
Friday, February 11, 2011

How Time Flies!

The older we get, it seems like the faster time flies. I cannot believe that it's been a year since Baby N was born. It seems just like yesterday when I stayed in FL for a month with my daughter and her family, to help her out with the babies, and now I am back for the baby's first birthday.

Here is the birthday boy now.

Before I left Mississippi, it snowed just a little bit, just enough to coat the bushes and grass with little specks of snow powder.

But it was icy. These were the trees that we passed by on our way to the airport. While John drove, I started snapping pictures. The trees were really pretty, they were glistening especially because the sun was shining so brightly on them.

I flew to Florida.

And finally got to my daughter and her family's home after I was delayed for an hour and 45 minutes on my connecting flight. Do you see the vulture on top of the roof on the lower photo?

The weather was 77 degrees when I reached Florida.

Before I left home, Tina asked if I really want her to give the boys' nanny a break. She thought I might have a hard time taking care of 2 toddlers. I assured her that I wanted to take care of the boys and she can give the nanny the week off.
I am glad I did that because we had so much fun. The boys are so good and are such happy children.
The baby took a nap in the morning and both of them took a long nap after eating lunch, I mean long, almost 4 hours. So, I had a lot of free time and by the time they woke up, their dad was home from work and took over the babysitting.
We had so much fun! We played in Brendan's room.
Do you see the built in cabinets in Brendan's closet? Their dad Scott is so handy. He built them.

We played in the living room. The baby really enjoys playing with balls. I just love to see both of them giggle. It's music to my ears.

They loved playing together. Big brother is so independent. He brushes his teeth, dresses by himself and puts his plate in the sink after he is done eating and plays with the baby a lot.

I just had to watch the baby closely when he was at his big brother's room because he loves to climb the slide to go up on the bed and then jumps. I worried about him falling but he didn't.
This is the baby's room and we played there too.
When it is nap time, I just put the baby on the crib and he goes to sleep without fussing.
And I just tell big brother that it is nap time and he climbs up on his bed and sleeps. No resistance at all. They are such good boys and so easy to take care of. Whatever Tina and Scott are doing in disciplining these boys work because my children were never like that when they were small.

It was the baby's birthday on Thursday and I baked a cake for him. We are having a party on Saturday but we had a little celebration on the day of his birthday.

We gave him a big piece of the cake and he ate it all, lol.

Here is the family!

I am joining Laurie's Favorite party at

The Tablescaper's Seasonal Sunday at

Sally's Blue Monday at

I hate to leave the boys and this really nice warm weather but I have to go soon. I am going to miss this family for sure especially the little ones.
On Friday, Tina took off from work and asked the nanny to watch the boys so we could go shopping.
Thank you to our most gracious hostesses and I thank you all for coming by. I hope you get to visit them cause their posts and those of their participants are truly inspiring.


  1. Oh, Christine! Such cuties! Baby N is so big now! Is he walking? My Baby A has just started crawling! Sounds like he has a wonderful big brother, too! Love seeing the family with the cake! Leting them dig in with their hands is so much fun! Happy birthday to little Baby N! Happy weekend...hugs...Debbie

  2. Great pics, the boys are cuties! Looks like you're having a fun visit Christine:@)

  3. Oh Christine, you captured some precious pictures and memories. They are both adorable. Happy Birthday to Baby N. Such a cuties. Big brother is so special to be so sweet to his little brother. Your daughter and her family are beautiful. So glad you are having a great time. Hugs, Marty

  4. Christine, yes they grow so fast and I remember when you stayed there when he was born. You were posting tablescapes from there. Happy birthday to baby N.

  5. So beautiful Christine! I Love your photos. There is such a strong family resemblence on your side.

  6. Your grandchildren are beautiful's no wonder, they have beautiful parents, like the grandma. Congratulations and enjoy them, yeah...they grow so very fast.

  7. Christine, time does just fly. I remember when you were posting about the birth of Baby N. Happy Birthday to the little man! Cute family photos.
    Have a great time. ~ Sarah

  8. Oh my goodness... I can just eat these two boys up! Oh, how I love to see happy, adorable kids!! My word, I do not think I have ever seen two happier children. One can just SEE that they are lovely, happy, good little boys. They are so joyous! I believe that they must take after their Grandmother Christine in their personalities! I remember your bigger grandson on that one post where he was dancing for everyone's entertainment at the entrance to that store, remember? He grew a lot too - he is a big boy now! Thanks for sharing, Christine. Happy Birthday to the little guy, he's just beautiful. OH! And I cannot believe how lucky your daughter and son-in-law are that the boys just go right to sleep when you put them in their beds! What's the secret? I have a funny feeling it is because they have such wonderful, easy-going personalities... again, like their Grandma!

  9. Wow! A year already! They do grow so fast and they are both so cute
    Enjoy your trip.

  10. Awwww they couldn't be any cuter Christine!! Beautiful! The whole lot of you! Timne sure does fly doesn't it? And 77?? I'm sooo cold! You lucky ducky! *winks* Vanna

  11. Christine, what a fun opportunity to be with those gorgeous children. How beautiful your family is! I am sure you loved the weather too. Oh, how hard to leave them too. Aren't they just the greatest gift?!

    I keep thinking of your cruise during this cold time of year. I could use that right now!

  12. How precious! Happy birthday to baby N! May he be strong, healthy and happy! :)


  13. The boys are so precious, Christine. I bet you don't want to leave! It seems like a short while ago that the baby was born and you went to stay! I really enjoyed your pictures...they have a lovely home!


  14. How can he be one, why it just seems like yesterday when he was born. Such adorable boys. Brings back memories of when mine were small. Glad you missed all of the horrrible weather we have been having.

  15. Almost can't believe, that you're a granny ;)). It's really fun to look at all of your photos, you did capture their fun moments. They're really beautiful and as you said well-behaved children.

    All the best/Dredd

  16. Sounds like a wonderful trip. I can't believe he is a year old already. Looks like he loved his cake. So glad you had such a wonderful time watching them. You are blessed, they are adorable.

  17. I have followed you for a long time but realize I don't leave nearly enough comments! I think you're fabulous!!!!! How wonderful that you got to spend time helping take care of these adorable boys!!!!!!!!

    You certainly do travel!!!! That's awesome!!!!

    I'm getting ready to travel to Italy to live for almost a year.

    I'll be back this fall.

    I go to Mississippi a great deal to see my best friend from college & her family in Jackson.

    HOpefully I can meet you some time!!!!


  18. What a sweet little family your daughter has! Those kiddos are adorable and I'm sure your time there will stay in your memory for a while. I love when little babies eat cake! I have a video of my son scarfing cake that he pulled down off the table. Oh what a mess he was! LOL

  19. The children are adorable! Handsome couple too.
    My son has 4, 9 and under, no nanny, and believe me I am exhausted after a day with them!
    I am glad you had a good trip! 77 sounds wonderful, actually 40 would seem tropical! :)

  20. Looked like a wonderful week!You have a beautiful family! Happy Birthday to Baby N!

  21. Oh!!! What a wonderful time all of you had :o) Happy Birthday! How sweet they are. Your family is beautiful.

    Blessings & Aloha!

  22. I'm so happy you had such a wonderful visit. How lucky for you to be able to have that time with them. Thanks for sharing your darling family with Seasonal Sundays.

    - The Tablescaper

  23. Wow, you have so many photos with blue today. Happy Blue Monday and Happy Valentine's Day!

  24. OOO, these are such cute kids, Christine. Such a beautiful family.
    I am so glad you are having such fun.
    xo bj

  25. OHHH....what cute and adorable kids. looks like you had a fun time. Thanks for sharing your beautiful photo's and Happy Valentines Day!!!!!

  26. Grandchildren are the BEST, aren't they? Thanks for sharing your blues.

    Happy Blue Monday. Christine.

  27. A year already? Where did the time go? The boys are adorable and I want to kiss the big cheeks on the baby. Your SIL is so handy designing and building the closet. Glad you were able to spend some time with the boys and your daughter and SIL.
    Happy Valentine's day.

  28. Gorgeous blues Christine!

    Blue Monday, happy valentine's day!

  29. Oh Christine, your grandbabies are just soooo adorable. Isn't it nice to be spending time with them on this special occasion? Happy Valentine's day my friend!

  30. What a wonderful time you had and your grands are just precious. I'm glad you were able to spend good quality time with them. Glad you had good weather in Florida too.

  31.'s your Valentine's going? I hope great like you deserve it! I joined Seasonal Sunday and I just did a very Oriental Tablescape for Valentine's, actually I totally love all oriental things aaad people, like your gorgeous daughter and grankids! Looks like you had a terrific time with the darlings in that great weather! Thank you for sharing with us.

    Hope you visit my new post.

  32. Those kiddos are adorable. I know you had a great time with them!

  33. What adorable kiddies!!! I am your newest follower, hope you will follow me back too - I look forward to reading your future blog posts!!

  34. I can't believe it's been a year already...your grands are growing so fast..they are so cute looks you all had a ball. That picture of you is beautiful Christine...beautiful family photo of you all together need to frame that one for sure with you and them :)
    Big hugs,


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