
Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Awards: Thank YOU!!

Maria of gave me this award while I was on a Florida trip and somehow I could not download it then, and it's been a while so I almost forgot about it.
A few days ago, I got another award from her and it reminded me of the first one, this time it is an Over the Top award. And it just so happened that it is also the same award Debby (Just Breathe) of gave me so now I can kill 2 birds with one stone. Yeah! Being a multitasker, I love it when I can save some time.

Thanks, Maria and Debby for thinking of me. I truly appreciate receiving these awards.

This post is so long overdue and I apologize. There is always something going on here at home, projects and more projects!

These awards come with certain rules and I have to pass them along to some bloggers but I have such a hard time picking who to pass them to, so please if you are my follower or if I am your follower, just grab them if you please!
The second one includes a survey for me to fill out and I only should only have one (1) word for the answer, so here comes....

1. Where is your cell phone? desk

2. Your hair? long

3. Your mother? forgetful

4. Your father? heaven

5. Your favorite food? shrimp

6. Your dream last night? none

7. Your favorite drink? coke

8. Your dream/goal? cruise

9. What room are you in? office

10. Your hobby? painting

11. Your fear? snakes!

12. Where do you want to be in 6 years? home

13. Where were you last night? theater

14. Something that you aren’t? scubadiver

15. Muffins? blueberry

16. Wish list item? maid

17. Where did you grow up? Philippines

18. Last thing you did? typed

19. What are you wearing? pajamas

20. Your TV? Sony

21. Your pets? none

22. Friends? love

23. Your life? happy

24. Your mood? relaxed

25. Missing someone? yes

26. Vehicle? three

27. Something you’re not wearing? shoes

28. Your favorite store? Ross

29. Your favorite color? aqua

30. When was the last time you laughed? today

31. Last time you cried? forgot

32. Your best friend? hubby

33. One place that I go to over and over? garden

34. One person who emails me regularly? spammers

35. Favorite place to eat? Castle
Thank you so much again, Maria and Debby, for these awards. I am deeply humbled that you thought of me when you had to pass them.
You should visit these 2 kind ladies' blogs for they are the most creative.


  1. Congrats on your awards!! You will need another blog for all of them!!

    Love that survey! It is going around blogland. Thanks for not passing it on to me because I could never use one word for any question!

    Have a good evening, Christine!


  2. Congratulations Christine. You really are awesome and so deserve these awards. Hugs, Marty

  3. Congrats Christine!

    They are both well deserved my friend. You are so sweet. Thanks for passing them on to all of us. I liked your answers too.

    ~Blesssings, ~Melissa :)

  4. Aren't these fun? The hard part is finding folks who will accept them.

  5. Congratulations on your awards Christine! It is always fun to learn a little more about fellow bloggers! Have a terrific day tomorrow!

  6. Congrats to you!!! You deserve it!!

    Hope you have a great day!

    Lou Cinda :)

  7. Thanks for sharing your answers. I like the answer about your dad. When asked about my mother I put decessed, heaven is a much better choice!

  8. Ah!!! I am finally taking a peek at some past posts of yours... and it is almost 1am! So, I will comment here and then have to come back tomorrow!

    Your one word answers were great :o) too funny about your regular emailer: spammers! haha

    so, happy to have passed these awards (blog hugs) to you!

    Blessings & Aloha!


I am so happy you came. Please feel free to leave a comment. I love reading them. Have a good day!!

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