
Thursday, March 21, 2013

Yard, Deck, Garden, Spring of 2013

I am leaving for Florida in a few days and although I really enjoy being there, I miss our garden and yard when I am away. So, I thought I would take pictures so I can always go back to my blog and look at them when I start getting yard sick.  This is the view from the house that I see as soon as I get up. This is taken from the home office but we see the same view from our bedroom, which is adjoining to the right. You can't get to the bedroom without passing through the office, so you can't go to the other parts of the house from the master BR without passing through here either.

See our  antique wedding Qing Dynasty chairs by the window? I moved them here from the family room sometime ago.

 I like to go out to the deck from the kitchen bathroom and this is what I see as I step out.
 and to the right.....the blood orange is full of blooms

 The Carolina jessamines have climbed up on the gas pipe, which I don't mind cause it conceals the ugly pipe, an eye sore but we need it to heat the pool.

 The azaleas are just so pretty at this time of the year. The peach trees are also blooming. Do you see them behind the azaleas?
 Here is another entry into the secret garden. I think I want to put a small iron gate just behind the tree trunk going across to the retaining wall, when I find a nice ornate one.
 View of the secret garden from the gazebo. I like to drink coffee here in the morning enjoying the sight, the birds chirping, the chipmunks and squirrels running around and the skinks crawling.
 The ajugas are busting with purple flowers.
 Sorry for the pillow on the ground that the wind blew. We had a thunderstorm the other night. I did not notice it until I loaded the pictures.
 I love the smell of lavender, love the way they look and really like the color of the leaves. I have no success growing them on the ground so I am trying to grow them in pots now and they seem to be doing well.

  See the peach trees behind the gazebo? Love the pink blooms!

 So colorful in the secret garden.
 Pretty soon, I can lounge in the pool.
My favorite..... calamundins. The fruits never get a chance to get bigger cause I pick them to season my noodles (pancit).
 We have the yellow pollens everywhere. Even my vehicle is yellow now. Yuck!

 The kumquats bear fruits all year long.

Hanging planters on the back porch. The gerber daisy came back showing off its first bloom.

By the time I get back, I think the pool will be warmer and I can start using it with the help of the pool heater. I cannot swim unless water is at least 82 degrees warm.
 The vegetable garden is prepped but the only thing I planted are lettuce and herbs such as cilantro (we eat a lot of them), parsley and thyme. I will wait until I come back to start planting more, that way I can water and take care of them regularly.
 I even have the stakes ready for my "patola" (sponge gourd) all ready. My bay leaf tree (right picture of the mosaic below) is really taking off. It kinda stayed small for the first 2 years but look how much it is growing now.

Thanks for stopping by. I hope you enjoyed what I have done to the garden. It has been a lot of work but I am really enjoying it now, especially with the beautiful spring flowers.
Linking with
Kathy's Home and Garden Thursday
Katherine's Favorite Things Thursday
Sarah's Homemaking Weekend Link Up party at
Tootsie's Fertilizer Friday

Festive Friday Fiesta
Kathryn's Anything Blue Friday

Pink Saturday

Scenic Sunday
Kathryn's Make it Pretty Monday
Sally's Blue Monday
Jean's Bloomin' Tuesday
Outdoor Wed
Watery Wed

Seasonal Sunday


  1. Christine, your house is beautiful, your garden is enchanted with the lovely flowers and specially the color of the lavender..screaming spring!! It looks like you mostly have great weather in your neck of the woods. Beautiful view too.

  2. Your gardens are looking beautiful as always, Christine! I know you just did a big clean up and it looks so fresh and ready to burst! I know you enjoy your time outdoors, thank goodness you have all that gorgeous weather!


  3. I miss having a pool We have no need in Michigan though, it's cold too long of the year. *sigh* :)

    Your pictures are great!

  4. I can see why you might get "yardsick," Christine! Gorgeous photos! I really miss the lovely azaleas we had in north Florida and south Louisiana. They just won't grow in my part of Texas. Have fun in Florida!

  5. I think that if I had a view like that, I would be SO HAPPY to wake up in the morning and open my eyes!!!! I didn't know you grow peaches in your yard, too. That's wonderful! Nothing like a freshly picked peach! Have a good time in Florida, and please be very careful!

  6. Christine, your yard looks beautiful! I just bought three lavender plants and put them in the ground. I hope I have better luck with them there then you did. They're a different variety called Love Lavender that I've never seen before. Johnny and I made it up to Natchez but it was a rushed trip and I didn't have time to call. If you make it down to Baton Rouge anytime soon, let me know. Would love to meet you for coffee or lunch! Enjoy Florida!

  7. Christine, your yard looks so pretty. I can't believe the water in your pool is so pretty. Mine is still green! YUK! I just haven't had a chance to get out there and do anything with it yet. Your secret garden is such an enchanting spot. Have a wonderful trip to Florida. laurie

  8. Wow - You have a lot blooming and coming to life in your gardens. Having to wait to plant annuals here for a while longer. It is 39 as I type this - flurries/light snow during night changing to cold rain by morning. I wanted to finish getting courtyard cleaned up this next weekend, but it is not going to happen. Enjoy your stay in FL.

  9. I can't get over all the blooms you have already..your pool is looking delightful.

  10. Oh, dear Christine...I forget from spring to spring what a Garden of Eden you have. It is already looking just beautiful. Your pool is amazing...all the plants look wonderful.
    hugs, bj

  11. I wish I was seeing spring here...your blooms are sure pretty girl.
    Thanks for linking into Fertilizer Friday this week an sharing your gardens!

  12. Beautiful, Christine. Your azaleas are full and gorgeous. Have a great time in FL..........Sarah

  13. Absolutelt gorgeous gardens!!

  14. I love that pool and I would miss my yard too if it looked like that! We have that same little ant teeter-totter thing in our yard!

    Have fun in Florida...we are heading down in a few weeks.

  15. Christine, thanks for showing more of your beautiful gardens. It looks like a tropical paradise! So many colors and lovely shrubs. I’m sure you will be anxious to get back home to this and start enjoying your pool. Have a great weekend.

    The French Hutch

  16. Spring is alive and beautiful in your garden. I love that you have a secret garden too. Thank you for sharing your lovely blog at the hop. I hop your weekend is as sweet as you are xo

  17. Oh the flowers! I never get tired of flowers! So pretty.

  18. Christine, How does your garden grow? Oh so lovely! I loved so much seeing each plant the lavender is beautiful as you I growing mine in pots this year. I love where you put your chairs. You changed your home around again. So happy I been there and can visual everything when you change it. Makes such a difference, everyone should get to meet. Will you be back for Fall Pilgrimage? Want to see if we Magnolia Southern Belles can come to your home then. I might get D and I to host one here before then. I have forgotten your schedule. Love the jasmine on the pipe. One wonderful view out your windows.

  19. Wow, such pretty color! We're still stuck with white snow. I can't wait for the color to return here, too! :)

  20. You have a beautiful garden, Christine! What a great view, too! I hope you are not away from it too long. : )

  21. Gorgeous Xinex...Have fun in Florida xoxo

  22. Christine,
    Your yard looks fantastic and such pretty blooms.

    We still have snow and are getting more on Monday!!

    I also love your Bunny Table in the previous post!! So darn cute!!

    Thanks so much for stopping by!!


  23. xinex can you please recommend where you get your comment boxes...i would like to add some to my blog but want to use one that is safe...thanks ...Sabri~

  24. Your home and your garden are beautiful! We are having the same pollen issues here right now. Most of it is coming from the pine trees and the acacias. When it rains yellow water runs in the gutters. But the blossoms all over town are worth it. Love your peach blossoms!
    Have a lovely weekend,

  25. What a lovely property! Thanks for stopping by the other day. Best wishes.

  26. What a gorgeous view to wake up to! No wonder you miss it when you travel.

    Did I spot some GIANT BLUE ANTS?

    Your pool is blue-tiful!

    Happy Blue Monday, Christine.

  27. Do you take reservations? What a beautiful place, garden and pool you have. :)

  28. Oh, I can see why you'd miss your garden, Christine. Looks gorgeous this early spring. I hope you have a marvelous time in Florida, I appreciate you sharing withHome andGarden Thursday,


  29. It's wonderful to see your garden with colorful blooms have a beautiful home to relax.pretty post....Happy Easter...:):)

  30. This comment has been removed by the author.

  31. Your garden is lovely.

    Great to have you be a part of SEASONAL SUNDAYS!

    - The Tablescaper

  32. You do have a green thumb! Landscaping this big garden and planting those plants are quite hard; it needs a lot of hard work and patience. Your effort definitely paid off and now you’re enjoying it. Have you thought of installing a small pond in your garden? I think that is a great addition there. What do you think? ->Shona Martinez


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