
Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Pewter Tea Set

I did not have time to really prepare for a tea party cause we had guests these past few days and they just left yesterday. I have been busy doing laundry and cleaning up.
I thought I would just share one of my favorite tea sets, a vintage pewter set that is made in Holland. I love that it has a warmer.
I found this on Ebay a long, long time ago.

And I really like the tray too, love the piercing and ornate style.
Thanks for stopping by. I am linking with
Kathy's A Return To Loveliness
Sandi's Teatime Tues
Martha and Terri's Teacup Tues
Tuesday Cuppa tea
Miss Spencer's Teacup Thursday
Marty's Tabletop Tuesday at
Thank you so much for hosting, lovely ladies!
I know I did not post any cups but I'll make it up to you next time.


  1. Hi Christine,
    You are such a gracious hostess which is why you always have company. It's a lovely gift to have!
    Your pewter set is wonderful. I too like the tray and those birds too. Thank you for coming to tea have and have a beautiful day.


  2. I'm sure although you had a great time, it's also good when we finally put our house in order and back to been the "Lady of the Castle" I love your pewter set Chris, the pretty pieces look like they are peared shaped, don't they? I have a small set somewhere in storage and one handle was broke, so maybe I'll dig it out and fix it. Have a nice and relaxed week now.

  3. Neat tea set Christine. I love the tray and the detail work!

  4. What a beautiful set Christine!! I love the little birds too!

  5. Oh Christine, your set is beautiful. I love it. Thanks for joining TTT. Hugs, Marty


  6. Thats a beautiful set Christine. I love pewter and as yet have only found a few small pieces. It is so simple, yet elegant.

  7. The pewter set is lovely! An elegant touch to any tea table, and the birds are darling. Hope your visit with friends was a wonderful time! Thanks for linking to Tuesday Cuppa Tea!

  8. Hello Christine~ Oh, wow! I LOVE your elegant pewter set. What a beauty. I love to decorate with American Colonial pieces and this is just the type of set to place on a cherry tea table. Thx for sharing :)

  9. What a beautiful teaset, Christine! I've never seen anything like it.

  10. You always have so many beautiful tea sets and this is one of them. I love the pretty pear shape of the pots. I also have a pewter set but have not used it in a long time. It is funny while I am writing this the dryer is running with a load of towels. The necessary chores always get the way of the love of tea parties and tablescapes!

    Thanks, Pam

  11. Love your tea set! You are always entertaining, Christine. I admire your energy........Sarah

  12. Your Dutch tea set is truly a find! Just the shape alone is amazing. I love the rounded ness, almost pear shape!
    Take some time to relax just for you Christine. I know how much you give to everyone.

  13. Your pewter tea set is stunning! It will go so well with any patterned china.


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