
Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Cotton Field and Snake

It's Wednesday so it's outdoor fun day! Thanks to Susan of for making this possible. Please visit her and her participants to see and enjoy amazing outdoor pictures.
Have you ever seen a cotton plantation? I haven't, until we moved to Mississippi. Last week, on our way home from shopping, we passed by this cotton fields and I took pictures so I can share them with you.

Isn't the sun peeking through the trees so pretty?
Also last week, we had a gardener working in the yard. I saw him walk towards the office where I was blogging to show me this. Eeeek! I hate snakes!

But anyway, don't you think I took a beautiful picture? The snake was small but very aggressive. Sorry to all you snake lovers out there but I had to have him killed because I think he is venomous. See the triangular shape of the head? What do you think he is? My best guess is a rattlesnake.

I hope you enjoyed my outdoor contribution for this week. Thank you all for coming by and thanks Susan, for hosting this event.


  1. Oh my stars Christine, I can't believe you got close enough to that thing to take a picture! I would have been running screaming down the street! Love the shots of the sun, beautiful. Hope you are having a wonderful week. And I love your new header! Kathy

  2. Oh Christine, I have seen cotton fields and I have even picked cotton. Not very much, but when I was a lot younger. Beautiful pictures. I wouldn't be within a mile of that snake if I could help it. Yuk!!!!! Hugs, Marty

  3. Christine! A snake! Yes, you did take a great picture! I can't believe your picture wasn't blurry! :) I would have been shaking!
    My mother used to pick cotton as a girl on her dad's farm in Alabama! I saw lots of cotton when I was little!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  4. YIKES! Christine, I could barely even LOOK at the photo. I certainly would not have been able to take a photo of that thing. My skin is crawling just seeing the picture. (I hope his ghost doesn't come to your house tonight!) I live in cotton country, and have even picked cotton. I'm afraid all of the rain this year may ruin the crop. laurie

  5. I have never seen a cotton field...there are none here that I know about...this was nice to see.
    the snake...EWE!

  6. I'm not squeamish about snakes, but I was thinking that little guy was poisonous too (shape of the head). At any rate, it's a great photo!

  7. EEK! What is it about snakes that makes you love the or hate them. Me, I don't like the yucky things, they're just so darned gross! I've never seen a real cotton plantation either, it's interesting to see where cotton begins. Can you imagine having to pick all that!

  8. I love seeing cotton fields when the cotton is ready for picking. Snakes I can do without.

  9. That certainly is a snake :-). I hope you were using a telephoto lens. Have a great day.

  10. Snakes! EWW! You were brave, very brave to take that shot. ;-)

  11. Those are amazing captures. I'm scared of the snake too.:)

  12. I would be running for the hills !!! That snake is scary ! I hope the gardener took him away !

  13. You're a braver girl than I! But it is a beautiful picture. I love the sun peeking through the trees, but I believe I'd stay inside after seeing that snake!


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