
Sunday, February 19, 2012

DH Tries to Help But.......

This is how I left my kitchen when I went to Florida, that was Dec. 18, 2011. Notice the lighted pot rack but no pots. We just had it installed then.

John picked me up from the airport on Feb. 10, 8 days short of 2 months of being away. We always enter through a small hall from the garage into the ktichen and this is what welcomed me.
This is what I saw when I looked to the right. Except for the uncovered peanut butter jar, my husband is really not a pig.
He is actually trying to help. He removed everything from the countertop to clean the counters thoroughly. He moved everything to the small table near the window. That explains the clutter on the table. The dishes on the far end of the counter is what he washed by hand. I don't know why he does not use the dishwasher. I always redo what he washed because they always have lots of water marks.

There were towels and blanket throws all over the floors. When I asked what the towels were doing down there, he said he did not want to scratch the new floors. I told him it defeats having nice floors if we cannot see them, so I took them all and did laundry continuously for at least 5 days. He cut several bath towels and made them into rags. We had rags everywhere so I know he's been cleaning, at least trying to. He just does not know how to put anything back to where they belong. See that big plastic bin full of rags above? That's only 1, there were buckets everywhere full of them too.

So, I went to work, I mean REALLY worked! I cleaned and organized day and night, non stop until my back muscles ached. The first room that I tackled was the family room, just so I could at least sit when I got tired. They just replaced the floors there so none of the furniture was in place. I supervised the floor guy to move them to where I wanted them and then I hooked the TV back on.

And next was the kitchen. It is not perfect yet but it is starting to look better now, isn't it?

If you read my blog regularly, you must know about the many packages that came while I was away. I will post more about that soon. Anyway, one of the packages contained a set of hammered Ruffoni copper pots and pans. John gave them to me for Christmas. You see them hanging on the pot rack now.

The counter tops are clean and free of clutter now. I tell ya, for a while there, I could not breath easily.

The dining table is also in order.

How do you like my new pots and pans? I love them!

I got this mini teapot set from Ebay. Yes, they were in one of the packages. I placed them inside the terrarium.

I got this vintage copper fish lidded dish from Ebay also and yes, it was in one of the boxes.
Have you ever seen a plant like this before? It's so unusual! I saw it when I finally got a chance to go grocery shopping. It is a Weeping Pussy Willow.

I am so much more relaxed now. I am not completely done but the house is looking better everyday. I still have to work on the plastic bins that are full of dishes. They are still sitting in the living room. Our china cabinets are still empty but the office and 3 bedrooms are already clean, one more bedroom to go. The dining room is also clean now except for the china cabinets that still need to be filled. I'll do the living room last.

Thanks for stopping by. I am also thanking those who are hosting the memes I am linking with below.

Susan for Metamorphosis Monday at

Carrie's Amaze Me Monday at

Mary's Masterpieces Monday at

Sally's Blue Monday at

Cielo's Show Off Your Cottage Monday at

Marty's Tabletop Tuesday at


  1. Christine, I'm sure you were in a tizzy when you saw all of that! I love your copper pots- they really add to the look of the kitchen. I've always wanted some to hang from my pot hanger- which, by the way, has never been hung in this house! LOL Is that miniature tea set Quimper? Looks cute in the terrarium. :-) Sue

    1. ThNks, Sue. The tea set is not marked so I doubt if it is Quimper but it sure looks like it cause it has the Breton characters. The seller called it Amish but I don't think they are...Christine

  2. Wow! You have been busy. No sure what I would have done if I came home to that. :-D
    Sure do like your new copper cookware.

  3. Aw... that was nice of your husband to "try" to help ;). You've certainly put a lot of hard work in here. Oh, and I LOOOOOVE your set of Ruffoni copper - it looks so beautiful hanging on the pot rack.

    Hope you have a great week!

  4. Oh my Christine, you really have been busy. Your home is so pretty and you have done a ton of work. Love the pot rack and your new copper pots. Gorgeous. Thanks tons for joining TTT. Hugs, marty

  5. Oh Chris, you DH cracked me up...and everything caz he wanted to HELP,LOL!! I hate my hubby's HELP either, specially when he gets into decorating, or throwing the entire fridge in the garbage! Anyway, your home looks gorgeous again and I'm loving your copper pots, beautiful! Please take care hon before you get too pained. Have a more relaxed week, I'm so happy it's almost as you want it.

    1. Omg, your hubby throws fridge content too? John threw all the food away and took out all the shelves to clean them and could not put them back so he left them in the shower, lol.

  6. Oh, love the mini quimper tea set too.

    1. Thanks, Fabby, but I am not sure if it is Quimper because it is not marked. It is a great copy though if it's not.

  7. Great post, Christine! Use them in good health, as my mother would say. And you can't be mad at John, he was just trying to help -- plus he was probably really BORED with you being gone! And I LOVE that iron dish-holder you have near the sink (by the canisters). I've been looking for something like that myself. It's really nice!

  8. Oh goodness, Christine. I just giggled and giggled through the first part of this. I'm chuckling right now just thinking about your husband. My favorite part was the towels.

    Of course, you ended this with a bang of a metamorphosis! I love the new copper pots, and I think they (and the newly cleaned rooms to go with them) are just beautiful.

    But I'm still just giggling about the towels. Thanks for giving me a great smile this morning.

    1. I am glad you found it amusing, Debbie. I had to laugh or else, I would cry. He took out the plants outside to be watered and in the midst of them are plastic plants, so he was watering artificial plants too, lol! I had to dry them before I could bring them back in.

  9. Love, love your house no matter what it looks like inside messy or not. :-)
    Gorgeous new pots....Happy Blue Monday!!!!

  10. Your John showed you how much he needs you! LOL

    Your place is always so interesting because you're getting so many goodies. I do like those copper pots, but I love that mini tea set! I love those blues!

    Happy Blue Monday, Christine. Be sure to check out my book giveaway.

  11. What a job you had on your hands, but it looks great now. Beautiful pots hanging from your rack.
    Mary Alice

  12. I can't imagine what my house would look like if my husband had it for 2 months by himself! You have it looking good! I LOVE those copper pots!!! Can't wait to see the rest of your treasures!

    1. Thanks, Jewel! I guess I kinda expected it but hoped that it wouldn't be that bad.....Christine

  13. First of all, I love your pots. I can imagine the dish that will be cook in those pots. Two months is a long time to be away and with a man alone in the house hehe, you expect what you gonna see. I can relate to that too. Can't wait to see what's more in those boxes but for now you have to relax ^_^ Happy Presidents Day!

    Blue Sky

  14. Oh, darlin' Christiney, I think most of our hubs are like your John. Mr. Sweet is very helpful around the house but...
    #1. I have to TELL him what needs done. Seems men can just look around and SEE things that need attention.
    #2. He seems to NEVER put things away. Drives me nuts....but then, I am sure I do things that drive him nuts, too, so it all evens out. :))
    And I LOVE your new pot rack and pots.

    1. Must be a meale trait,huh BJ? Glad I am not alone in this regard. I must say he is still a keep though, lol....Christine

  15. "CAN'T see things that need attention.....:))

  16. Who cares about the mess when you have the most stunning set of copper pots!!! *woot* I love them!!!

    Cute little ebay find, too!


  17. I wish I had some of your energy Christine. We were only gone a tad shy of three weeks and I am still working on getting things back in order!:-) Progress is being made though.

    I love your copper! Absolutely gorgeous.

  18. Husbands!!! Love your copper -- there is just something about copper in the kitchen! I would hate to think what Linderhof would look like if I were gone for 2 months!

  19. Bless his heart. Richard from my Old Historic House.

  20. Oh,my! hhaha...husbands! it's hard to trust them when it comes to just!

    I love those shiny copper!

    thanks for dropping by!

  21. Hi Christine, I very well know what happens when I am gone. My hubs is the same way, However, the rags are another story. HA! That made me laugh. You did a great job putting things in order.

    Your pots are gorgeous and the tea set as well. Your home is lovely in every way.
    Hugs, Jeanne

  22. Oh my, you had a lot of work to do. It all looks so much better. I love the pots, they look wonderful hanging there. Will they be hard to take care of?

    1. I am not sure if they will be hard to take care of, Debby. They are pretty new so they are still shiny. They might need polishing every now and then...Christine

  23. Lovely pot rack! I want my wall one installed soon, too, but the kitchen is a work in progress... Love it when hubbies help out! The pots, exquisite!

  24. Oh my! I'm your newest follower because:
    1. I love your stuff!
    2. You were so sweet about your hubby "cleaning up".
    3. You must be doing something pretty exciting to be gone from home for 2 months.
    I'll be back later... Take care of yourself and don't overdo!
    Ladybug Creek

  25. Christine, your new copper is gorgeous. Cute little tea set too! ;-)
    ~ Sarah

  26. Oh Christine,
    I simply love those copper pots! My Mom collects them too, and they are really just gorgeous!
    I bet your glad to be home but missing those darling babies!
    Hugs girlfriend,

  27. Christine, what a sight to come home to! regardless, home is home. I love your new copper cookware.. you will love it.. welcome home! xo marlis

  28. Poor dear, you certainly had your work cut out for you. What a difference. Your new copper pots are stunning. I hope you can relax alittle now.

  29. I've been drooling over a set of copper pots and pans for two years now. I was about to order a set back in Houston and then we moved and thought it would be one less thing to pack. We have only been in this house for a little more than 6 months. I believe it's time for a trip to Williams-Sonoma. I must have my own copper set. Yours are gorgeous.

    You should have seen my kitchen up to two days ago. It looked horrible. I took a nasty spill and hit my head, sprain my knee/foot. I've been using a walker to get around and relying on my hubby to do most of the housework. I'm finally walking again and I had my work cut out for me cleaning that kitchen. I love my hubby and very grateful for his help but what he considers clean and what I consider clean are worlds apart. If I ever find myself in a similar situation, I'm hiring help.

    Sending Hugs,

  30. Love the pans! Thanks for sharing Joann

  31. Oh my Christine, you must have been very busy:) So sweet of your husband to try! You must be very happy to see everything in its place,organized and sparkling. Love those new treasure of yours... your Christmas gift from your husband, I love copper pots!Have a wonderful week!Hugs~Poppy

  32. Ha Ha Christine..

    Your husband got me laughing... as mine is the same ...He tries so hard to be helpful but alas creates more chaos .. so I send him out to the garden to dig ( hee Hee)... Maybe they are smarter than we think !!!!

    You certainly did have a job ahead of you ... but your pots are fabulous... and really give the kitchen a warm earthy feeling... You have created an inviting warm ambiance in your home...It's delightful !!!!

  33. You sound like me. I'd have to kick it in gear and get everything in place before I could relax.

    I remember some of the stuff we'd walk into after Mom and us girls would spend a good part of the summer in Albuquerque with my grandmother.

    You have a beautiful kitchen and I do so love those copper pots!

    God bless ya and have an amazin' day sweetie!!!

  34. Wow, sounds like you have been busy. You certainly have lots of fun treasures in that kitchen :)
    Have a great week~

  35. Oh My Goodness Christine, you have really been working. Everything looks great. Your shiny new copper pots are beautiful, and I love the new chandy. But, of course, I adore the tiny Quimper tea set! Glad you're able to start feeling a little more relaxed. laurie

  36. Aw! That is very sweet of your hubby to try to help :o) I love your new copper pots and the rack! And it looks like you have everything back in order :o)

    Blessings & Aloha!'s so great to be back blog visiting with some of my favorites, such as you! Can't wait til my next day off to do more catching up :o)

  37. Sorry these were so much work left for you to do when you got home. Yeah, my hubby is the same...he doesn't know how to put things back to where they belong! SO, I guess that's normal to men? hahahah..

    Anyway,good to see your place is looking tidy up and beautiful again. Gosh, I love your set of pots and pans! Totally gorgeous. You lucky girl! ;)

  38. You are going to need a vacation or a hospital bed after this cleaning spree!I would never leave home again if I came home to this! LOL!I have that exact same fish server-I love it! I love your copper pots, too.

  39. You have been cleaning! I'm glad your husband tried to help! The new copper cookware is gorgeous. I love the sweet Quimper teaset inside the terrarium. Glad you are back home safe and sound. Happy Tea Party! Pam

  40. The copper cookware is so beautiful, I love it!!!
    It's good you have so much energy, it looks like you needed an extra supply to clean!

    Your kitchen is so pretty!

  41. Christine, your new pots are absolutely incredible and you are so right, the place needs to be clean and uncluttered to see the beauty of the new floors and the new pans! Good for you that you got so much done! I definitely need to do some uncluttering for Spring Cleaning and I am afraid that means I am going to have to be brutal with excess kitchen stuff!

  42. Hey there Christine! I just wanted to drop by and say hello to you since it's been so long. I hardly ever stop by blogs anymore but wanted to see you. :) And I LOVE those gorgeous copper pots and pans.

    Take care!

  43. Your kitchen looks wonderful once again.Boy....things do need a woman's touch! I love all your pots and pans, but have to admit, they don't hold a candle to those babes!
    Love the weeping pussy willow.
    Much love,

  44. Poor John! HA! He gets points for trying right?

  45. Hi Christine! OH, men! :) Well, I'm sorry you had to come home to this in disarray although your hubby meant well. You have things looking lovely again and I adore your kitchen. Your new copper pots are gorgeous! Have you cooked in them yet?
    I know it was hard to leave all those babies! :)
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  46. Aww, he is so sweet trying not to scratch the floors.
    Those pots are fabulous!

  47. And thank you for putting up my Party button!!

  48. Your pots and pans are gorgeous! I love that big stock pot! I get really nervous when things are messy. I got nervous just looking at your pictures...and exhausted too! The only good thing about a big mess is that you do really clean things well when you have to move things around. It certainly looks great now that you have it back together!

  49. Christine I would've cried if I came in and saw that! But your hubby must be soooo happy to have you home! Now it's looking good! Love the copper pots! I have a set of them too that I love...although I never cook with them, they just sit around lookin' pretty *winks* What a wonderful Christmas gift! Vanna

  50. lovely home! got copper pots too. they're victorian. my husband collects antiques and i'm getting used to antiques now. i love contemporary designs but i love some antiques depending on the looks and designs. =D

  51. Thanks for visiting my humble blog, Christine. =D
    I really love taking pictures of the surrounding especially when travelling or just simply a walk in the park. If you visit my blog again, you can see my very own amateur photography too when I was in the Philippines. Photos I got from our back terrace garden and some photos of pets, flowers and insects. Please join my site and you will see more photos of lovely nature here in Scotland. Thank you so much once again...


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