
Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Happy Birthday, Jed!!

I am linking this to Susan's Outdoor Wednesday since most of the pictures are taken outdoors. Please visit Susan at enjoy more outdoor pictures. I would like to wish my son a very happy birthday! It is so hard to believe that it's been 35 years since I had him. Time sure does fly, especially when you are having fun and I am having a lot of fun, for I have a wonderful family.
Jed loves to fish even when he was young. One day, he came home with his cousin, with a little alligator hooked at the end of his fishing rod. He said he was not about to put his fingers in the alli's mouth to take the hook out and did not want to leave his rod, so he dragged it home instead. LOL!
When he went on a honeymoon in Cozumel, he caught a 150 lb. swordfish. Too bad I do not have a picture, but I have a video that I uploaded below.
Good thing his wife likes to go fishing too or she'd get mad at him fishing on their honeymoon and everytime he has a day off from work.
Picture #1: Jed as a newborn. Wasn't he a real cutie?
#2: when he caught an alligator
#3: catching a fish in the Caribbean
#4: With his 2 sisters, my daughters, Rochelle and Tina at Tina's wedding
#5: with Becky, his beloved wife
#6: Yep, that's him and his mom (me!) at his wedding
Happy Birthday, Jed!
I love you very much!

Here is the video showing him catching the giant sword fish.


  1. Happy birthday Jed! Hope you have the best day..we love your Mom, don't have to tell you what a wonderful lady she is. Love to see your pics, good looks sure do run in your family. Cindy

  2. Such lovely pictures and memories Christine. Happy birthday to your son. Have a nice day

  3. Hello Christine. Happy birthday to your son. What a lovely photos.


  4. Happy Birthday Jed!!!
    You are beautiful in the wedding photo, You don't look old enough to have a son that old, you look like his sister.

  5. thanks for sharing your son with us...can tell you are a very proud Mom...anyone that loves to fish must be a good person...

  6. Happy Birthday to Jed!!!! Love all of your wonderful pictures. He is a handsome guy and I know you have such fun with him. Thanks for sharing. Hugs, Marty

  7. Happy Birthday to your beloved son!! Christine you look like his sister in that pic! I can't believe he brought home that little alligator, now that's a creature I won't see in my neck of the woods! Hugs to you, Cindy

  8. What lovely pictures. I hope your son had a wonderful day. Quite a handsome lad. Have a great day.

  9. What sweet pictures. Happy Birthday to Jed... and Christine, you don't look anywhere near old enough to have a grown son!!!

  10. Happy Birthday Jed! Great memories! You certainly do not look old enough to have a son who turned 35 today!

    Thank you for sharing with us.

    ~ Tracy

  11. Hope your son has a wonderful birthday!!

  12. Happy Birthday to your son! It looks like hard work catching such a big fish, but I have to say it, I feel sorry for the fish!

  13. A very Happy Birthday to Jed.
    Great video!

  14. Happy birthday Jed!

    Wow -- That was a big swordfish that you caught!

    Happy Outdoor WEdnesday

  15. Happy Birthday to your precious Jed. He really was a cutie as a newborn. I just love the picture of him with the baby 'gator - that is SUCH a boy thing to do lol. Thanks for sharing your beautiful pictures with us Christine. Kathy

  16. Happy Birthday to Jed! He is so handsome...the pictures were all wonderful. Mosaics are so fun to make aren't they?! You sure don't look like you have a 35 year old son! It looks like good genes run in your family!
    Big Hugs,

  17. WoW Christine. You sure have the most handsome son in the entire world. I heard he is the best fisherman too! He is also super smart and can do pretty much anything. He must be the greatest son in the world. I hope that I have a son as wonderful as he is.

    You are so lucky to have a son like that. you should probably raise his allowance to $1,000 a month.

    Love you,



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