
Thursday, March 26, 2009

An Award and A Treat for the Surgical Team!

Before I show you my Foodie Friday contribution, I would like to acknowledge an award I received from Susan at It's only been 2 months since I started blogging but with all the friends that I have met at Blogland, it seems like forever. One of them is Susan whose wonderful comments I always look forward to. I can tell that Susan is very friendly and kind hearted. Thanks Susan, for the great honor of passing this award on to me. I truly appreciate it!

The Friends Award comes with this message attached:
"These blogs are exceedingly charming. These kind of bloggers aim to find and to be friends. They are not interested in self-aggrandizement. Our hope is that when the ribbons of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated."
And so to propagate more friendships, I'd like to pass this award on to some of my friends:

These girls are all my dearest friends and they are all warm hearted and you should visit them when you can. Get to know them if you don't yet.. I have a lot of dearest friends but I will limit it to 6 at this time.

And now for the main event! Gollum at is so gracious to host another potluck. Be sure to come and join us and check out all the scrumptious food for Foodie Friday!

Hubby approached me last Saturday and told me that he has been working the hospital surgical crew so hard these past weeks and he wants to do something for them, bring them lunch on Monday. I asked him if he is going to order a take out food (I wish!...LOL) but he said that it is going around the hospital how good of a cook his wife is (must be his way of convincing me to do the cooking :-)) so he would like me to prepare something for 15 people and bring it to the hospital.

I got busy and started cooking on Sunday evening. Do you like my messy kitchen? LOL! DH must really be getting into my blogging because he grabbed the camera and started taking pictures of me working. I kept begging him to stop cause I was in my pj's and I looked so gross, but he kept shooting away. Good thing the pictures can easily be deleted but I'll share one with you.
I made seafood paella.
and fried some eggrolls that I have previously frozen.
I also baked some macaroons for their dessert. The white stuff there are store bought steamed buns from the Asian market. I brought the food to O.R. at 11 Monday morning. Monday early afternoon, dh called me and said everything was a big hit. Whew! I am glad that is all over. But now, he wants to do it every month. Oh no! I told him maybe every three months. I will have to negotiate that. LOL!

Now, it's time to visit the other participants and check out all the other delicious food. Thanks, Gollum for another successful and fun foodie event!


  1. Sounds and looks delicious. So nice of you to cook for them. The surgical team does work hard.

  2. Oh boy does that food ever look good!!!!!!!!!!! You are such a great wife to do that for hubby's staff! What kind of surgeon is he?

    Justine :o )

  3. Christine, what a sweet thing to do, and it looks so good! Yum!

    And there is no way on earth you could ever look gross. You're as pretty as a picture.

    Wish I could have been part of that surgical team and enjoyed that wonderful meal!

    Congrats on your award. You certainly deserve it!


    Sheila :-)

  4. Christine, you're about the cutest thing I've ever seen in your PJ's. lol Congratulations on the award, you really are a dear friend to so many of us. Love ya. Now for the food, I know it was a lot of work, but boy would I love to have been there to enjoy it. It just looks and sounds so good. Your DH knows what he's talking about when he says you're a good cook. Hugs, Marty

  5. Oh it looks so good and I love your kitchen!

  6. Oh my, Christine, I love Paella! You are such a great cook! Also, I'll be there for Sightseeing Saturday; I grabbed the button and will be displaying on Saturday and will be on my sidebar!

    Thanks for the award! You are so sweet!

  7. How sweet of you to do this Christine...and don't you just love those DH's and there big mouths ha ha!! It looks YUMMY and your table is just beautiful from TT girl..sorry it took me so lnog to get here be gone all day...hugs and smiles Gl♥ria

  8. I need some of the seafood paella! Send it this way, please? Don't forget the eggrolls! ;D I think you lood great in the kitchen!

  9. That's hard work cooking for 15 people but wasn't that worth it hearing the compliments? :-) YUm!

  10. Your husband's co-workers must love him. That's quite a feast.

  11. Christine! The food looks incredible and so does the tablescape you did below that post! So glad you stopped in at my giveaway! Good luck! hugs from Nancy in Conroe TX!

  12. Christine, You put so much in to all the things you do and seem to enjoy every detail of every project. Your food presentations and Tablescapes make me want to sit at your table and eat everything on my plate. (which would be everything your serving) I don't know how you do it girl. Even wild animals wanna hang at your house! And you gave me an award? Im humbled. Thankyou so much
    Love ya ~Athella

  13. That was so nice of you! Everything looked delicious!

    ~Really Rainey~

  14. Christine, How sweet of you to do that....I bet everyone really appreciated it, too. It all looks so delicious and you are a cutie in your PJ's! ~ Robyn

  15. Looks really yummy but a lot of work. That was really nice of you to cook all that for him and work. At least he likes your cooking! It's a compliment!

  16. Christine, I would vote for every month, too! LOL

    I am so wanting to taste your paella! I love that you used mussells and shrimp. Yum! Are the Asian buns the siopao? Man, you're making me hungry for some "home cookin'!" :-)

  17. Hi Christine,wow cooking for 15 and taking it to the hospitol,that was alot of work I bet.I've never seen buns like that before,it all looked as good as it probably tasted.One more thing, you looked as cute as can be in your pjs.
    ((hugs))) Cyndi

  18. Hi Christine...What a sweetheart you are to cook & cater for your DH's team...I'll bet they love him for thinking up this idea! I just now saw the beautiful photos of your tranquil. Have a happy weekend, ;-) Bo

  19. Looks delicious. I'm sure everyone enjoyed not only the good food, but the love and care that went into it.


  20. Christine sweetie, you are amazing! Yes, you look adorable in your pjs and you and John are such a dynamic couple, God has blessed you both. This looks so good, what a lucky staff, you get more done in a day than I do in a month and I feel so honored to be your dear friend. Thank-you for the friendship award.. You mean the world to me. Love, Cindy

  21. Christine! Seafood paella is my favorite...I wish I could stop by and taste yours...I'm sure it's yummmy! Congrats on your well deserved awards!

    Bon week-end!

  22. Mornin' Girlfriend...

    Girl, that's what you get for cooking so good! Hehe!!! Now you'll have to cook for John's staff each month or every 3 mos...we'll see how the negotiating goes! Hehe!!! It looked're a great cook, my friend! I cook but only to survive! It's not my favorite thing to do! Although I did make a pretty good homemade chicken soup yesterday to tie us over through the big blizzard...hehe!

    Just wanted to thank you for sending me the link for those pretty aqua colored dishes! I checked the place out and they really have some pretty things! I saved them to my favorites! Thanks Sweetie! You're always so thoughtful!

    Have a fabulous Friday!
    Love ya,

  23. Ooops...just me again! Forgive my manners...I wanted to say thank you for thinking of me when giving that beautiful "Friends" blog award! It means so much to me, my friend...your friendship has been such a blessing and a real joy! Thank you, honey!!!

    Love ya,

  24. Christine, the food looks divine! I love your kitchen, too! It looks like it has a great work triangle. I know the surgical staff appreciated your efforts!

  25. I konw they were so thrilled Christine!
    You were so thoughtful and kind to do this for them.
    It all looks amazing!

    Don't worry you look really pretty and sooo young.
    PJ's are the best aren't they?

    Congrats on your award! Very nice bloggers you passed it on to.
    Don't forget the award I gave you today if you would like to post it you can.

    Have a blessed weekend.
    ~Melissa :)

  26. That paella is so pretty! How sweet of you to do this.

  27. What a feast! I know everyone just loved it. You are so thoughtful. :D Jewel

  28. WOW! I will bet that was a hit!

    And those girls, and you, are very diserving of the award!

    Thanks for stopping in!

    Tales from Bloggeritaville

  29. c/x my mouth is watering... I love that kind of food best! You look so cute in your pj's too. Thanks for the sweet comment you left for me today.

  30. Happy Foodie Friday! Have a great weekend ~ Susan

  31. Christine, use my main blog address. I will post at exactly 12:01AM Texas time. But it's ready!

    See you tomorrow!

  32. You are such a good wife, that was so sweet of you. I can see why it was a hit, everything looks so yummy!

    Have a wonderful weekend.

  33. Oh, I bet they were happy! Home made meal..
    The cooking isn't too bad, it's the packing up and taking it that is a pain!
    You did a good job!

  34. Christine... that dish looks sooooo delicious... wish I was there to help you guys eat it! yummy.

  35. Dear Christine ... all the food you prepared so beautifully, the deer, the tablescape in anticipation of your holiday, the bunnies ..... all of it so entertaining!

  36. How lovely of you to make such a wonderful luncheon for your husband's colleagues. Terrific!

  37. Christine, thank you so much for the Friends award. You are such a wonderful friend, and I am honored to receive this lovely award from you. I enjoyed the trip to Athens, but for some reason, your "comment" section has dissapeared on that post. Congratulations on so many awards! Let me just say that you look so cute, even in your pj's! I'm sure this food you sent to the surgical team was a big hit! It looks wonderful, and how nice that John thinks so highly of your cooking. laurie

  38. Thanks for sharing these love photo of your travel! So wonderful! Your family is so lovely. I am playing catch up. I love the food,and the pic of you cooking! The pelican is great, as are all the dishes! Love the pewter, I am a big fan of pewter! The lady is so pretty, a lovely find.

  39. This meal looks scrumptious C!! Glad hubby grabbed the camera too! :-) THANK YOU so much for the award!! L~


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