Sunday, July 27, 2014

Alice in Wonderland Tea Party for Grandkids

Good news on Rea! After 4 cycles of chemo, she had a full body MIBG scan and an MRI scan of the knee. The lesions on the knee completely vanished, all gone and the fracture is healing nicely. The MIBG scan showed the primary tumor to have shrunk considerably and the surgeon is very confident that she can remove it completely. No other cancer cells were found.
Naturally, we are all rejoicing of these good news. What's more, Rea has a week off from hospital and clinic visits because her blood count has been really good too. We took this opportunity to drive to our FL home in Cape Coral so the kids can go swimming.
After swimming, I had a tea party for the grandkids. Since they just came from swimming and some of them were still wet, I just set it up on the deck.

We flew in yesterday from New Orleans and we took Southwest. Since they allow 2 luggage to check in per person, I decided to bring along and transport all my Alice in Wonderland tea set and dishes, still in boxes.

 Nothing fancy here. Just as I said, some of the grand kids were still wet and just took a break from swimming.
 They were hungry after all that exercise but I was determined to take pictures first, lol.

 I bought all the goodies from the newly opened Trader Joe's in Tampa. I had no time to bake since we left home at 3 AM and drove for 3 hrs. to the airport. The following day, we drove 2.5 hrs. from the north Tampa Bay area to Cape Coral. The cookies, especially the macarons were delicious.
Rea stood a lot cause it was easier for her to reach the table that way.

We all had a great time! Thanks for taking the time to come and visit and hosting for the hostesses.
Please continue to pray for Rea as she is still approaching her surgery procedure and some other important procedures to follow. I thank you very much for the prayers.
I am linking with

Kathryn's Make it Pretty Monday
Masterpiece Monday
Marty's Inspire Me Tuesday
Kathy's A Return To Loveliness
Sandi's Teatime Tues
Ruth's Tuesday Cuppa Tea
Martha and Terri's Teacup Tues
Maria Elena's Tuesdays at Our Home
Paula's What's It Wed
Centerpiece Wed
Kathleen's Let's Dish
Share Your Cup Thursday
Tablescape Thursday



Unknown said...

This is wonderful news! I am soooo happy for Rea of course and for the whole family! Definitely prayers will continue! I love your Alice in Wonderland tea set Christine! The kids must have been sooo excited! How lucky they are to have a grandma like you!

Poppy said...

Oh, what wonderfully happy news about darling Rea!! How lovely to share it with all her cousins and friends and family! A beautiful tea party, for sure!

Sending prayers and positive thoughts to your adorable Rea and the family.


Glenda/MidSouth said...

That is great news!
What a cute tea set.

Olga Ю said...

Great news!
Rea beauty and big fellow! I wish her ​​a speedy recover.
Health of your entire family.


Oh Christine, such fabulous news, God is good! What a fun gathering with all your adorable grands and boy, Rea really amazes me every time! She's such a strong little girl, my goodness, she's blessed too!
I loved the darling dishes, just perfect for the cute grands. I bet my girls would love those dishes from Alice in W.
Have a great week ahead.

Rosie M. said...

A wonderful celebration! Thank you for sharing such happy news and precious party. Love your table! Rosie @ The Magic Hutch

Ivy, Phyllis and Me! said...

Good Morning Christine, This is wonderful news I am so very happy for Rea. I will keep her in my prayers.
I love your Alice in Wonderland tea set and my favourite quote from the book is one written on one of your lovely plates 'This is the most curious tea party that I've ever been to' said Alice.... because whenever that sentence is read out of context, you always know which book it comes from.
It was lovely looking at your photographs.... the children looked like they were having lots of fun.
Best Wishes to you.

Creations By Cindy said...

Christine, I am rejoicing with you my friend and praying for your precious grandgirl. She is on my daily prayer list to lift up to the One and Only Great Physician. I do love your Alice in Wonderland tea party. How sweet to do this with the grands....Hugs and blessings, Cindy

Anonymous said...

Very touching post, so glad to hear the news about Rea. It looks like everyone enjoyed the celebration. Grandkids are a blessing!
Wanda @

Alycia Nichols said...

It's wonderful, wonderful news about Rea's progress!!! I know you are all breathing a collective sigh of relief as you move ahead with her treatment plan. I can only imagine how happy she must have been to get out of that crazy hospital and do something fun with her family buddies! A tea party was the perfect idea to celebrate the improved health of a pretty little girl.

You put together a nice celebratory table for Rea's mini homecoming. The kids were really super to let you take pics before diving into the food!

THREE hours to drive to the airport?!??!!! That is the LONGEST drive to an airport I've ever heard of! I guess I'll stop complaining about the 50 minutes it takes us!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

That is awesome news on Rea, I am so happy for all of you. How cool that you were able to take your dishes with you. I went to that Trader Joe's when I was in Florida. GPS certainly seemed to take us a round about way but I thought the store was a really nice. Much bigger then the one I go to!

Deborah Montgomery said...

Oh such a blessing to hear the wonderful news about Rea. Will continue to pray Christine. I had to smile about you packing dishes in your suitcase! What a wonderfully fun grandma you are to make their lunch so special with the Alice in W dishes!Nothing fancy? Sure looks awfully fancy and cute to me. Blessings, Deborah

Vulpita Calatoare said...

Very nice party!

Christine @ Rustic-Refined said...

Such a sweet party and I am soooo glad to hear about your precious Rea's progress. it really warms my heart to know you get spend a lot of time with her and to see her beautiful face!

Antiques And Teacups said...

What fun! My neighbor won the Alice teapot at an Alice tea we went to. You must have all had so much fun! Thanks so much for linking to Tuesday Cuppa Tea!

Beth in NEPA said...

Great News! and what a fun tea
party for the kids... you too probably!

Winnie said...

What a fun day that must have been! I love Alice and have a pot and cups and mugs, but not that creamer! I need to find one. Glad you enjoyed the grands!

kitty@ Kitty's Kozy Kitchen said...

What fun memories for your grandchildren having a special tea time at your house, Christine.
I'm still praying for your darling Rea.

Carrie said...

What wonderful news! Your Alice in Wonderland tea set is so cute and it looks like your grandkids had a wonderful time. Best wishes to Rea and your family.

Bargain Decorating with Laurie said...

I'm so glad to read the wonderful news about Rea. She is so brave such a little fighter! I'm sure they all enjoyed the tea party. Your Alice in Wonderland set is wonderful. I continue to pray for Rea and all of the family. Hugs, laurie

Ivy and Elephants said...

It is so wonderful to see little Rea enjoying time with family! She is an adorable little trooper, we will keep her in our prayers.

Bernideen said...

What a wonderful group of children and I especially loved the goggles at the table! Ha! Love the Paul Cardew Alice in Wonderland pieces as I do sell that at my shop!

Traci said...

What wonderful, wonderful news!!! Still praying! The tea party looks so fun.

Marigene said...

Such wonderful new about Rea! Hope everything continues on this path.
Cute table, Christine.

Susan' Hearts and Flowers said...

What a happy time! Your Alice and the Wonderland tea set is so cute Christine.

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Crystal Grandeur said...

What a beautiful celebration for all the cute darlings.Happy to see Rea enjoying.You have created a lovely setting for them.My prayers are for Rea as always.Love and hugs...:):)

Anonymous said...

this is such a great news.
things to do with kids in houston

Sarah said...

What special, happy times you provide for your grands. Thinking of you and sending prayers your way.

Have a Daily Cup of Mrs. Olson said...

So glad to hear the wonderful good news! I bet the kids loved this fun party with the wonderful dishes and cookies! Thanks for sharing with SYC.

Candy S said...

It is wonderful to hear that Rea is doing so well with her treatments. Rea looks happy to stand and sip from the darling AIW cup while she and her cousins are are enjoying their special tea party. My thoughts will be with you and I will be praying for sweet little Rea's complete recovery.

Vel Criste said...

Absolutely adorable set!

Hey, we were in Orlando that weekend, sayang, if we weren't so busy, we could have squeezed in watching her pageant! Congratulations to her anyway, she's very prrtty!

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