Here's another meme that I would like to join regularly. It's Mosaic Monday and it is hosted by Mary at
http://dearlittleredhouse.blogspot.com/. Please visit her and enjoy the other creative mosaics.

Let me see if you can spot the difference. This is the "Before" (which is even before the 2 huge Sevres egg compotes were which have already been moved too). That French provincial cabinet holds many of my plates but I am still running out of storage area. Think about it, I can store 15 sets of dinnerware in there, except for real big ones with extra serving pieces when I might use 2 cubby holes.

This is now.

I bought the personal dresser sitting in the corner thinking it will look good in our guest room. I unpacked it in the kitchen and then moved it to the dining room with an intent of putting it away later.
Today, I was looking at it thinking, uhmmmm, this could serve as a storage for
my tablescaping accessories. I am in desperate need of more storage, especially for plates. But I already found room to store more. We have a walk in closet in the garage with built in shelves and I will move some of my rarely used dishes there.

So I asked my husband to help me move the big cabinet for the little one to fit in the corner. I placed a Frenchy pedestal on the other side of the cabinet for balance. Now it is holding 2 of my tea sets.

I told it is supposed to be a dresser that is why it has a mirror but instead of make up, I placed some of my salt and pepper shakers inside.

and you can see the flatware in the drawers.

a closer look of the s & p shakers.

I think the inlaid wood is very pretty.

Hope you enjoyed this mini makeover. Thanks again for coming and thanks to our gracious hosstesses, Sally and Susan!
Christine, the dresser is just gorgeous. I love it. How wonderful to use it for Tablescape essentials. Very clever. Hope you have a super week. Hugs, Marty
Hi Christine! That dresser is just gorgeous! I love the inlaid wood! What a beautiful way to store your tablescaping extras! Have a happy week!...hugs...Debbie
I lov all of your pieces-just gorgeous.
Your new follower
Cheri from:
Its So Very Cheri
Boy you have to get creative to store all of those things don't you.
Good job.
The best part of setting the table is that it is actually storing a set of dishes right on the table top and nobody even knows that.
That is a beautiful piece, Christine. The inlay is really intricate and lovely. And that tassel is gorgeous, the colors are wonderful. Have a great week! Kathy
Hi C, You have some of the most gorgeous pieces, all of your wonderful antiquing trips have paid off for you . Your home is so beautifully appointed. Hugs kathysue PS it was nice seeing your comment over at Susans on my dining room post. Thankyou
Christine, the tassel is gorgeous with just the colors of a peacock feather. Your new dresser is great for additional storage. It's fun to see your dining room.
Christine-The inlaid wood is so gorgeous and really a perfect piece to hold smaller tablescape items. I love that cabinet! Call me if you ever have a garage sale :) Love your tassel too!
Oh, my, Christine, your dresser is beautiful! It has a lot of storage too! You have the most beautiful things! What a pretty little tassel!
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
You some really gorgeous pieces in your home! I love peacock colors too, your tassel is exquisite!!
I think you collect more things then anyone I know. You have so many dishes, silverwear sets, S&P shakers and fancy nik naks. They are all so beautiful. I use to have stuff everywhere in my house and I mean everywhere. I have little by little weeded and I have so much less dusting to do. Your things are all so pretty.
Your tassel is gorgeous too.
HI Christine!
What great cabinets! I love it. And am jealous of all that great tableware storage right there in the dining room!! :)
OMG Christine,
It's lovely and if you have too many set's of china I surely could take a few off of your hands! LOL. HAGD, Cindy
Beautiful! And I agree with Cindy(Applestone Cottage)...If ever you just can't find any more room for any more...there's room over here at my place :o)
Blessings & Aloha!
I LOVE your tassel...something I keep meaning to try to make everytime I s one...the colors you chose are beautiful
Love your tassel mosaic and enjoyed another fascinating glimpse into your home.
Happy Monday
Hi Christine! Oh, thank you for telling about your Saturday post so I could see your trip! Saturdays are so busy for me and I usually don't do much blogging! Oh, you just hit every wonderful place in London, didn't you? We've been a few times to London and I just love it. Your mosaics are so gorgeous! Sweet friend, you live a glorious marvelous life! :)
Be a sweetie,
shelia ;)
Your peacock blue tassel looks right at home. Knowing how you love to shop and collect, I think you'll probably need John to soon build some more shelves in that garage! Have a Happy Blue Monday.
Christine, what a beautiful way to store all of your accessories for tablescapes. hugs ~lynne~
Mornin' Girlfriend...
Ohhh...I love your little dresser! It's really so perfect for storing all of your little table pretties!!! And...I love that it looks so fabulously French! Hehe! Is the front all inlaid wood? It looks like it to me...so very beautiful!!! Such a beautiful addition to your fabulous dining room, my friend!!! Don't you just love it when things just "work out" like this! Hehe!
Ohhh Christine...I love your new peacock tassle! It's one of the prettiest that I've ever seen! Love those rich and regal turquoises!!! It's perfect in your dining room!!! Thanks for sharing it with us today...what a sweet treat!!!
Have a marvelous Monday, Sweetie!
PS...left you a note on your London tour!
I love that thing that holds so much of your dishes!! Really a beautiful piece. I had to laugh at how the ideas came about!! I do that too---ha! Cute idea of using it as you did. I just chipped one of my favorite teacups becasue I dropped a cup that hangs above it right smack on it!! So I had to move the two lower teacups to another area---hopefully this little area you have placed some of your tea sets will be safe ones!
I love that you are using it in there for storage! It is very pretty and now very useful!
Hi Christine...the peacock tassel is simply beautiful! And I luv, luv, luv the photos from your London trip. I visited London 2 years ago, but was only there for three days. Your photos make me want to visit this gorgeous city again.
I just discovered that your link was defective. I corrected it, and now people will be able to find you.
Oh, how wonderful, Christine. Your pretty things are all so organized, and I love the peacock tassel. The travels, of course, are such fun... I love to see where you've been. I think I've seen all the travel shots you posted on Saturday and loved them.
Happy Blue Monday...
Sheila :-)
Just beautiful Christine, your taste is so very different than mine, but that's what makes the world go round!
I see you have my SHOE award. I bet you didn't know it was from my blog did you?
I LOVE the peacock tassel. I must go and visit Angela now.
Happy Blue Monday
Love Claudie
Me again
Angela has nothing left in her shop!!!! Did you clean her out LOL
That tassel is gorgeous! Good use of the cabinet. Now about the salt and pepper shakers....were the rabbits bad little bunnies? Their faces are looking into the corner as if they are being punished. Do me a favor and turn them around so they can watch the dolphins. ;-D
Great makeover. Beautiful and functional as well.
Happy Blue Monday.
Your dining room is just gorgeous and I love the touches of blue scattered throughout it. I hope you are having a wonderful Blue Monday.
Christine, you have a lovely post today and always. I love the new furniture that holds your tea sets. Plus flatware and S&P's. great storage for such a pretty piece of furniture as well. The Peacock tassel is gorgeous and pretty where you hung it. It is all good.
Hugs, Jeanne
Thanks c ! I think you would have to remove any stain that is on your floors before re-staining them. I used dark walnut stain. I am really liking them, but they do show everything....
Oh what a perfect tassel for you Christine. It's gorgeous. Your little dresser is so pretty, and it's a wonderful place to display your tea sets AND get some more storage. laurie
Hi Christine...well, Girl, I certainly understand your storage delima...I'm out of space, too.
:-) I think we need a dish room like Bonnie@ :-) I love your darling dresser...it's so perfect for some of your tablescaping accessories. Happy Met Monday!
P.S. Thanks so much for your sweet visits...always love your comments and visits.
Beautiful Blue Tassel! Happy Blue Monday!8~)
Your furniture is beautiful. That larger piece is just fantastic...never seen one like it.
Thanks for coming by and seeing my bear!
Have a great week!
Love the dresser and so nice that you have a walk in closet in the garage for storage too. I have a tea pot collection and I switch them out seasonally for lack of display room. You have a beautiful home and it shows that you love it all.
I love the peacock tassel, very pretty. Your dresser/cabinet is a wonderful place for collections. Very nice.
Very pretty!
Beautiful dresser and LOVE that tassle!Just GORGEOUS!:)
That is a very good use of the dresser. The compartments make storage so organized. Hmmmm...I have one of those and way too many dishes, etc. to fit in the kitchen, butler's pantry, and buffet! LOL! Excellent idea.
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