
Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Sightseeing and Snorkeling in Cozumel

If you stopped by for a visit last week, you would know that we took a short Caribbean cruise aboard the Carnival Triumph.

We arrived in Cozumel at dawn, still dark, but I was just happy to see land after sailing for 2 days.

The tourists are now ready and headed out after breakfast.
The port is always lined with shops but we could not stop because we were running late for our excursion. We will hit those stores when we get back.

We signed up for a Buggy ride and Snorkeling in Punta Sur. Unfortunately, Punta Sur beach was not clear so they took us to Chankanaab for snorkeling and promised to take us to Punta Sur at the end to swim. This was our blue buggy and guess what! It's a stick shift and John has not driven one for who knows when. So, who ended up driving but me! I have not driven one either for ages but I guess I am more adaptable than him.

My buggy had a problem too which I just discovered when we were already on the road and I could not stop as we were following each other in a group. There was no way I would be left behind in a place where I would not know where to go.

Do I look stressed? Indeed, I was! I did not know AJ took this picture, lol. My seat lock got released so everytime I step on the clutch, my seat gets pushed all the way back and since I am short, my foot cannot reach the break nor the clutch. So, I had to constantly pull myself forward holding on to the steering wheel while driving, and it was not easy because I had to shift gears while stepping on the clutch and I had to pay attention to the buggy in front of me that I was following. Needless to say, I stalled quite a few times.

Mexican beer anyone?

Well, we made it and the tour guide fixed my seat.

Here we are getting instructions from the guide and getting ready to snorkel.

Do you see that school of fish? Amazing! Last time we came to snorkel here, I wasn't able to go because the waves were so strong and I got nervous. The water is very deep. AJ and John went and I wanted John to concentrate on AJ's safety instead of watching both of us.

But this time I was able to go and I had a lot of fun snapping photos here and there, mostly of AJ cause she kept doing tumbles under the water.

After snorkeling, we went to the Crocodiles Zone to look at crocodiles in the wild. Do you see that one in the last picture of the mosaic?

John is so stylish, NOT! LOL! AJ and I always say we will hide that gray and red shirt because he wears it all the time, even if the shorts do not match. It's his favorite. Notice the bird flying over his head.

There were iguanas everywhere.

a small Mayan ruin

Then we drove to the lighthouse. And yes, my buggy seat lock got released again. This buggy driving was really stressful because of my seat problem. AJ helped by pushing the seat forward from behind from where she was sitting.

We headed for the lighthouse.

There were 156 steps to the top of the lighthouse so John and I stayed down and went shopping instead. AJ took pictures from the top.

Then, off we drove again, this time to Punta Sur Beach to eat and swim.

We found t shirts saying "Peepee Station" so we bought one for each of John's employees. So appropriate since he is a Urologist, lol. Chicken fajitas and chips with cheese were served, but John and I could only eat the chicken cause we were still on strict diet then.

Here is the beach. I did not swim, I just watched AJ.

Off we went again, this time back to the port. My seat problem never got resolved. The tour guide will fix it when I am parked but everytime I go through a bump, the lock releases. Hmmmp! And believe me, there are a lot of bumps on Mexican roads.

Back on the port .

We shopped a little and got tired so we went back to the ship early. I couldn't wait to take a shower.

We had a lot of fun and I am glad I got to share the trip with you.

I am linking with the following memes:

Susan's Outdoor Wednesday at

and I am very happy to be a part of Laura's new meme, Wayfering Wednesday at

Thanks to out hostesses and thank you all for coming!


  1. What a beautiful life. Richard at My Old Historic House

  2. Just wonderful, Christine. You three seem like you're having a terrific time, specially your girl, AJ, who looks like your daughter...wish I could take our Victoria on a trip soon! Have fun kids! Love, FABBY

  3. Oh my goodness, those are some fun adventures Tin.. would be stressed out too, mas short ako sayo lol. Your Apo looks like you!

  4. what a fun excursion.

  5. Omg its beautiful! I don't think I'm getting a vacation this year so I'm traveling with bloggers! Your vacation is one I would really like to take!

  6. Beautiful photos, Christine. What a wonderful trip! Any trip spending time with family is precious. I really enjoyed looking at the sites and scenes of Cozumel. I was there many years ago and really enjoyed it. Thanks for your sweet comment on Cottage and Creek too.

  7. Reading your blog is always so entertaining!
    Looking forward to it everyday, it is on my

    Wishing you well,
    Nenette West

  8. What a great trip Christine!
    The white beaches and the blue water, oh my, fabulous!
    And the pics of AJ underwater are just amazing!
    Hugs friend,

  9. Wow, Wow, Wow, what a fabulous trip, you must have had a great time. I haven't been snorkeling in years and you make me want go. The mosaics you made are awesome, great photographs especially the ones of your cutie AJ doing her water tumbles. Her suit looks like the little fish in the pic. How cute. Great photography. Thanks for sharing your vacation pics, and I'm glad you got home after that crazy buggy ride........

    The French Hutch

  10. Hi Christine, wow, your pictures are really, really good. The views are so lovely. I love the closeup of you and you only looked a tiny bit stressed. Ha.

    So happy to take this trip with you!

    Hugs, Barb

  11. Oh my goodness, so many beautiful pictures and wonderful adventures!!
    AJ is a cutie!
    I'd be stressed too, trying to drive like you described. Pretty profile though....

  12. It doesn't looked you are too stressed but still you are pretty ^_^ And the photos you share here is awesome! The white sand...missed those ^_^ Have fun!

    Big bucket

  13. Ah the water! So blue. We went 3 years ago and I LOVED it.

    Thank you for linking up to Wayfaring Wednesday. Hope to see you next week. Remember old post are ok. :)

  14. The photos are gorgeous. I love the under water shots. I am a great swimmer and have no fear of the water, but the one time I tried to snorkle, I couldn't swim and breathe through my mouthpiece at the same time. Panic...had to go back to shore.

    You do look stressed in the photo, I think that is the first picture of you I've seen where you aren't smiling!

  15. OOOH! Love looking at all your travel photos...sorry to hear about the bumpy roads and the bad buggy! ...but otherwise, it looks like a lovely time! such pretty blue waters! haha how funny and perfect were the tshirts for John's employees :o)

    Blessings & Aloha!
    ...I've been outta the loop for a couple weeks :o) I'm happy to stop by and visit today!

  16. You pictures are amazing. I would love to go there. Looks like you had a wonderful time except for buggy. In Europe you can only rent a stick shift car. We had some laughs with it!

  17. Christine, you do lead a busy life. I don't know how you keep up the pace. I admire your energy and sense of adventure!

  18. Thank you for taking us along Christine! I can't begin to tell you how good that beach, sun and water look to me! AJ must've had a blast! But that buggy seat thing woul've driven me crazy too! Grrrr! Vanna

  19. I enjoyed every minute of my visit with you today! Of course, I didn't have a seat problem!! :) That would have driven me nuts! You do have the most beautiful Grandchildren ever! AJ is stunning...and still just a baby girl...shhhh..don't let her know I said that!! LOL

  20. I can't help but laugh when I picture you trying to pull yourself closer to the steering wheel! Those little buggies look so cute! I've never snorkeled before but we plan to when we go on our cruise in February.

  21. What a great trip!! Looks like so much fun..the beautiful water and Mayan structures.

    Thanks for sharing!!

    Miss Bloomers/Sonia

  22. Looks like a great trip! One day I just might make it on a cruise.

  23. What a great trip, your photos captured all the beauty and fun times. I love the underwater shots, really great. Visiting from Outdoor Wednesday. xo

  24. Such amamzing beauty! What a wonderufl trip for all! WOW! So much fun and so many things going on. I think the snorkling looks like so much fun. The undersea beauty amazing!
    Thank you for taking us on this journey with you through your photos.

  25. Cozumel is on my "bucket list." What a life Christine you are living.
    Joyce M


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