This blog is not all about awards. I am so happy and blessed for having so many blogging friends. April is truly my favorite month. I think this month this year was my best birthday ever! Please stick around cause I want to share what I just won and pictures I took meeting 2 beautiful bloggers.
We came home late last night from a fun trip to Chicago and I saw packages both in front of the house and by the garage. I've been busy shopping, LOL! But the most exciting package of them all was the box that I got from Leigh of http://lbratina.blogspot.com/. I was so excited, I could hardly wait to open it, in spite of all the other boxes I had to open and the luggage that I had to unpack.
I have been dying to tell you about our meeting with Janie and her hubby, Alan in Chicago. Here's Janie, aka Blondie's Journals. Isn't she beautiful? They picked us up from our hotel and then we took a taxi to go to West Town Tavern. Alan could not have picked a better place. The atmosphere was perfect, very quaint and charming.
I met Laurie, aka Bargainhunting with Laurie, before I even started blogging. That explains why I have not blogged about this. She and her hubby, Danny were on their way to New Orleans to attend a friend's wedding and they stopped by our little town along the way. We met with them in a bar downtown. And here is Laurie! Isn't she a beauty also?
We couldn't stop talking. We had so much to talk about and yet we just met. Our hubbies could not barge in on our conversation so they just started their own. LOL! Isn't the bar pretty?

Laurie even got to meet my 90 year old mother.
I tried to persuade them to stay longer. I would have loved to have them over at home for breakfast and then take them antique shopping but they were in a hurry. I was still very happy they stopped by to meet us. Laurie, next time you come by again, you have to stay longer, ok?
Just like Janie, it was an instant love affair. Isn't it incredible how warm we feel towards blogging friends? This is true even with bloggers that we have not even met personally. I am so thankful that I discovered Blogland. It surely has expanded my world of friendship.
Thanks for stopping by. I am always thankful for that!