
Sunday, May 23, 2010

Bridge for Gazebo and a Newly Discovered Dish Storage

Today, I am linking with Mary of for Mosaic Monday and Susan of for Met Monday. Do visit these gracious ladies and see some amazing creations
Rory of just invited me so I am linking with her too. Go visit her and check out some neat projects.
I have been so busy this past week but this coming week will be even busier. I am so excited because Janie and Al are coming to visit. Then, my youngest daughter Tina and her 2 babies are coming to visit also.

I am going on high gear trying to finish my work in the garden. But as you probably all know, the work never really gets done. But, I am trying anyway.

Mary of posted a bridge sometime last week that her mom in law wants and she was asking for help in locating one. I immediately searched on Ebay and found one listed. Actually the seller had 4 available and he had a "Make offer" option with free shipping. I immediately commented on Mary's blog and gave her the link. Since the seller had 4 available, I placed a bid on one. It was not accepted but the offer was countered. After 2 more counter offers, we agreed on a price of $285.00. I figured that it was reasonable enough since shipping was free and the thing is heavy, 75 lbs.
After it was delivered, I asked John to ask Mitch, the hospital electrician, who is very handy, and who works for us too whenever we need him, to come install it for us.
As you can see below, we had railroad ties placed there to cross to the gazebo before.

Thank God for Mitch cause John and I would never be able to put it together by ourselves. Do you see where Mitch is standing? That's another future project. I want to put rocks there and maybe have a pond built or create a rock garden, not sure yet. What do you think will look better?

There it is, all done!

I think it is perfect. It even matches the gazebo.

Look at the scroll bordering the top of the gazebo and around the windows. Don't they somewhat match the scrolls of the bridge (bottom pic of the mosaic)?

Another transformation that the gazebo went through recently was the addition of a candelier.

Can you spot the fireflies?

Here is my next redo,
I was folding the laundry last week in the laundry room and I noticed the closet that I use to store brooms and the vacuum cleaner.

I thought the size is perfect to store our plate chargers if I could only add some shelves.

I do not like to store plate chargers in china cabinets because they are big and heavy, so I have been keeping them inside the buffet table and under and on top of the kitchen island.

I thought I could move the brooms and vacuum cleaner to the garage since we have 2 closets there that do not have shelves. So came reliable Mitch again to measure and then we went to the hardware store to buy the wood.

And here it is now, just perfect for my plate chargers. Unfortunately, it did not hold all the chargers that I have so I still have to use the buffet table cabinet and under the kitchen island for additional storage, but I like how organized and accessible this is. And I do not have to keep any on top of the counter anymore, though I still have some in the garage, lol. Do you think I am a dishaholic?
I store candle holders at the bottom.

I will show you more on June 2nd for "Where Do You Keep It All" meme that The Tablescaper will be hosting.
Thank you, Susan and Mary, for hosting these 2 events. I appreciate you all for coming.


  1. Christine,

    My that wonderful bridge fits your gazebo perfectly!! I am so glad you were able to get one!!

    I love the closet redo--I have a similar broom closet which is not much use- what a great idea!!

    bee blessed!

  2. Looks lovely, Christine. Can't wait to see it in person! :)


  3. Christine,

    The bridge is wonderful. Your yard is paradise.

    Great idea for the chargers. I don't have too many - yet!


  4. Good Morning Christine. I am a little jealous over your Gazebo and bridge...I have always wanted place to put it though at my house. It looks so charming.

  5. Christine, Your bridge and gazebo look great! Your yard and home are really, really lovely! I like your new storage area for your chargers, Christine. Mitch is a talented guy! Loved the tour of Pensacola Beach too. My sister lives near Pensacola. It is a lovely area. Have a great week!

  6. Beautiful bridge Christine. I would love to have one down at he creek. I would also like to have a gazebo. Your gardens are gorgeou.

    Great dish storage idea, too.

  7. Christine, I love that little bridge. You got an excellent price on that. I have seen plain wooden ones here that someone built for over $800. There is no way we will pay that either. Love the chandy in the gazebo. It is just getting better and better. I keep telling my husband I want to add shelves like that to a little closet that we don't use. I can certainly use more storage.

  8. The bridge looks as though it was made specifically for your beautiful area. You have a paradise!

    Great idea for your dishes....
    Have a fun week!

  9. I love the cabinet redo for your dishes. BUT.....I want your garden!!! Girl, it is beautiful! Be blessed. Cindy

  10. Hi Christine,

    Love the bridge! Having a pond below it is going to be fantastic! Isn't it fun to have such a wonderful project to look forward to?


  11. Hi Christine. My, you have been busy. I love the bridge. It does match the gazebo perfectly. The chandy makes the gazebo look magical. Enjoy your visitors.

  12. Oh Christine, your bridge is TOTALLY AWESOME!! It looks like its always been there. It matches beautifully & really compliments the whole area. BRAVO!!

    I had to laugh at your hubby in his scrub top & latex gloves. Its the same uniform mine wears when he works around the house. LOL

    I'm jealous of your little storage closet. Now you've got me thinking about where I can tuck some shelves, too. Hmmmmm.....

  13. The bridge looks perfect with the gazebo, and what a nice place to relax. Perfect place for the plates. Enjoy your company.

  14. Hi Christine! Oh, I love your bridge and how perfect it looks!
    Now your shelves turned out awesome. I love how neat your chargers look here!
    Be a sweetie,
    shelia ;)

  15. The bridge turned out great!! I know what you mean about never been finished outside!

  16. Your gazebo accented with your new bridge is idyllic. How can you bear to ever leave it, and go inside? It looks like the best place ever, to spend time in.

  17. Great use of that broom closet, I love that idea. You are so smart.
    LOVE, Love, love that bridge. It is perfect!

  18. You have certainly done so much work in your yard and it has been fun watching the progress over the past year. Now the bridge is wonderful. I like the idea of taking your broom closet and making it into dish storage. It looks like you have filled it up already so now you need to stop buying dishes and just mix and match.

  19. Love the bridge Christine, it's adds so much charm! And your dish storage, perfect! Now girlfriend, if you think you have too many dishes I could always take some off your hands. LOL!
    Hugs, Cindy

  20. The bridge is perfect! How lucky are you? All of the outside area looks so beautiful and lush.

    I thought I was a dishaholic ~ nope, not me anymore. :-) Lovely, lovely chargers and a perfect place to store them!

    Have a blessed week ~

  21. Christine, that bridge is PERFECT!!!! Just beautiful and looks like it was made to go with your gazebo!!! I know you love it! The closet transformation is FABULOUS!!!!! Are they all chargers????? If so I want to know where you find them all!!!! Fantastic! XO, Pinky

  22. I love the gazebo! A perfect place for a Tea Luncheon, or just a cup of Tea! lol The bridge is wonderful too! Yes, add a pond and rocks! With plants! A waterfall would be so peaceful in the pond tricking down, with the lovely sounds! Great idea for your dish cabinet! I have room by my dryer, I need a closet there! Yeah, I love this! Your featured on my blog this week!

  23. So good to see you at my blog again and THANKS for the note,,thsi has been a lot of fun for me and its great getting to know you.. Your pics are fabulous Sweetie and Yes we are proud of Billy and his Blue ribbon,, Last year he didn't do as well he said so he was HAPPY this time around.
    The Gazeebo is Gorgeous all of your yard is.. But I must say,,i am a tad jealous as you have the awesome Eagles right close by ..Those we see are at least 15 plus miles from here.
    When we saw these it was sheer JOY!!! Thanks again and do come back..
    Hugs Dena

  24. Hi Christine. You asked me what I was growing between my pavers. It's just plain old K31 Fescue grass. In my part of the country, we have extreme dry summers, so I was stuck with using that hardy grass. Once my little tree nearby starts giving shade, I'll replace it with something nicer. Thanks for stopping by.

  25. Beautiful! I popped over to check out your tablescape/tea party post but jumped down to this and fell in love. What a wonderful gazebo area. It reminds me of a secret garden. Your charger collection is amazing too! You really did need that cabinet addition didn't you! Great job on everything, it's wonderful!

  26. Christine, your expresso tray is so pretty, and I love the tea pot candle holder. That bridge looks like it was made to go with your gazebo! What an amazing find that was. Oh, I am thinking of getting rid of my broom and vac. in my broom closet now! What a great idea! Now, if I can just find a place to store these other things! laurie

  27. Christine, your gazebo looks so inviting. Love the new bridge. It adds a lot of style to the setting. :-)
    Great idea for the chargers. I recently moved all of our chargers to the bottom shelf of a wardrobe. They are so heavy. ~ Sarah


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