I am still in Florida with nothing to do and I am a little bored so I thought I'd join in "Three or More" fun which is hosted by Tam at
http://gypsycorner.blogspot.com/. Please visit her and all the other participants so you don't get bored either.
Last weekend when we visited my daughter, Tina, in Cape Coral, I went in their home office and decided to rearrange her furniture. While still planning where to put what, the other people who went fishing came home and it got busy, so I did not get the chance to do it. Anyway, I saw these Shirley Temple figurines that I collected for her when she was a little girl so I took pictures of them. They are sitting in her curio cabinet in their office.
My sister gave this to her one Christmas and that started the collection.

I found this on Ebay so I bought it for her and gave it to her one Christmas. It is even signed by Shirley Temple herself.

Then, my sister gave this to her again on another Christmas.

And finally, I found this again. It is also signed. This is giving me an idea. I should start looking for the others and I can save them for her future Christmas presents. I wonder if there are any more. Each of them represents a movie that she starred in.

I hope you enjoyed seeing my daughter's Shirley Temple collection. Thanks for coming and thanks, Tam, for taking the time to host the event.