
Wednesday, July 15, 2009

A Freebie and Hawaiian Paradise

Thrifty Thursday is hosted by Leigh of and for this week, I would like to show you a rooster planter I got for free when I bought a Persian rug. I think that qualifies as thrifty, right? Don't forget to visit Leigh and her other participants.
And for Tablescape Thursday, I have set our game table in the family room with a Hawaiian theme. TT is sponsored by Susan of If you want to see some amazing tablescapes, go visit her blog.

I decided to use my American Atelier dishes in "Paradise" pattern. I think Paradise perfectly describes Hawaii, don't you think?
I couldn't decide which placemats to use, the aqua (for water) or silvery gray (for sand) so I asked AJ for her opinion and she said to use them both and I did.
I placed the orchids in a tiki vase for my centerpiece and surrounded them with shells.and then I wrapped the head with a lei.
AJ wanted me to take her picture on her side of the table. Isn't she cute in my pj's? She has been using them, she said she likes them better than hers cause they are loose and soft. And when she put on my pj pants for the first time, she said "Honestly lola, I hope I never fill into these", lol!
fish salt and pepper shakers from Target
I bought the shell placecard holders from Keywest, actually no card needed, I just used a dry erase marker.

"Paradise" by American Atelier, napkins with shell prints, dark brown bamboo flatware, green flowered juice glasses and I also used dark green crystal goblets seen in other pictures above. Shell with fish and starfish napkin rings were from Ebay.
I just brought back the crystal pineapple salt and pepper shakers from Destin last week.
I bought this rope net with shells scattered on it from Big Lots. I knew I would get some use out of it someday.

I hope you enjoyed my table creation. Thank you so much for coming. Now, let's go visit Susan and Leigh.


  1. Christine this tablescape is truly amazing! I'm not sure I've seen more exquisite and detailed dishes. ~Stunning in every way!

    Have a blessed evening my friend.
    ~Melissa :)

  2. Christine, what a cute rooster planter. I love it. You always amaze me with your creativity in your tablescapes. You have such gorgeous things, but you always put them together in such a beautiful and interesting manner. I love all of it. Just perfect, and AJ is so cute. I love seeing her pictures. Hugs, Marty

  3. Christine,
    I made everything big so I could enjoy it more! Boy, is this pretty, the china is outstanding! The details you have added are superb, love it my dear! Hugs, Cindy

  4. Your amazing. The settings always look so beautiful. Give me the paper plates and I'm happy. I do go all out for the holidays!

  5. Christine, I love your dishes and how you combined them. They look so dreamy and you did a great job.
    Such talent!

  6. Christine,

    Like Cindy, I too enlarged everything. So much to see! I really like the Paradise china. It is some of the prettiest china I have ever seen. I'm usually not big on anything except flowers on china, but these birds are lovely. The tiki head is perfect for the theme and I adore the pineaplle S&P shakers, crystal pineapples!! I was wondering where you got the netting. You can come up with some imaginative ideas for that, especially outdoors on your tables.

    It looks like AJ is having fun. She is so funny and her comment about your PJ's...LOL!! She either enjoyed helping with the tablescape or thinks we are nuts!!


  7. Christine, you have to stop making me wish we are neighbors! LOL I love that table and I was actually scoping out those plates on Ebay just last week.

    AJ is so cute and so funny with her comments. LOL

    Hugs, Chandy

  8. Unique idea with the rope tablecloth. Really sets the table off. Plates are beautiful.

  9. Great little Paradise know I could come hula for you guys!
    Maybe out by the pool which looks great.
    Cute AJ and her little comment...too bad it happens to most of us. You know, filling out our PJs.

    Happy TT, Candy

  10. Your new rooseter planter is precious and your table is beautiful!

  11. Hi Christine, your table is beautiful. Everything about it is lovely.....and what a little cutie in the picture.


  12. This is wonderful, Christine!

    I love the rope netting! I could use some, here at the condo. I'll have to be on the lookout.

  13. FUN tablescape... love the rope on the table!

  14. Hi C, your dishes are gorgeous. The tablescape is delightfully colorful and tropical. AJ is a little beauty, hugs, Kathysue

  15. You can't get any more thrifty than free. :) Your table is so pretty.

  16. AJ is so pretty and her comment about the PJs is hysterical!

    Wonderful tablescape!

  17. I love this tablescape! I would be perfect on my tropical deck!


  18. I really love those dishes. Very exotic. Great table!


  19. It looks like a lot of fun, very cozy too. AJ is too funny! She's a girl after my own heart though, I like my pj's comfy too. The pool looks like it's coming along nicely! Have a great day!

  20. That is simply GORGEOUS --- all of it! I love the colors and the exotic elements ... looks like a display one might expect to see in an expensive boutique!

    Bye for now,

  21. Beautiful!!! Thank you for sharing.

  22. I love your tablescape with the tropical theme. It looks so festive! Happy Tablescape Thursday! Amy :)

  23. Christine! Everything is so lovely! AJ is a cutie and she's a comedian too!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  24. Great Tablescape Christina!! My sister and Her DH will be leaving for 3 weeks to Hawaii- Their daughter lives there and so will be staying with her which really makes for a reasonable visit money wise! I am trying to figure out how I can fit into one of their suitcases and sneak over there !!!


  25. This is really a great TT! Very different, very pretty! Love that rope net.

    Cute little AJ!


  26. Christine,
    There is so much to comment on....
    First, your daughter is adorable!!!
    I love the shells & dry erase name markers. Cool!
    I love the head with flowers. So unique. I love the netting.
    You always have to most clever ideas!
    Thanks for linking up to Thrifty Thursday this week, my friend!
    Tales from Bloggeritaville

  27. Ohhhhh! I forgot to comment on the thrifty, silly me!
    I LOVE that rooster! So elegant!And free-wow!

  28. Oh Christine, if I had known you were doing such an elegant Hawaiian tablescape, I certainly wouldn't have posted my Hawaiian t.s.! This is absolutely gorgeous! Yes, I think your Paradise plates are perfect to convey the paradise that is Hawaii, and the net on the table is so clever. AJ looks so pretty, and I am still laughing about what she said about your pj's! So funny! Yes, I would say that "free" is certainly thrifty. Your shopping abilities always amaze me. laurie

  29. Lovely 'scape. I really like those dishes. I've seen them at our Tuesday Morning and have contemplated buying them. I love the way you used the net on the table. Thanks for sharing.


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