Happy Birthday, mama! We are so blessed to still have you around. We all love you very much!
Mama was born on July 24, 1918 and is still able to walk and move around.
Shown below is my mom with her 7 siblings and her mom. She has outlived them all. The other picture is when she was 18 and the one next to it was taken in New Orleans during one of John's seminars. She loves traveling and going places (pasyal) so we take her with us whenever possible.

My mom when my father was still alive with in laws. My mom is on the left in green and my dad is in his maroon silk pajamas. He loved his silk pj's and I hope he is wearing them in heaven right now, lol.
My mom treated me and my 2 brothers and 2 sisters to a Hawaiian cruise in 2000, when we cruised from one Hawaiian island to the next. It was so much fun!
Celebrating her 86th birthday at our old home in FL before we moved to Natchez, MS. and of course, we are back to Florida now.
She was 87 years old here.
Ma was 90 years old here.
We celebrated her 90th birthday in 2008 at the Reunion Resort in Orlando, FL. Everybody came all the way from California, except for a great grandson who is in the Marines and was on duty and was serving the country somewhere else at the time.
Mom with her 5 children. I am the one in moss green.
From L to R: Yours truly, youngest brother Okoy, eldest sister Fe, my mom, Henry and Tessie.
We had a birthday party for her in Natchez on her 93rd birthday. She was staying with us at that time. Right now she is with my sister Fe in Illinois and they are having a birthday party for her tomorrow. So sorry, I won't be able to attend this time, ma, but I hope to see you soon.
We had another big family reunion in our present Florida home here in 2013. Everybody came again and the family is growing bigger with 20 great grandkids and 1 great great granddaughter now.
We took her on a cruise last year or better yet, she took us on a cruise cause she paid for it, lol
I pray to God that she stays healthy and can be around for many more years. Thank you all for stopping by.
Happy Birthday, MAMA! Stay strong! I love you very much.
Happy Birthday to your sweet and beautiful mama Christine! GOd bless her !!!!!
Wonderful, and warm Birthday wishes to your Mama. Greetings!
Happy Birthday to your Mother !!
Sending happy birthday wishes to your mother! You are blessed that she is still around! It is easy to see how much you enjoy each other with all your family activities. Sending hugs!
That is so awesome. Happy Birthday to your mother! We just celebrated my dad's 92nd birthday and I pray God will be this generous with him.
Parabéns a sua mãe, ela é muito linda e esta sempre sorrindo e cheia de alegria. Parabéns que Deus proteja sua família.
Happy 97th birthday to your beautiful mother, Christine!
My father was born in 1918 too. Wish I was celebrating his birthday too, as you are with your lovely mother. She doesn't look a day older then some of her previous birthdays!
May God bless her and her family for many years more in good health.
Happy birthday sweet lady!
Beautiful post and tribute to a lovely lady. Hope she has a wonderful birthday and enjoys good health for years to come.
Oh my goodness. Your mama is a beautiful lady! Happy belated birthday to your precious mama. Hugs and blessings, Cindy
Awww Happy Birthday to her!! I've said before - she looks sooo good! I'd never guess she's 97! So amazing! I know you're so thankful to have had her this long. Dean & I have talked about flying to Hawaii & then taking a cruise. It seems like it would be a great way to see all the different islands.
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