
Monday, June 11, 2012

It's Not Halloween But The Spooks Are here!

Most of you who read my blog would know that I had a reunion here with 9 of my classmates from College, actually 8. One of them brought her elder sister to assist her, due to arthritis. So, we had 9 guests all week. We all had a blast and now I am missing them. Good thing my daughter, her hubby and 3 babies are coming next week so I have something to look forward to.

That was last week and I would like to share with you, the tablescape that I created for their first dinner here, after they all arrived last Saturday, June 2nd.

We called our group "The Spooks" in College and we are referred by that name to this day.

That is the reason my theme here are ghosts. We all graduated with a Bachelors of Science degree in Medical Technology, although 3 of them (one did not make it to the reunion) pursued their studies and became physicians.

I ordered the ghost salad plates from a web store but I can't remember which one. It was the first time I ordered from that site and the plates are Waechtersbach (thanks to Donna of Conghaile Cottage for reminding me), made in Germany.

There's Babes at the end admiring the table! Baby is an original member but we lost track of her amd then just found her sometime last year. Thanks to the internet! She still lives in the Philippines. She flew all the way from there to join us and it was nice to see her again after 42 years.

There were 10 of us including John so I added a chair and a place setting on both sides of the table.

It is not too easy to see but my centerpiece consists of a scale. On one end of the scale, is a big white graduated cylinder, a small microscope and a beaker. I placed white carnations on the cylinder and beaker.

On the other side of the scale, I placed another beaker and 2 sizes of bottles. I bought the bottles from West Elm during our trip to Atlanta 3 weeks ago. I thought they looked like they had chemicals in them. I am trying to recreate a Chemistry lab since we are Laboratory Technologists. I also placed a narrower clear graduated cylinder in between the 2 scale plates and added white carnations in it too.

My classmates really got a kick out of the plates and the centerpiece. They were in awe and so amazed!

We had a toast using the silver plated wine glasses.

 I used hammered flatware.

And here is introducing "The Spooks"! Ironically, we really aren't quite scary, are we?

Some of you probably wonder how I could do it, entertain 8 people for a whole week. Actually it was easy. They felt so at home that they entertained themselves and me, lol. I prepared the first meal  because I knew we wouldn't have much time since they all arrived on the same day and we were mostly in the airport,  which is an hour and a half drive away. I picked up the first 5 who arrived earlier and we went home while John picked up the remaining 3. As soon as we got home, one of them immediately worked in the kitchen and cooked one more dish, the sweet and sour fish, while all the others helped. By the time the last 3 arrived with John, dinner was ready.

I cooked a chicken with papaya dish, called Tinola, the night before.

This was our dessert table which I prepared ahead of time too. I posted it last week so you probably have already seen it.

We had such a good time bonding. You could hear laughter all over the house at all waking hours. John commented "What a nice group!" He even joined us doing water aerobics. We did so many projects and went all over. It was a hectic week but we got to relax too, doing projects such as oil painting, origami, jewelry making, swimming and aerobisizing. I can't wait for next year and we plan to hold it in Regina, Canada.

I am linking with
Marty's Tabletop Tuesday at
I am linking with Kathleen's Let's Dish at
Bunny Jean's Bunny Hop
Susan's Tablescape Thursday at
Kathy's Home & Garden Thursday at

Thanks y'all for stopping by and special thanks to our gracious and dedicated hostesses.


  1. Your table is so booutiful! I am sure they had a wonderful time. You are the perfect host!

  2. Oh My do I LOVE your table! What a FUN GATHERING of "UN-spooky Spooks"! A gathering of "CUTE Spooks"! Your ghost dishes look like WAECHTERSBACH? LOVE THEM!!!
    Every detail is So Much fun. Oh Yes, you all must have had such a WONDERFUL Time together!
    Big Hugs to you,

  3. Elegant table to honor your friends, Christine. You are the perfect hostess!

  4. Sounds like you were very organized and all had a fun time. Thanks for sharing it with us.

  5. Christine, I am so that they were in awe of your gorgeous table. I just love your creativity. It's just awesome. The centerpieces are so perfect. The dishes are so darned cute. It all looks like so much fun. I am sure you gave them a lot of memories to last a life time.. Awesome!!! xo marlis

  6. Everything you do is over the top impressive! Your table was amazing and the little spooks
    plates were perfect!

  7. That's such a fun themed table Christine! Sounds like you all had a great time:@)

  8. I just had to comment, again, on that wonderful group of women who are your friends! I can believe that eight long-time friends can entertain themselves! Your table is wonderful and I know they all felt completely spoiled! Thank you for sharing this event - I smile every time I think of it. I have a group of friends from childhood with whom I am very close and we have reunions, too!

  9. Such a cute theme for your table. I bet you girls had a ball!

  10. This is just wonderful Christine, the table, the friendship, what a neat thing to be part of!

  11. What wonderful memories and a gorgeous table!!

  12. Awe... such a sweet reunion! WOW! The tablescape is so pretty to be ghostly! (LOL) How sweet of you to host such a wonderful event that involved your sweet friends. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  13. I'm thrilled that you had this precious time with your friends. The tablescape is rich looking. I adore the scale...a real design treasure. Thanks for inviting us for a peak. Cherry Kay

  14. Christine, it is so wonderful that you all still get together. How fun and your table is absolutely stunning. So elegant. I am sure they had a fabulous time, you are such a great hostess. Thanks for joining TTT. Hugs, Marty

  15. What a wonderful bonding... those were the days, talaga and never ending tsismisan, right?

    Wow! I forgot the tinolang manok. TY for reminding. Tagal ng di nakaka-in nyan.

    Lovely ladies, in a lovely home.

    Hugs from still rainy Stockholm,

  16. What a wonderful tablescape. You did a great job. I love it! I hope you had a fantastic time visiting your friends.



  17. How fun!! I love those plates!

  18. How wonderful to still keep in touch throughout the years. What a fabulous hostess you are. Your ghostly table is so special and I know your guests enjoyed themselves immensely.

  19. Everything in this post is just plain wonderful to me. I love the table and the way you stuck to your medical and "spooks" theme. So cute and yet it's still so pretty at the same time!

    What I really love is the fact that you had this reunion. I have lost touch with every single one of my college friends, even the three who were in my wedding. It's so sad.

    My daughter is flying to the beach next month for the "first annual" reunion of her college friends. They plan to do it forever, and that's a dream that I hope doesn't fade away.

    Friendships are not to be taken for granted.

    A standing ovation from my house to yours.

  20. Hi lovely lady.
    What wonderful memories with all your friends..Your Tablescape is gorgeous as always!!
    XXOO Diane

  21. The Energizer Bunny never stops! This table is absolutely gorgeous! I would never have thought to set such an elegant talbe with the "spook" plates. How fun those are! Your dessert table is beautiful too. All of the Spooks sure look like they have kept themselves in great shape. What an attractive group. I know they all had a blast at your house. laurie

  22. Wow, everything looks magnificent....

    Looks like a lot of fun with all your friends.

    I wish you could bottle all of your energy and send it my!

  23. Oh, how wonderful that you all could get together after so many years.

    Your tablescape is fabulous, I love the ghosts plates and your groups name is so fun!

    Have a wonderful night!

    Aledia @ Plum Perfect

  24. Oh what fun and how lucky your friends were to be the guest of such a clever girl. I'm sure there was lots of laughter and good times shared at your table.

  25. Hi Christine, what a beautiful group of friends you have. Your table is gorgeous. Looks like you all had a great time. hugs ~lynne~

  26. Hi Christine! Oh, this sounds like so much fun! You gals all look so pretty and I can see the great time on everyone's face! You are marvelous to host this reunion. Your table is gorgeous and I'm sure everyone was amazed! You are the best, Christine!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  27. Your table for all the great GHOSTS IS FABULOUS my friend!! It's so much fun and you and your friends. I can just imagine all the fun and the pleasure you had to entertain your friends from your youth at your lovely home. You are an amazing hostess, your friends must have been in total awe! Sorry I haven't been around for less joiful times, but at the same time happy times too with my little girls I miss so much. I did manage somehow to make a couple of tablescapes at her home, lol..
    Luv ya,

  28. What Fun! The girls all look like they are really enjoying themselves and what a beautiful setting for them!

  29. What a fun table and so clever to do it this way! I envy the fact that you have stayed bonded all these years. It must be so wonderful to have old friends like that. Everything sounds like such fun and I'm sure you were the perfect hostess!

  30. Christine, You sound like a fabulous group of
    "spooks". They are a beautiful group of ladies.
    I don't understand how you do it. You are a magician to have pulled this off. Kudos to you.
    Hugs, Ginger

  31. What a fun table for such a lovely group of friends. It's elegant, as well as cute! You are definitely the hostess with the mostess, Christine. :-) Your friends and family can count themselves lucky to have you. Sorry I haven't been around lately- I've had vertigo for a week and am walking around in a daze, not to mention sleeping all the time. Guess that knock on the head a few years back is still coming back to haunt me! ( ha ha I just made a funny reference to all you spooks.... ) Sue

  32. What a wonderful week it must have been...lucky ladies to have you host them.
    Love your Spook table...elegant but fun.

  33. Oh I know that your friends were so happy to be together....and what a fun table you've set with such great memories. This is fun for us as well.

  34. What a unique table, so full of meaning for your friends.
    Sounds like you had a great time!
    That's a lot of sheets and towels to wash!
    You and John are wonderful hosts! As much as I like my friends, I couldn't take them for a week! DH would have to move out and I don't think I could turn over my kitchen to anyone. I don't have room for 9, I only have 4 bedrooms.
    Amazing you!

  35. what a wonderful reunion with your best friends! Wish you a great time when your family visits next week. Enjoy.

  36. Wow, what a gorgeous table you have created for you and your friends to enjoy. I bet you all had a fabulous week together. Your table is just perfect and so elegant.

  37. Hello!! Oh gosh, you always have the most lovely and creative table settings!!! I love it!!! I also love the fact that your dishes are familiar to me because I'm also filipino. :) You are such a wonderful hostess - it must be so much fun to be a guest in your beautiful home! Thanks again for sharing!!!


  38. Christine,
    Love your spooks is beautiful and elegant! Every detail is so pretty and best of all you shared it with your friends! Reunions are the best and reconnecting with those from years ago! Love the Papaya chicken dish...reminds me of living in the PI when I was younger. Miss that lumpia and pancit!
    Miss Bloomers

  39. Hi Christine, I am your newest follower. LOVE the tablescape! Those spook plates are totally adorable! Aren't friends wonderful? So glad you all had a great time together. Hope you will visit me on my blog.
    Can't wait to catch up on your old posts. Have a great week!

  40. Hello Christine! I hope the memories of the laughter you shared is still ringing in your home - you're such a wonderful hostess to put together this special tablescape for your friends! Very, very creative!
    Delightsome post! I appreciate you sharing with Home and Garden Thursday,


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