We have been making national news lately because of the rising of the Mississippi River. Friends and relatives have been calling asking if we are ok. Today, I drove to the Mississippi River to see how high the water has risen and took pictures so I can share them with you. I thought the pictures will explain better because it is a little confusing how one side of the river is flooding and the other side is not. We live in Natchez which is mostly situated on a bluff but the other side of the bridge, Vidalia, LA and the town next to it, Ferriday, are low and are both in danger of flooding. People who live there have been moving their possessions for now.
It will be a different kind of sightseeing today. I am showing you the river.
Today is the last day to sign up for my 500 post giveaway. If you haven't yet, please sign up at http://christineshomeandtraveladventures.blogspot.com/2011/05/500-posts-and-giveaway.html
I am also linking with Beverly's Pink Saturday at http://howsweetthesound.typepad.com/my_weblog/
Laurie's A Few of My Favorite Things at http://bargainhuntingwithlaurie.blogspot.com/
The Tablescaper's http://thetablescaper.blogspot.com/
Susan's Outdoor Wed at http://asoutherndaydreamer.blogspot.com/
and Watery Wed. at http://waterywednesday.blogspot.com/
My pink and favorite contribution is a setting for 12 vintage dinnerware. It is a Bavarian fine china made by Tirschenreuth in Dogwood pattern. As you can see in the pictures, there is a very subtle pink in the center of the flowers. The china is very delicate. I have had them for a while but I have not used them yet. One of these days, I will create a tablescape with them.

Now on to our sightseeing. I was taking the pictures from the Natchez side. I really did not want to go to the Vidalia side for obvious reasons. Can you see all the curious poeple watching the river? That includes me, lol.
The other side, however is not sitting on bluff. You can see Comfort Suites in Vidalia where they've built a levy and filled in front of it with sand. So far, that is the only thing that is keeping the water from entering the hotel. But the worst is not here yet. The river is supposed to crest on the 21st of this month and they are afraid that the levee will not hold up. Right now the water has risen 58.04 ft, which is already a record high, but it should crest at 64 ft. in less than a week. I used to like to stay there when I was house hunting because of the fabulous water view.
This is Promise Hospital, which is on the left side of the bridge in Vidalia. It is already surrounded by water. Everybody has been evacuated from there.
Here is the Natchez side again. See how far we are from the water? However, the casino which is on the water might flood, but right now it is still in operation.
There are a few restaurants almost adjacent to the casino and they are in danger of flooding. They are under the hill. They have a nice view but they are low.
The only thing preventing the flooding of Riverpark Medical building is the levee that they just temporarily built. There are layers of sandbags in front of the levee.
Thought I'd show you a magnolia tree which is blooming right now. It is Mississippi's national flower.
The gazebo by the river on the Natchez side. The MS river is only 5 minutes away from home so it is pretty scary that this is all happening so near.
Please pray so that the water does not cause any damage to the houses of the people in Vidalia and Ferriday and that the people be safe. Thank you so much for stopping by and thank you for for your concerns. Thanks also to our hostesses.
I am so glad that you and your family are fine, Christine! I had no idea Natchez was so high above the Mississippi River! The magnolias are blooming here, too...love their scent! Happy weekend!...hugs...Debbie
Christine, thanks for posting these pictures. I was wondering what things were looking like there. I was thinking about the fact that it is built on that bluff and thought surely the river would not top that bluff. Praying for those that might be affected!
Love the pic of the magnolia tree!
I'm glad to hear you're ok. I didn't realize Vidella was that close to you all. I have family in Monroe and a cousin fairly close to you. I pray all remain safe. Water is such a dangerous thing. We had the flooding up here in 1993 and there are still signs of it. hugs ~lynne~
I am far enough from the river for it to not affect me, but so many have been affected and their lives are in turmoil. My heart goes out to them.
Enjoy your weekend.
Oh dear Christine, I'm so happy you and yours are OK! I didn't imagin it was so bad! Your photos are incredible, you're a great photographer my dear, let me tell you! Thank you for sharing this, I'm going to show my hubby! Your Bavarian china is beautiful and yeah, it has a soft pink in the flowers. Have a nice weekend and take care. I'm at Pink Saturday, too.
Glad yall are going to be ok...our house didn't flood but alot around us have and all the casinos are shut down and flooded...there's so many who are without jobs now too because of it. I have to cross the TN/AR bridge to get to my moms in AR and that water is SO high! There was a bardge going through when we drove over and it looked like we could just reach out and touch it. My moms whole city in AR flooded and thankfully her street survived...they even had to close walmart from flooding...I joked with her saying that walmart closing was a sure sign of the apocalypse lol!
Anyway, our area is finally going down but obviously headed ur way....take care and i can't wait to see a tablescape with those dishes they are so pretty!
Oh dear... the flooding is so sad. I really hate to see the way natural disasters effect people's homes/lives. I know God has a reason though...
The flooding is so scary...prayers to all! I tried to click on the link to your giveaway, it wouldn't work.
So glad your safe, praying for all of the others who aren't.
Wow, your pictures speak volumes Christine! Thanks for sharing them, what a scary situation. Possibly flooding Casinos and restaurants is one thing, evacuating hospitals is quite another! Glad you're safe and dry:@)
Hello Christine - wow, thank you for sharing this perspective - it is amazing what is occurring all along the Mississippi river - so glad you're on higher ground -
praying for those who aren't,
God Bless,
Hi Christine,
As a veteran of flooding, my heart breaks for the people in the path of the mighty Mississippi just now. Nature is a powerful and terrible force, and we are pretty helpless sometimes. I pray that everyone in an evacuation zone GETS OUT and doesn't think he can ride out a flood.
Tornadoes, earthquakes, floods -- 2011 is turning out to be quite a year.
Stay safe and dry!
Prayers are all we can do, Christine. It looms sadness soon ... may all be safe & have God's hands holding them thru this flooding.
Have a beautiful PINK weekend ~
5 Day GIVEAWAY, pop over
Thank you for sharing. I will keep everyone in my prayers.
Thanks for sharing the story of the river. We are on hold for right now, but Lord knows what will happen next. Richard at My Old Historic House.
I did a post about this yesterday. It's scary & today 25 barges got loose & 2 hit the "old" Mississippi River Bridge. If a barge hits the levee in the right place we'll flood for sure. Saying lots of prayers!!!
Hey sweetie..we have been watching it on the news...sooo scarey..I pray things turn around and that the water recedes...stay safe sweetie...Picket
I have been watching this afternoon as they opened the dam and I feel so horrible for those in harm's way. I guess they have to risk the few to save the many, but this has the potential to hurt so many people. I am so glad you posted the pictures. Stay safe!
Amazing photos, Christine. My prayers to all in the area.
Hi Christine,
Enjoyed the photos of your garden in the above post! What a wonderful spot to entertain!
Thanks for your visit. I hope all be be well for everyone in your area. They are being flooded in Manitoba here in Canada too but not nearly the damage that can be done as in your area. Take care.
Christine, your china is lovely and I hope you use it. I look forward to seeing a tablescape with it.
Happy Pink Saturday!!
The world is watching, praying and waiting with love and hope that everything will be alright. I really am so happy you posted the pictures. We get a chance to see much more than we normally would be able to view. Prayers are your way my friend, Char
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