Debbie for Garage Salen Party at

For my favorites and Pink Saturday, I am sharing with you my pink china, The china set with pink and green floral borders are the ones I just found at a thrift store downtown before we left for Dallas 2 weeks ago. I got 8 dinner plates, 8 cups and saucers, 8 dessert plates and 8 berry bowls. They were marked $47.00 but when the sales clerk saw me looking at them, he said he would give them to me at half prize. He must have wanted to get rid of them. They look like they were just displayed in a china cabinet and never used. I did not commit right away but kept looking around gathering more items I liked, including 2 wooden roosters, 2 pairs of candle holders, 5 small vases, 2 mini cups and saucers and a cherub figurine. Then, I asked him if I could give him $30 for all of them. And he agreed.

Many of you already know I went to California to attend a very good friend from College, my classmate's son's funeral.
California is so pretty with all its mountains and healthy vegetation.
It was so sad seeing my classmate and her family so sad but it was nice to see some of our classmates from College.

The beautiful service was held at Forest Lawn Memorial Park. The park is very pretty and serene. We had mass on the day of the burial and there were so many people, standing room only inside the church. That just shows how many people love Patrick and what a good person he was. Please continue to pray for him and his beloved family. I can only imagine how hard it is for them to cope with the premature loss, no matter how hard we try to remember how happy Patrick is with God.

Several of our classmates were kind enough to open their homes to us and drive us around. Thank you so much, Tess, Danny, Sahnee and Leilani, Emilie and Rod and Nel.
Below is Tess and Efren's lovely home. They even have a practice golf lawn in the back and that's Tess posing in it.

Meet their dog, Kobe and bunny, Billie. Their roses are gorgeous!

And this is Sahnee and Leilani's home. I love their small pergola in the front yard. At the bottom right is Emilie and Rod's home. I really love their gardens with so many pretty flowers.

These were houses in the neighborhood. Do you see the full moon?
Isn't that a pretty sunset?
I took the photo below as we were landing into Denver. The moon was full. I booked at the last minute so I did not have many choices. I had 2 lay overs.
I had the worse luck in this trip. Going there, my flight in Houston left me and I had to wait another 2 hours to catch another flight to California. Luckily, there was one more flight.
Thank you so much for stopping by. And thanks, Laurie and Beverly, for hosting 2 wonderful memes.