
Sunday, November 2, 2014

Thanksgiving Tablescape For Cape Coral Home

Before I share my table, I want to say that I have so much to be thankful for but the very first on the list is my granddaughter Rea, who is home doing very well after her auto bone marrow (stem cell) transplant and I thank the Lord for her "Complete Response" after 5 whole cycles of chemo plus the last strongest one right before the stem cell transplant. She is now enjoying playing with her sisters. She still has more treatments coming but they are now more preventable procedures. Thank you to everyone who have been praying for her.
We will not be here for Thanksgiving but I set the table because my brother and his wife and some of her relatives are stopping by and staying here for a day or 2 before they proceed to Miami for a cruise and it just happens to be on Thanksgiving weekend.
I got to use the turkey plates I bought from Pottery Barn a few years ago when they went on clearance sale.
I have always admired these white wooden plate chargers whenever I saw them on others' tablescapes and I finally bought them when they went on sale at Pier 1. I have a hard time buying anything at full price.
Green stemmed glass goblets from the dollar store and the crystal wine glasses are from Homegoods.

Napkin rings from a consignment shop in Cape Coral. I brought the napkins from our Natchez home and the flatware set. I have to remind myself to bring more flatware sets from Natchez.

The table cloth was a gift when I bought something from an antique shop in NY. I just left it stashed away for years because it is a little short for our table in Natchez but it is perfect here.
Rooster and house S and P shakers. I think they are Fitz and Floyd.

I like the piercing of the tablecloth.

I took the next 2 pictures just before I left.

A little accident on the buffet table happened while I was taking pictures. The taper candles were closer to the lamp shades and when I looked, I saw a big hole on each shade. The fire was not touching them but the heat melted a part of each of them. I had to turn the shades around, at least until I have the time to shop and replace them. Yikes!
Thanks for stopping by, I appreciate all the hostesses of the parties I am attending.
Christine's Table It
Kathryn's Make it Pretty Monday
Cindy's Amaze me Monday
Masterpieces Monday
Boogieboard Cottage
Inspire Me Tuesday
A Stroll Thru Life
Maria Elena's Tuesdays at Our Home
Centerpiece Wed
What's It Wednesdays
Home Sweet Home
Kathy's Home and Garden Thursday
Tablescape Thursday


  1. Oh I'm so glad to know she's back home and doing well. That is a major victory!
    Your table looks wonderful- love the turkey plates. I have some of those white chargers and they're one of my absolute favorites! You'll love using them over and over. Thanksgiving Day will be here before we know it!!
    Take care, Liz

  2. Thank goodness the candles didn't set fire to the lamp shades!
    This is probably my favorite of all the tables you have done...gorgeous. I love everything about it, tablecloth, white chargers, turkey plates and green stemmed goblets.
    Thanks for sharing, Christine.

  3. Oh my Christine; you and all your dear family have so much to thank the Lord and that is little Rhea's fine recovery and that she is well and by this time next year it will be a painful memory when you all see her in perfect health.
    Your table is so delicate and pristine white, I truly adore it! So elegant with the gorgeous tablecloth and white turkey dishes. I too have to get discounts even if what I want is not on sale and always get my way, lol... Now, I didn't get if you had Tksgiving already, or your gonna have it when your family get to Flo.?

  4. I am so happy to hear that little Rea is doing well, Christine. Prayers will continue for her.
    Your table, as always, looks so beautiful. Those PB plates are so pretty as are the chargers.

  5. I love reading good news like yours, that Rea is recovering and doing very well ! God is so good.

    I think this is one of my favorite table-settings Christine. I love the turkey plates , the chargers, everything !

    Oh my goodness, I am so glad you discovered the melted lamp shades before you had a fire.

    Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family, and what a day of giving thanks it will be ,Rea is better !

  6. Christine,
    Oh, dear one. . .that tablecloth is exquisite!!!
    While I adore every element of this tablescape. . .chargers, turkey plates, stemware and flatware. . .the tablecloth is what keeps my focus!!!
    So~o~o glad your lampshades are only damaged and not a fire within this lovely home. Do be careful in the future. . .and here's hoping you find replacement shades on $ale! (wink)

  7. Christine, so very happy for your precious grand, Rhea! God bless her. Your tablescape is very pretty; love the tablecloth and all the creamy white ware.

    Happy November,


  8. Oh, my goodness, how scary! I am glad your granddaughter's transplant went well! God Bless! On to your beautiful setting--I love the gorgeous and elegant whites! So very pretty!

  9. A lovely table! I am so glad to hear your granddaughter is doing well...that is indeed the real blessing! Love the turkey plates!

  10. This is so pretty, Christine. That cutwork tablecloth is gorgeous, and I love the turkey plates. I'm so glad about Rhea. She is definitely a fighter. laurie


  11. Fantastic news Christine. So happy about Rea. She will come out of the all the health problem. God is great and my prayers are for her. Lovely table as ever. Love the white plates. Have a beautiful day. Love and hugs sujatha:)

  12. The turkey plates are so pretty & elegant! Love them!

  13. Oh, how lovely! I adore those turkey dishes and the napkin rings. So beautiful!

  14. Having just gotten back to Houston from Maine I haven't gotten into thanksgiving tablescape's yet, but I'm sure enjoying seeing all that the rest of you have done. BTW, I grew up close by in Fort Myers.

  15. Beautiful those turkey plates. This is very festive and elegant!

  16. I am so happy to hear that she is doing good, that is such good news! and I am glad the shade didn't catch fire....I have done that too unfortunately. lol

    Beautiful table, I am loving those turkey plates!

  17. Blessings Christine, you have much to be thankful for! I am drooling over your turkey plates and pretty white table~

  18. Love those plates and that setting dear! Your table is not as big as in your original home but still pretty !


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