thank you so much for your visit and I want to thank everybody who said and is still saying prayers for my mom. She is feeling really tired but doing well.


  1. An amazing and powerful post...I am sure your heart felt heavy taking these pictures. I have to show Alan this...he will be so interested as he always is in history and the fact that we have been to Natchez. Thanks so much, Christine and I am still saying so many prayers for your mom {and you}.


  2. Christine, I did not know about your mom until I came over, but she is in our prayers! What a wonderful post! There are so many horrible things in our past, my hope is always that we learn from the mistakes before us.

  3. Hi Christine.... What an emotional post....

    And, I loved the cottage painting.... How lovely.


  4. Love this post! I was actually reading a book called "Born a Slave." You can't imagine the things these people went through. Solomon Northup was a free man that was kidnapped and sold into slavery. He talks of the slave pens and whippings... John Brown discussed the beatings and torture devices and the medical "experiments" to see how deep the black goes.. it will make you cry. He speaks of children being sold from their mothers and the mothers not even being able to hug their child or tell them goodbye...they would be beaten if they even tried. It's so hard to believe one person could be so cruel to another.

  5. My dear Christine-I just read about your mom's accident at Laurie's! Prayers were indeed answered and I hope recovery continues to go well--that is so scary! Even though I grew up not too far from there, I did not know about this spot. I am sure I would be filled with emotion too. Sometimes it is good to remember the past so we do not repeat it. Thanks for showing us this.

  6. Oh Christine,
    I am so glad to hear your Mom is doing better!
    She is an amazing lady!
    Those last pics gave me goosebumps too. It's hard to believe isn't it?
    And yes, we should never forget.
    Big Hugs to you,

  7. Glad that your mom is recovering. She is blessed to have a daughter who honors her in such a caring way. Thank you for sharing the tour...a story that always makes my heart skip a beat...and for stopping by my post. Come visit any time. Cherry Kay

  8. It is hard to believe! And there is so much human trafficking that goes on still today. It's so hard to think of loved ones being sold for nearly nothing into a lifetime of pain and heartache, or even death. I hope people will always remember "freeborn" means free!!

  9. I haven't been blogging much myself BUT I thought I'd visit you today and "OH Christine, I'm so sorry about your Mom's accident. I have you BOTH in my prayers and HUGS to both you Sweet Ladies! Todays post is a very powerful and emotional one. It hurts my heart to know mankind did such horrible things...
    Hugs to you and your Mom,

  10. Christine, I'm sorry to hear of your mom's mishap. I hope that she is improving with each new day. Keeping both of you in my thoughts and prayers. ~ sarah

  11. Hi Girlfriend...

    Ohhh my your mama doing okay, Girlfriend? I'm sooo sorry to hear about her fall...that is so scary! When you get a chance...let me know how she is doing! In the meantime, I am praying, my friend!!!

    Well my dear, I'm sure that your mind is on other things...with your mama and all! You managed to whip out a sweet post...nevertheless. I love that pretty oil painting of the little cottage! Ohhh...I would just love to have a little place like looks so dreamy...doesn't it? The little pink flowers certainly add to the charm. And I love your pretty pitcher with the pink looks perfect sitting there beside the painting!

    Thanks for sharing this historical journey with us! Eeeks...those chains that held the slaves...just made me shudder! What a horrible time in our history!!!

    Well my friend, let me know how your mom is doing..when you get the chance! Love and prayers being sent her way!!!

    Love ya,

  12. Oh Christine, I love that painting of the cottage. I'd love to visit the cottage in that painting.
    It is horrifying to see those chains and to think of the terrors that were forced on slaves. Thank you for sharing for Favorite Things. I'm so glad your mother is doing well. laurie

  13. Christine, this is such an interesting post. I had never heard of that area before. I must get to Natchez for a visit someday!

    Those photos make me kinda sad too. Such a dreadful time...

  14. The oil painting is beautiful, love the cottage.
    The sign saying Negros for sale just brings tears to my eyes.

  15. Thanks for sharing Christine and yeah we should not forget! We should still stand against to any form of cruelty.

  16. What and interesting, yet so sad, post. It is so terrible to see all of those chaines and locks preserved in the ground, knowing that they were used on poor defenseless people. What a tragedy...
    Thanks for sharing this,


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