
Monday, December 20, 2010

A Tribute to Calvin

Calvin is Tina and Scott's dog.
He kept her company when she bought her first house, even before she got married. Tina felt safe living alone in the house because she had Calvin.

He was in the church when they got married.

Look how happy Calvin was for the newlyweds! See that big smile in his face?

He took Christmas pictures with them even before the baby boys were born.

He even took Christmas pictures with us. He was such a good dog that he was loved by all of us.

I even painted a picture of him one Christmas to give to Tina and Scott.

And of course he moved with them when they had to move to another city and then to another house to accomodate a growing family.

He was always so good to the boys after they were born. He was always so calm and he never complained no matter what the 2 boys did to him. This photo is so sweet. Brendan fell asleep on Calvin.

He had a very good temperament. Look at AJ's bunny leaning on him. He did not even move after she laid him there.

Welcoming the first baby home.

You can put a hat or a scarf on him and he would never complain. In fact, he never complained about anything.

Even when he was in pain after developing a big tumor in his back leg, he never complained. For the last few years, he could not use his back leg. It would always be suspended when he walked, but he never complained. For the last few months, all he did was lay down because his back leg was just in pain. Scott had to carry him in and out the door when he had to go out to pee.

Last week, Tina and Scott had to make, probably the first worst decision in their lives. They agreed to put Calvin to sleep as the Vet recommended because the tumor was getting so bad. It was always bleeding and Calvin's glands were swollen, meaning the tumor had spread. The veterinarian said that even if he took the tumor out, it would appear in another part of his body and then they will have to face the same dilemma again in another month. It was decided that the vet would come to their house on Friday at 3 PM to put him to sleep. Before the day came, Tina would call me everyday, sad and crying and I just felt so bad.
Friday came and Tina sent the boys with the babysitter to the park. Tina and Scott just stayed under the table petting Calvin before the vet came. The vet was late so they were under the table with him for at least 2 hours, just crying, holding him for the last time and saying goodbye. Finally, the vet came and gave him the first shot. He sent the couple to the bedroom before giving the last dose to stop the heart. I can just imagine the pain they were experiencing while waiting in the bedroom. They were both bawling in there. And then it was over. Our beloved Calvin is gone.

The vet took the body to cremate it.
When the boys came back, Brendan kept telling his mom that the doctor will bring Calvin back after he makes him better.
We love you, Calvin. I know you are happy eating your t bone steak in doggy heaven but we will always miss you. You have always been the best dog ever!


  1. I knew that was going to make me cry. I am so sorry they had to make that awful decision. We have had to do that twice. That is a wonderful tribute, Christine. I hope you have a wonderful Christmas!

  2. My heart is breaking for them...and tears are falling with them...our pets are part of our families....I am so sorry. What a beloved pet.

    Rest Well sweet Calvin...

    Beautiful tribute Christine...

    Lou Cinda

  3. Oh, I know the pain of having to do this-it is so hard.I will remember you all in my prayers. But I have to believe that our beloved pets go to Heaven.

  4. Big Tears..

    I'm so sorry for the loss of sweet Calvin. I think angels come to us in the embodiment of dogs and Calvin was surely an angel here on earth and now in heaven..


  5. What a great treasure Calvin was, Christine.

    Blessed Christmas, my good blogging friend!

  6. Oh Christine, that is the saddest decision one can make. What a beautiful dog Calvin was, and so many wonderful memories and photos. He will never be forgotten. Big hugs to the family.

  7. Tina and Scott - I am so sorry! My heart goes out to you as I have been there. Calvin was a beautiful and obviously a very gently dog also that brought many happy/warm memories to your family. (((hugs))).

  8. I'm sharing in those tears for Calvin. What a horrible decision to have to make, but they made the most loving one. He was a very very good doggy. I'm so sorry your family lost him. Vanna

  9. I feel so bad for Tina and Scott. What a beautiful tribute Christine. One they will never forget!

  10. Oh Christine... I am bawling now. Animals are so much a part of a family. We have our Murphy that has been everywhere with us. She even lived in Germany with us. She was our first baby and always will be. She is 12 now and I know our day is coming, but I just can't even think about it. I feel so bad for your daughter and SIL. I can only imagine the grief they are going through. What a beautiful tribute to him.

  11. This is so sad, we had to put our dog down and it is a horrible experience. Calvin looks like such a sweet dog. I enjoyed seeing all the cute pictures!

    May God bless your family and help ease the pain of your loss.

    Love and prayers,


  12. Calvin was truly blessed that he had a family who loved him so thoroughly...and who loved him enough to let him think of his needs rather than their own. We lost Jake, a yellow Lab, to the same type hard. Thank you for sharing your beautiful tribute to Calvin and the family who adored him. Cherry Kay

  13. What a sweet family member he will be missed by so many people.

    Blessings and hugs,

  14. Oh Christine-I can't even express the pain I feel for your loss. I just yesterday morning read about Heaven's Walk's loss and now this. Such precious souls that surely go to Heaven-but will be so missed. I sit here with my cat of 18 years on my lap(found blood in her urine this morning and know the end is near)and think about all those loving pets(children)that go before us-the pain can't be measured-so sorry to hear about it-God Bless!

  15. I can't see through my tears at the moment so all I can say is R.I.P. precious Calvin.


  16. Christine,
    How beautiful a tribute. I am typing through my tears. You are very special to have written this.


  17. Oh my God, Christine. By the time I got to the end of your story, I was sobbing. I am SO SORRY that Calvin is gone. Please give my condolences to your daughter and her husband. What made this story so touching were not only your words, but the photos. What gorgeous photos of Calvin and the adults and the kids. And what an absolute beautiful tribute you have given to Calvin. I am sure that your daughter and son-in-law are going to cherish it. What a wonderful pet and member of the family they had in Calvin. One could just tell by looking at Calvin that he had a big, loving, gentle personality. Thanks for sharing this tribute with us, Christine.

  18. We have never had pets due to allergies. I know how attached people get to theirs. He looks like a nice dog. Sad for them.

  19. How awful. He sure looked like a sweetie. I have had to make that horrible decision. But knowing they are no longer in pain and in pet heaven makes it a little easier to bear.

  20. Let them know that our Sam is on the lookout for him so that he'll get to know the ropes.. I held Sam when he was put to rest and my son said that even the vet came out of the room bawling.. They are children to us who love them. My heart goes out to all of you.

    Rainbow's Bridge:
    Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge.

    When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge. There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together. There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable.
    All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor. Those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by. The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind.

    They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent. His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster.

    You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.

    Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together....

    author unknown

  21. Dear Christine,
    My heart just aches for you and every one of your family members ~~ from young to old. Such a sad story, but WOW he was one great dog!

  22. What a wonderful pet to have had to love and enjoy.
    Wonderful memories and times.

    I'm sorry that he is gone.
    I'm sure he will be greatly missed.

    God bless,
    d from homehaven

  23. I am so sad for Tina and her family! What a sweet dog he was!

  24. Our pets can be such an important part of our lives. We have had two dogs that were our "children." When Dan came along, our dog, Duffy, became a big brother to him. Later, Dickens became Dan's best friend until he was a freshman in college. We still remember both of them fondly.
    Calvin will be missed, but your daughter and her family will always have his memories deep in their hearts to cherish forever. And so will you...
    Take care, Christine. ~ Sue

  25. Christine, this is a beautiful tribute to Calvin. It is so difficult to have to make such a decision. My heart aches for each of you. Our pets are important parts of our lives. They are part of the family. Wonderful that you have so many beautiful photos of Calvin.

  26. Oh Christine..... I've been crying as I read this beautiful tribute to this magnificent dog. It's o hard to make the 'hard decisions'....
    And I do truly believe our beautiful pets will be in heaven when we arrive.

  27. What a beautiful boy. You have many great photos and your tribute is moving. I am very sorry for your family's loss.

  28. What a wonderful tribute. I can hardly type as my eyes won't stop tearing. I love my dogs and dread the day might have to make such a decision. They become such a wonderful part of our lives.

    Have a blessed Christmas.

    - The Tablescaper

  29. What a beautiful tribute for Calvin. He is so handsome. It is so hard when we have to put our best friends down. I have done it too many times and it breaks my heart. Keeping all of you in my prayers. ((HUGS))

  30. This brought tears to my eyes. Calvin is a beautiful dog. My heart goes out to you and your family.

  31. I'm crying as I read this, Christine. We had to put BOTH of our beloved Min Pins down, and it was the hardest thing I have ever done in my life. Also my cat that was the love of my life, so I know how much this hurts. Please know my heart aches for you. Thank you for sharing Calvin with us. What a wonderful, wonderful boy he was! I am coninced that God will someday reunite us with our beloved pets. I just believe that is one of the surprises He has in store for us in Heaven.

    Love you...



  32. It's always so hard to lose a pet. Especially, one that's been with you for so long. I'm so sorry.


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