
Sunday, January 30, 2011

Mardi Gras Party

Last night we went to a Mardi Gras party.
Everything was so colorful and each of us got a bag of goodies from our hosts.
Thanks, Dr. & Mrs. Kumi!

I won't say too much cause the pictures can speak for themselves. I apologize for the picture quality. It was dark and there was too much motion going around and I think Blogger automatically converts the pictures into a lesser resolution when posted.

Smiling Faces!

Our signature pose, lol!

I am linking with The Tablescaper at

and with Mary for Mosaic Monday at

Thanks a lot to our hostesses for these lovely memes and thank you all for coming by!


  1. This looks like so much fun Christine! Everyone looks so pretty all dressed up-enjoy:@)

  2. Wow, what fun. Nice Coach bag! Nothing like a good Mardi Gras party.

  3. Hi there, Christine! Thanks for popping over and visiting my blog! You said you live in Mississippi now and my guess would be Mobile.... I've always read that carnival is big in that city... Am I right? Your home is beautiful and I'm going to be your newest follower. HAPPY SUNDAY!

  4. Beautiful! Looks like lots of fun, Christine.

  5. Looks like everyone had a fantastic time........ everyone looks so pretty all dressed up. Love the COACH bag :-).
    Thanks for sharing.

  6. Wow, this looks like a fantastic party! You look like you are having a wonderful time! Kat

  7. That looks like such a fun party, Christine! Love all the pretty dresses and festive party favors.


    Sheila :-)

  8. Looks like you had a great party! Lots of glitz and glamour! Thanks for sharing.

  9. Wow, Christine! What a cool party!!! Everyone really got into the spirit with the fun clothes and everything...very festive! I will be hosting a Mardi Gras party here at home in a few weeks, and I think I'll make everybody dress up for it like that and give a prize! I'm glad you had fun!!!

  10. Oh, my goodness, Christine! What a party! It's a fancy dancy party! Love all the costumes and you and your Mister look of wonderful! I'm sure this was so much fun!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  11. Looks like a fantastic party! What fun!

  12. Looks like it was a lot of fun! Thanks for sharing with all of us!

  13. That looks like it was so much fun. I love living through all your adventures.

  14. Wow, looks like you have a great time. Thanks for sharing.

  15. It looks like an amazing time!!!! Thank you so much for bringing your celebration to Seasonal Sundays.

    - The Tablescaper

  16. It sure would be fun to be there. You are so lucky. Richard

  17. Wow, that party looked like so much fun, I bet you all had a blast.

    Have a great week, Nicole

  18. Looks like you had a fantastic party. Love your pics and you look so beautiful. Hugs, Ginger

  19. It is that time of year. Looks like fun! Party on!!!!

  20. Looks like a very fun time was had! You look so pretty all dressed up!

  21. I spied that Coach bag right off. Looks like a wonderful party.

  22. Looks like fun! Is it Mardi Gras already? I thought it was later? I have to go check the calendar!

  23. Your pretty smile tells it all...Ya'll had a fabulous time and you looked so so pretty.
    xo bj

  24. Looks fun! Would you believe I've never been to Mardi Gras?? I've been to a ball just not to N.O. for parades. We're planning to go this year & I'm very excited!

  25. Looks like a great time and you look fab in your black, those beads make your smile even prettier!

  26. It was almost like a masked bowl. Christine you looked gorgeous. You have a wonderful smile. I hope you have a great evening. Blessings...Mary

  27. Oh my goodness I was expecting a smaller dinner party! That was some shindig Christine!! How fun!! You look beautiful as always!
    I was in New Orleans once for Mardi Gras......Never again! What a complete nightmare! Your version was SO MUCH better! *winks* Vanna

  28. Hi Christine, What a fabulous party! You look very pretty and John quite handsome, and you look like you're having a lot of fun. Thanks for sharing!
    Blessings, Beth


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