
Saturday, November 30, 2013

Downsized Tree and Angels

I finished decorating my tree in the living room. It took just a few minutes because it is so much smaller than what I usually put in this room. I decided to downsize this year because I will be splitting my time between here and our Florida home.
Below are pictures from last year.
ChristmasTablescapes from last year
And below is now!
What a big difference from past Christmases.

 I raised it on a wooden trunk and then placed it in a crock. Guess what I used to weight it down, my husband's weights, lol. And then I covered them with brown packing material that I save when I get packages in the mail.
 I filled various vases with holly berries from the garden.
A Sevres bowl with various mercury silver balls and ceramic eggs.


 I used mostly silver, white, clear blue balls and snowflakes. Then I added the 2 balls that I brought back from our trip in Germany. I thought they were Marie Antoinette and King Louis XVI  but they don't look like them. Does anybody know who they are?

I want to add this info that I just received from Susanne, who said,  "I am a silent reader of your blog and writing to you from Germany. The portraits on the Christmas spheres represent Marie-Gabrielle Capet and Charles Le Brun".
Thank you so much for the info, Susanne!
I googled them and looks like they are both painters from the 1700's.

I am not done wrapping presents yet.
 I kept the mantel pretty simple too. Just gathered a few cherubs and it's done.

The console in the foyer is also kept simple. I placed the Nativity that I found in a thrift store for $10 while donating some clothes last week, hang a little wreath that I made using holly berries from the yard.

That is all for now. I will work on my small kitchen counter tree next. I hope you are enjoying shopping this black weekend. I did mine on line. Seasons greetings everyone! Thanks for your visits and to all the hostesses.

Pink Saturday

Seasonal Sunday
Kathryn's Make it Pretty Monday
Cindy's Amaze me Monday
Susan's Metamorphosis Monday
Sally's Blue Monday
Mosaic Monday
Mary's Masterpieces Monday
My Happy List Tuesdays
Maria Elena's Tuesdays at Our Home
Marty at Inspire Me Tuesday
Tuesday's Treasures 
Paula's What's It Wed
Kathy's Home and Garden Thursday
Kathryn's Anything Blue Friday


  1. It all looks so beautiful. As I was putting up my trees this year I realized I just have too much and when we retire I will not be able to put everything out. I will downsize but it's hard because I love all of it so much.

  2. Last year and this year your Florida home looks very festive. I like your two large lampposts, did you buy them to remind you of Narnia, in The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe?

  3. You may have downsized, but everything looks great. I really like the vase with the holly in it.

  4. You may have downsized Christine...but everything looks beautiful!! So many pretty things!

  5. Hi lovely lady.
    Your room for Christmas is Gorgeous as always. Thanks so much for your sweet comments on my past Tablescape for Christmas. I hope you have a wonderful weekend.

  6. Your home looks lovely. Love the colors on that little tree and magnificent ornaments.

    Wonderful to have you be at Christmases Past at Seasonal Sundays.

    - Alma, The Tablescaper

  7. So pretty, my friend...sometimes when it's more simple, you can notice everything a bit better. But you MUST show everything off year by year, your collection is extraordinary!

    Actually, I thought the lady in the bulb looked quite like Barbara Stanwick! lol!

    What do you mean you are almost finished Christmas shopping???


  8. Dear Christine, I am a silent reader of your blog and writing to you from Germany. The portraits on the Christmas spheres represent Marie-Gabrielle Capet and Charles Le Brun. Your table decorations are so beautiful and inspiring and I look forward to each new post from you. I wish you and your family a magical Christmas Wedding and "Fröhliche Weihnachten" Susanne PS. Sorry for my bad english.

  9. Dear Susanne,

    I hope you can read this. Thanks for your email. I don't know how else I can communicate with you cause replying to your email did not show an email address and I do not see your blog if you have any. Your English is just perfect. Thank you so much for the info. I enjoyed my trip to Germany so much and I will be posting my travels, one city at a time, every Thursday night. I hope you get to see them. It is so beautiful in your country, just like a fairy tale and I found Germans to be really nice and very organized and neat. Please correct me if I make an error. It's hard to remember everything that the tour guides say especially when one is busy taking pictures.

    Thank you so much for following my blog. I hope you and your family enjoy this Christmas season too.


  10. You have so many exquisite decorations!

    Big Texas Hugs,
    Susan and Bentley

  11. Christine, your home is beautiful. You really have some amazing treasures! I loved your decs from last year, but this year's are pretty too. Your downsized tree looks lovely, and so does your thrift-store nativity! I think you're wise to cut back on your decorating since you'll be away part of the season.

    I hope you have a great day!


    Denise at Forest Manor

  12. Beautiful before and after dear Chris, I would expect no less from you! Lovely vase with the holly and adorable angels. Your White tree is lovely and perfect too. I have a new small kitchen tour too...down sized as well.

  13. Still lovely Christine! Would love to try a white tree someday. I too am going a little less this year since we'll be out of the country for Christmas, so i know what it's like to not get the house all decked out! hahaha! Love it dear! So elegant and classy!

  14. Enjoyed seeing your pretty and festive holiday decor.
    I have not done any decorating yet for this year.
    Have a great week.

  15. Oh I need to downsize my Christmas trees too, but I don't have a good excuse like you - spending time at my second home in Florida! Lucky girl. Your little tree looks pretty, and the white with silver and blue balls brightens the corner of the room. laurie

  16. Dropping back by to wish you a Happy Blue Monday, Christine!



  17. Sometimes it's nice to downsize a holiday just for a change. Your tree looks very pretty, Christine. I love the Nativity set you bought!

  18. Blue ornaments on a white tree . . . how stunning!

    Have a good Blue Monday, Christine.

  19. Hello Christine, your home looks so pretty and festive! Beautiful tree! Lovely decorations. Enjoy your new week!

  20. The tree looks beautiful. Great idea to raise it up higher! Your room looks so pretty! I feel so dumb because I didn't realize you had two homes!

  21. Your home is tastefully decorated Christine. I like the small tree, it's about the size of the only one we have and for two people, that's perfect. The past tablescapes speak of much entertaining!

  22. Christine,
    Everything looks beautiful, I love the color combination on the tree and the way you have it sitting one the wooden box. Of course I will have to tell you, your decorating is always beautiful.

  23. I am just amazed you have everything done so beautiufully. How nice you have made a friend in Germany. I look forward to your posts about your trip.

    Enjoy the season. Your home is lovely.

  24. What a beautiful room. I like the one this year. although you have some of the mist lovely Christmas items, your room is lovely on it's own. I do LOVE the light post the best!! Hugs, Beverly

  25. Christine, wow! Love it all....especially your white tree....and you lucky girl splitting your time between 2 places, that means you get 2 tree's. LOL

  26. Wow Christine, everything is so beautiful and I love your tree. Thanks tons for linking to Inspire Me. Hugs, Marty

  27. Hi Christine
    Wow, wow, wow - you are amazing! You know what, if we are out of town for Christmas we don't decorate. Are you decorating two homes? Has your husband missed his weights yet? Can you pop over and decorate my house, I'll pick you up at the Airport!
    Happy Blue Monday week
    Wren x


  28. Such amazing collection.Wonderful to see all the beautiful things.Pleasure going through your post.Have a nice week....Love sujatha..:):)

  29. I love your entry! Snowflakes..Snowflakes :)

  30. Downsizing is such a challenge. Every year I say I will and I don't. Love, love, love that white tree!

  31. O, I love your white tree...I am going to get one for our dining...
    I hope your Christmas is Merry and Bright.
    love, bj

  32. I am utterly in love with that room, decorations aside. The wood! The beveling! The green! It's like something out of a Regency manor. And it looks brilliant with all that light and Christmas decor!

  33. I love our downsized tree. It's so elegant! I'm also decorating a tabletop tree this large tree here! We're bringing in more greenery through poinsettias and other Christmas flowers, like paperwhites and amaryllis. The smaller tree allows more room to enjoy activities! Our house isn't that large.

    Thanks for linking-up, Sweetie! You've made my week!


  34. I am in love with all these decorations!! It looks so charming!

    If you love New York, you can't miss my latest video post! Stop by my blog if you which! ;)

    New Video Post: NYC Holiday Window Tour


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