Well it's playtime and I am ready! I am linking with
Susan for Tablescape Thursday at http://betweennapsontheporch.blogspot.com
Lady Katherine for Teatime Tuesday at http://ladykatherineteaparlor.blogspot.com/
Wanda Lee for Tuesday Tea for Two at http://theplumedpen.blogspot.com/
Go visit these gracious ladies and their participants for more eye candy.

Everything today is kinda matchy-matchy for a change.
Pinzon plate chargers in saffron color were from Amazon a long time ago.
I borrowed the roses from the living room. I thought they had the right color.
Here's a close up of the tablecloth design. It has plants on urns around the border.
I really like the coffee pot set that came with the set. It has that graceful look.
The Bee flatware were from Horchow or Neiman Marcus. The napkins belong to a tablecloth set that I bought from Grand Cayman. I am not sure if I used the tablecloth yet. I always buy table linens when we travel (and we travel a lot) and they accumulate so I never get to use them all. It's an obsession and I can't help being drawn to those stores. John does not help either cause everytime we see one, he points it to me and says, "for your tablescaping". I tell ya, it's hard to resist temptation.