
Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Transformation by Mother Nature

One morning a few days ago, I woke up to a heavy fog all around the house.
This is the backyard.
And this is the front yard.

All of a sudden, all the colors of the trees started to change. The ginkgo tree is turning golden yellow in color.

All the trees are showing off a beautiful play of colors, from green to yellow, orange, brown, purple and red. Pretty soon, all those leaves will be all over the yard and then houses across the creek will be visible.

I am really enjoying this view while it lasts.

The kumquat trees still have a lot of fruits.

The Japanese red maple behind the ginkgo is soon to turn really red.

And our holly berries lining the driveway turned to red overnight

They will give me lots to decorate for the holidays.

I am sure I will have more than enough to play with.

My plant baskets hanging on the fence still look good.

Thank you so much for dropping by.

I am linking with

Susan for Outdoor Wednesday at

Sherry's Home Sweet Home Fri at

Tootsie's Fertilizer Fri at

The Tablescaper's Seasonal Sunday at

Thanks for hosting, lovely ladies!


  1. Hi Christine,
    Your pool looks so cool. It has been too cool here for a pool. I can't imagine all the leaves gone and being able to see the neighbours, like a piece of paradise taken away.

  2. Looks like you're enjoying fall Christine! Love the kumquat tree, they look great-enjoy:@)

  3. Christine,
    I always enjoy your yard photos. We have a ton of holly berries too this year. The rain has just made every plant go off the charts with great flowers and berries. Thank you for linking it up with Home Sweet Home!

  4. Hi Christine, Your yard is beautiful... I love the first picture in the fog!

    Looks like you will have a TON of leaves to clean out of the pool. I guess that's the price you pay to have the beautiful natural surroundings ;)

    Thanks for sharing these wonderful pictures at my Bunny Hop!

    xoxo Bunny Jean
    Wednesday's Bunny Hop Party

  5. What a beautiful scenery with the fog around the pool patio, we get it here to even as close as the window and I love it! Love the kumquat tree too. Wishing you the best of time in Flo. and specially with new babies coming along...I'm envious you're going to be a grand again! Lots of hugs,

  6. beautiful pictures, Christine. I envy you for all of that must be wonderful to decorate with! Do you have flowers that bloom all year long in your climate? We have nothing left but for the mums!

    Enjoy your week!!


  7. What a wonderful view it is Christine. The holly berries will be so beautiful in your Christmas decorations. I think I saw a ghost in the fog! LOL laurie

  8. Christine, it's so absolutely beautiful. That fog is to die for over your pool. We get lots of fog here in Oregon but nobody has outdoor pools here. I feel like I've just been on vacation just looking at your photos!

  9. It's all so beautiful. I would love to sit in your yard.

  10. Christine, It is so strange what weather can do. The storm along the northeast coast was proof of that. You home and grounds are lovely with the fall colors coming in. Better grab those red berries before the birds get them.
    Hugs, Ginger

  11. Gorgeous Shots Christine! Wish I had a holly like that in our yard.

  12. Your yard, pool, flowers and trees are absolutely gorgeous!!!

  13. Very pretty back yard.....sigggg... I love Fall! Your photography really captured the feeling for the change well.

    Thanks for sharing :D

    Visiting from Bunny Jean's BUNNY HOP Wed. Linky party,
    Smiles, Suzanne in NW IL

  14. What a beautiful back yard you have...your views are wonderful!

  15. What wonderful Autumn shots of your yard...I'm a little envious of some of your plants... Thank you for sharing!

  16. What beautiful pictures of your yard. It's such a beautiful time of the year for sitting outside and enjoying the weather.

  17. So pretty! I hope one day my holly's start producing berries.

  18. Beautiful photos Christine! Your yard is so beautiful!


  19. Love the holly plants. My bushes never have that many berries.

    Visiting from the Bunny Hop Party,

  20. There is something magical about fog, isn't there? Your yard is always so pretty, Christine, and you must enjoy it for so long in your climate. How great to have holly- I have never been able to grow it up here. Something about having male and a female plants to have the berries. Apparently, I didn't! LOL And our soil is not the best, either. Lucky you to have the berries for their great color during the holidays! ~ Sue

  21. Christine, you lead such a charmed life! Everything is always so gorgeous at your house and I am all dancin' up and down waiting for your Christmas decor!

  22. Such amazing photos. Kind of neat to see your front yard. You regularly post with photos of your pool, but it's neat to see the other side too. Hope to see you again at Seasonal Sundays.

    - The Tablescaper


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