I think you all know by now that I have 2 pregnant daughters. This is Rochelle with her only daughter AJ, but not for long because perhaps by next month, AJ will have 2 sisters.
This has been my busiest weekend. I flew to FL for Thanksgiving dinner and weekend baby showers. Three parties in three days and I am co host on all of them.
Anyway, my other pregnant daughter Tina and I, gave Rochelle a baby shower last Saturday. They had this picture taken just before they left for the park where the party was going to be. Of course, unbeknownst to Tina, Rochelle and I were also planning to give her a baby shower the following day but I will post about that on another day.

The weather was perfect, around 76 degrees and sunny.

The weather was perfect, around 76 degrees and sunny.
Tina created most of the decorations. When they came over and visited us last summer in MS, I gave her my Cricut machine which I hardly used, but she is using it lot.
I tried to cut slits on the green paper to mimic grass but I ran out of time before the guests started arriving so I just cut where the flowers were.

We had the perfect shelter in the park with a lake view.
We had around 50 guests including husbands and children.
We had the perfect shelter in the park with a lake view.
We had around 50 guests including husbands and children.
We served classic picnic food such as hamburgers, hotdogs and all the trimmings, broccoli salad that was so tasty, compliments of Tina's mother in law, potato salad, beans, pasta salad, fruit salad and various chips.
I was trying to talk to everybody so sorry, I was unable to take a picture before we started digging into the food.
(Oh how I miss that bakery since we do not have it in Natchez). Tina had them replicate the invitation that she created.
We had games for the guys too, a stroller race. They had to stroll a baby doll and when they got to the end, change her diaper and then bring her back to where they started from. It was hilarious!
Of course, I had to take a picture with my girls cause this is the only time my tummy will be smaller than both of theirs, lol.
Opening of presents. Aren't those 2-piece bikinis so cute?
Tina baked the flower cookies. Aren't they cute? I found the twin girl tags from Ebay and bought them.

My cute preggy girls comparing bumps, lol! Tina is due in less than a month and Rochelle in another month but because she is having twins, her OB-Gyn said he might deliver her between 34 and 36 weeks, which will be almost at the same time Tina is due, and so the race begins. I am supposed to fly to Tina's on Dec. 18th but I might have to change my plans depending on the situation. They live 2 and half hours apart.
They received so many baby girl clothes. Isn't it so much fun to shop for baby girls? Everything you see in stores are so cute. The closet is full and we weren't even done putting the them away
Their cribs are ready for them although Rochelle plans to keep them both in one until they grow bigger, so they can continue to bond.

The baby nursery is ready and just waiting for their arrival. Please help us pray for their safe arrival.
Thank you so much for stopping by.
I am linking with Bunny for Bunny Hop at http://bunnyjeansdecorandmore.blogspot.com/
Susan for Outdoor Wednesday at http://asoutherndaydreamer.blogspot.com/
Susan for Tablescape Thursday at http://betweennapsontheporch.blogspot.com/
Beverly for Pink Saturday at http://howsweetthesound.typepad.com/
Thank you all for hosting!