Friday, June 26, 2009


It's Saturday and although I am not home, I will share a few pictures that I took while in Belize. Please visit Chandy of also because I know she will have something to share with us too.
Below you will see my granddaughter AJ and her mom (my daughter) Rochelle.

Do you see the huge iguanas on the trees?
We went to a babboon farm. This little one was so cute, just taking bananas from all the adults. But when AJ handed him a banana, he took AJ's hand and ate the banana while holding her hand. That was so sweet and I got it on video. He must recognize the
young and warms up to them.
Can anybody guess what that big pile of something on the tree is? It is a termite hive, but not quite the same bad termites that we sometimes have invading our homes.
Thanks again for coming by. I apologize if I am unable to respond or comment soon. I will try to catch up as soon as I get home.


The Quintessential Magpie said...

Fascinating, Christine! Loved this post!


Sheila :-)

Marty@A Stroll Thru Life said...

You always show the most interesting pictures of the most interesting places. Love it. Hugs, Marty

Tara said...

The monkey is cute, but the iguanas are icky! My neighbor used to have a pet iguana they let roam around the house and it gave me the creeps, YUCK! I've always heard Belize is beautiful, I'd love to see more!

Confessions of a Plate Addict said...

Hi Christine! You go to the most wonderful places! Love the story about AJ and the baboon! So cute! Have a great weekend...hugs...Debbie

KBeau said...

Happy travels, Christine. I love to see all the places you go.

Nancy said...

Love the travels. Have a great time.

LuLo Designs/Blue Eyed Tango said...

Oh Christine, you are such a traveler to the most fun places! The baboon must have sensed a gentle spirit in AJ. Great photos and have a great time! Luanne

Keetha Broyles said...

You show us the coolest places!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Looks like a wonderful trip.

Miss Laura Lu/RMS4291960 said...

Hi Christine! I love going on your trips! How cool is this place!!! God Bless! Lauralu :)

Shaam said...

Wow that is so cool! I'd love to take photos like those!

All the best,

Kat said...

What a great trip. I've heard that Belize is just beautiful. Love the baboon pictures, I think they are so interesting and could just watch them for hours. Love the story of the baby and AJ! The iguanas are interesting too, but don't think I'd want to pet one of them lol. Thanks for the trip! Kathy

Nicole ~ said...

Hey there Christine!! I just love this post, and the story about AJ. I bet that was the sweetest sight! I hope you are having a wonderful summer. Nicole

Chandy said...

Christine sorry about not posting on SS yesterday. I ran out of time from all the stuff I needed to do plus the phone never stopped ringing! Count me in for next Saturday. Sorry again...

Bargain Decorating with Laurie said...

Christine, that termite hive is huge! I didn't know there was another kind of termite. How cute that the chimp held AJ's hand while he ate the ban. I bet she was thrilled. laurie

Unknown said...

Hi Christine,
Sounds like you are having lots of fun...fabulous pictures!

Dixie said...

Love the photos and story... did you know that Belize is Candy's favorite vacation place... she's going to be envious... ;)

SmilingSally said...

I've heard that Belize is a wonderful spot to visit. Thanks for sharing.

Candy said...

Oh my heart jumped when I saw the word B E L I Z E.
One of my favorite trips. Last year, we stayed on the island and had a wonderful adventure.

Enjoy and will catch up when you return.


Anonymous said...

Hi Christine! Oh, you go on so many wonderful expeditions! I've never been to Belize! Don't think I'd like those big ole iguanas or the termites! :)
I know you must have had a great time!
Be a sweetie and thanks for popping in to see me,
Shelia ;0

Mozi Esme said...

Fun! It's been a few years since we were in Belize - what a lovely country. (Though we liked the coast the best!)

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