
Friday, August 19, 2011


We moved to MS from Florida more than 4 years ago. John used to work in Sanford on locum tenens in between jobs. Sanford is about a half hour drive from Orlando and about 2 hrs. away from where I lived. I worked full time then but John was on call 24/7 so he could not go anywhere far. Every weekend, AJ and I (and my mom when she was with me), would drive there and spend the weekend with John. The company he worked for put him in a hotel suite which was surrounded by a shopping center. Amongst the stores were Marshalls, TJ Maxx, Ross, Jo Ann Fabrics, Pier One and a World Market. I was in shopping heaven for sure. My trunk would be full everytime we went back home on Sunday. And we always ate chicken at El Pollo Loco everytime we went there. I love their chicken and salsa and I miss it.

This is Sanford's Downtown. It is very quaint. I love the brick sidewalk steps. It's also my pink contribution for Beverly's Pink Saturday. Go over at and see all the other lovely pinks.

The mall was very close to the hotel too and we used to take AJ to get her hair done at the kiddie hair place. Do you like her pink hair piece? LOL! How about the bling on her face? Oh how I miss her being younger. She is growing up too fast.

This is the familiar hotel corridor. We were there every single weekend for 6 months. And do you see the plaza outside the window? That's were the shops are including Toys R Us which John and AJ frequented. They did not want to bring me there because I always tried to stop John from buying too many things for AJ and spoiling her, so the 2 of them always went by themselves. They always dropped me off at Ross, they knew I wouldn't mind that.

Christmas time came and I decorated the room. John's daughters and sister visited and we rented the room across the hall with a jacuzzi. I put up a Christmas tree there too.

We also went to the zoo a lot. John bought a family season pass.

See this big bull frog? He was huge!


A baby alligator

Don't you think AJ is terrified of spiders? LOL! Look at her facial expression!

We even took AJ for weekly guitar lessons there. She has this very cute pink Hello Kitty electric guitar. I had to sit with her during the lessons so I could help her practice. I used to play the guitar when I was younger but I am out of practice now, so I needed the review also.

I know I took more pictures in Sanford but I cannot find them. They might have crashed when my old desktop crashed, but I hope you enjoyed the short tour.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks to Beverly for another fun Pink Saturday!


  1. AJ was so young in these photos. ;-)
    Hope you have a nice weekend.

  2. Hi there! I love Sanford too ... we got there often during the eight years we lived in Orlando. I am so glad you posted this ~ my son and I are considering a winter rental, Sanford may be the perfect place to relax in the sunshine while everyone in Bend enjoys the snow!!!

  3. I like this tour of Sanford. It looks like a pretty town, especially from the photos of the shops in the first photos. That is neat you added the Christmas trees to your hotel rooms.

  4. What was AJ than, Chris, maybe 6? I konw what you mean, my Victoria is 7 already I don't know how to stop this growing and aging with the grands!! Looks like you have such great memmories of Sanford and pics, thank you for sharing and have a terrific trip. I just came from Pink Sat. too. Lots of hugs, FABBY

  5. How sweet to go back in time and bring up the memories to the forefront. AJ was young! Love your photos. What a lovely Christmas tree for a hotel room. Really nice you could visit so often.. thanks so much for sharing! xo marlis

  6. Love this Christine. Your photos and story make me feel as if I was there!

  7. What a great place, Christine, and from reading your post I can tell that you enjoyed these times very much and treasure your memories. I love seeing the pictures of AJ when she was so young!! Great post! Hope you are having a good weekend!


  8. Sanford looks like such a cute town ( with plenty of shopping too). Even with the distance it looks like you made many happy memories there.

  9. That looked like a great place Christine to be surrounded by. You always look like you are having fun. Love the pink guitar. Are you secretly in a rock band we do not know about LOL?

  10. Nice photos!
    Yikes! Snake! I'm scared of snakes.

    Cassy from Acoustic Guitar Lessons

  11. Looks like those were good time.
    I love El Pollo Loco, we have them here!

  12. My husband almost took a job in Sanford many years ago. I have never been, but since we are always exploring areas near Orlando trying to decide where to retire...we may get there one of these days. I put a tree in our hotel room every year for Christmas now that we aren't home. It helps!

  13. I've never been to Sanford,and it looks like the the kind of town I love to visit. I love quaint downtown areas.

    Isn't it nice to walk down memory lane, both with old towns AND with old photos? It just makes you smile.

    Love the picture of you with the pink guitar. Why, I believe you look like a rock star. Ha!

  14. It looks like fun! That frog is huge!!

  15. Well, if you can't be home, make it homey where you are! You sure did! Love your pink guitar! Rock out!


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