Hi everyone! I hope you all have a nice weekend!
I have talked about my first auction experience and I betcha, some of you are wondering what I could have possibly won that needed to be transported in 4 vehicles. As you might already know, my husband left me at the auction place at noon to go to work and I was nervous cause I have never been to an auction before and I told him I did not know what to do. He said if you like something they are showing, just raise your paddle. And boy! Did I ever raise that paddle, LOL!
Well, you are in luck today because instead of taking you somewhere for Sightseeing Saturday, I thought we will just do a sightseeing around the house to find all the items that I won on that very memorable day, all 31 pieces of them.
Since there are so many pictures already, I hope our hosts do not mind me not posting buttons of the memes that I am linking with. I will enter the links at the end of this post.
The first one I am showing you is this solid mahogany canterbury magazine rack. It is in the family room and it holds a few of my scrapbooks and magazines and newspapers where hubby and I are featured, mostly hubby. I am just an extra sometimes. I also keep some games there.

Next are 6 side Chippendale dining room chairs. These probably took the most room in the vehicles. They are now in our kitchen

2 matching arm chairs, which are in the formal dining room in front of the windows.

2 gold oval mirrors that are in the guest room.

Here is the other one on the other side of the bed wall.

2 oval ornately carved tables with marble tops. They are in the formal living room.
We had a realtor for dinner one evening and another guest asked her how much she thought we bought the table for and she guessed $8000, lol! I don't think I would buy that for that much.
I might as well tell you cause you might be curious about how much I spent of hubby's money that day. (I say hubby cause he is the only one working, lol, but of course we share everything) . I spent a little over $5000 for everything. I don't think it is bad cause I really got a lot. I think it is 31 pieces all in all so that averages to just a little over $161.00 for each item. And these are all good, heavy solid wood furniture and the compotes are mostly, if not all, French porcelain with bronze ormolus.

Here is the other table.

an oil painting of an Italian scenery with an ornate iron frame hanging by the bar entrance in the kitchen

A pair of golf leaf torchieri lamp, which are in the living room.

Here is the other one.
Meissen "4 Seasons" compote
It is now on top of the computer armoire in the guest room.

A pair of Meissen Lady compotes

Here is the other one. They are sitting on the marble top tables in the living room, which I showed you above, also won from the auction.

Blue Meissen musical ladies compote.
When I won this, all the while I was putting my paddle up, I thought I was bidding on an occasional chair, lol. But I was not disappointed when I saw the details on this. This is the only one I took 2 pictures of because I want to show you more details below.

Aren't those faces so pretty and the handpainted flowers gorgeous? It is on the corner cabinet in the formal dining room.

A pair of framed oil painted jars, which are on the bathroom wall near the kitchen.

A pair of porcelain Celeste blue Sevres lidded jars.
Here is the other one. They are now on top of the dining room table.

A Sevres compote with cupid supports. Oops, I lied, sorry! I took 2 pictures of this too but I have them both in 1 mosaic. I just wanted you to see 2 views.

A pair of Sevres porcelain eggs with bronze ormolu.

Here is the other one. They are both sitting on top of our wall units in the home office.

These are my favorites! What am I saying? They are all my favorites that is why I placed a bid on them, lol.
The following is a pair of Sevres covered hand painted jars with bronze ormolu.

Here is the other one. They are both on top of the living room mantel.

A Victorian porcelain hunting scene figure. This is big, about 2 feet long, and very heavy. I cannot lift it, that is why it is never moved. It is on top of the French Provincial cabinet in the dining room. Do you see the cobalt blue base, Sally?

Last but not the least is the Tiffany style lamp that is on our master bedroom dresser.
At the end of the autcion, I called my hubby at work and told him "I need a truck!" LOL! He asked, "What did you buy?" LOL! I said, "a lot!" So he contacted our handy man and asked him to bring his truck. When they got there and after seeing what I won, our handy man Mitch, called his wife to bring her car also, so I had my SUV, my husbnad's mini van, Mitch's truck and his wife's car to haul all my winnings away.
This was also the beginning of John's obsession to Sevres and Meissen pieces that everytime, we go to antique places, he looks for them and buys some when he finds affordable prices. Nothing's ever compared to the prices that I got though. He even flips figures and jars over to see the signature of the maker when we tour antebellum houses, lol, and I always have to watch him not to do that because most of them are antiques and irreplaceable. So, do you think he liked my items? I think so because he did not get upset at how much I spent at all. In fact, he thinks it is funny and makes a good story so he tells all his friends about it and tells them I learn pretty fast. LOL!

I hope you enjoyed seeing these as much as I enjoyed bidding and winning them. These were put up on an estate auction. They were owned by Jimmy Pippen, the pioneer of the antiques row downtown, who unfortunately died suddenly of a heart attack at the age of 55. He was found in his garden still holding his garden sheers. He owned the biggest antique shop downtown, owned 2 antebellum houses also located downtown which were packed with antiques and had a warehouse full of merchandise.
They had to auction the items for 3 straight days. That is how much there was. The auctioneer said it was the biggest one ever that he has ever handled. They even auctioned a Vampire killing kit that went for $18,000.
We went back the following day, Sat. (hubby was off) but did not bid on anything because everything went so high. I lucked out on Friday because there were very few bidders. Similar tables like the one I got were going for $3000 each on Sat. and to think that I got the pair for $350.00 ($175.00 each)
I also want to mention that Laurie was the one who told me about the auction. She is not even from here, lol, but I guess she is a true bargain hunter. Thanks again, Laurie! John and I are forever grateful.
Thank you so much for joining me on an exclusive tour for Sightseeing Saturday.
I am linking with:
Laurie's A Few of my Favorite Things at
Thank you so much to our lovely hostesses for all these fun memes.
I love that porcelain egg and the magazine stand. Very pretty!
I joined Finding Beauty, too... my post is now up HERE. Happy weekends!
Christine I love this post. What a fun day you had!
You have an amazing collection from that auction. I like it all. I think the magazine stand/table is my favorite. All of it is gorgeous.
PS: I have the Friends Connect button on my sidebar now.
I think I like the marble-topped table best...but all pieces are so lovely.
Sheherazade is my link to Show n Tell...a doll I finished for the Halloween Season coming up. I do hope you can find time to visit with me! Have a super Friday, and a blessed weekend.
You did some serious bidding! :-D You bought some beautiful things.
Have a great weekend.
You did really well. Beautiful purchases.
Hi Christine, it's been awhile hasn't it?
WHat a score girl!! I LOVE the beautiful blue Sevres jars OMG.
Not sure my hubby would have been so enthusiastic about all of these beauties, but hey... we deserve it right? Good for you.
Love Claudie
Hi Christine!
Wow! What an amazing collection of items you got! Everything is so pretty and lovely. I bet you had a blast at the auction!
Christine, those beautiful things were just waiting to be in your lovely home. They look spectacular. Thanks for sharing, and congrats on winning!
I am wondering how wrong it is to hate someone because of their awesome auction purchases...Yep, pretty wrong, so I will say that I am in awe of your winnings, you did great:)(Just a tad envious, lol)
Wow! I am just in love with everything you got (and also just a little bit jealous!) I adore the Sevres vase with the cherub base. Also those torchieres, and the magazine rack!! You truly hit the jackpot - congratulations. I might also say that it helps to have a good eye for quality - you obviously do!
I hope you were fanning yourself with that paddle too-looks like you were working hard!!! Beautiful items Christine, lots of lovely color, I know you'll enjoy them:@)
Wow, you got some exquisite pieces! They look as if they belong in a museum. You must have been so excited when you were at the auction --you probably couldn't even remember everything you were winning! The funniest thing was when you said you thought you were bidding on one thing, but actually it was another! LOL! Oh, Christine, I could just picture you there, whipping your little paddle up and down. You are one lucky lady that your husband is an antique lover also and encourages your purchases. But you certainly got some EXCELLENT buys if you paid $350 for two tables and the next day one was going for $3000. Goodness, you must have been jumping for joy. Well, thank you for sharing, everything is beautiful!
Christine, congratulations on such success at your first auction. With four trucks full, I'd say you are a pro. Thanks for sharing your fun experience.
~ Sarah
Wow!!! You REALLY scored a lot of beautiful things! Goodness! It is alll lovely! Thanks for sharing and for joining my decorating inspiration party! :)
Oh Wow! Christine you did good!!! Did Laurie approve of your success. I bet she does! LOL That is an awesome auction. Dealers have the greatest stuff. That vampire killing kit still has me snickering. Does that say anything for voodoo country or maybe just the Twilight series popularity? Very neat. Loved all those wonderful finds.
Wonderful, wonderful pieces.
Wow, your first auction. I must say you did good, missy! You now own some very beautiful pieces! Thanks for your nice comment and thanks for sharing your purchases!
Just amazing! And Laurie is a long distance enabler! I think you will be moving to a bigger house soon! But as long as John doesn't mind!
I enjoyed seeing all your goodies, and I bet your arm hurt from raising that paddle all day!
I can't believe you bought so many things at once! I can't imagine what my husband would have thought...of course I bought a house once and called and told him and he was fine with it!
Hi Christine, loved almost everything... Just cant choose anything in particular...
Have a nice day:)
WOW! I like the classic look of your house. What a loot that you got lots of high-value stuff in that kind of big amount of money. They are good investments I suppose. I look forward to hear your adventures. I will follow you.
Oh my goodness, you were really successful at your first auction. So many beautiful items and good prices!
Christine, you must have had so much fun, both buying and loading your beautiful haul up into all the vehicles. I would have loved to have been sitting next to you, just taking it all in. You did good girlfriend, Happy Pink Saturday, Char
You stuck gold for sure. I can't believe all that you got for that price. You are the queen at finding exquisite items. I am very impressed.
Pretty soon you are going to need a bigger house!
wow, Christine. I would love a $5000 shopping spree. What great things you got. I love the two oil paintings of the jars.
My goodness...you had fun didn't you? Wonderful purchases...that table is gorgeous!
What FABULOUS finds!! That marble-topped table is wonderful...all treasures!
OMG Christine!
Fabulous pieces! They are all so lovely, I bet you had a blast!
Thanks for your sweet note too.
Christine, you really got a lot of stuff! I love the mirrors & the paintings of the jars. It sounds like you had a lot of fun at your first auction!
Oh Christine, what fun it was to see all of these gorgeous treasures in one post! When I saw this auction advertised, I wanted to go so badly. I think it's a good thing I wasn't able to. We would have been bidding against each other, and you would have won the bids! I can't believe that you and John are grateful for me getting you started on auctions, but I sure have enjoyed seeing all of the wonderful things y'all buy at auctions. You live in an area with so many historic and beautiful treasures being auctioned, and y'all have such a good eye for buying. So glad you linked to Favorite Things. laurie
Everything you won is so pretty. I think my favorite is the Chippendale chairs, I love the wood and the pretty fabric.
I can imagine what the whole lot is really worth, you must have gotten a great deal. And I am so proud of you for your confidence in bidding...everyone must have thought you were an old pro!!
You do need a truck, AND another house!
Happy Blue Monday!
Stunning! However will you fit it all into your home?
OMG!!!! Christine!!!
AMAzing!! I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE every single thing you bought!!! And all of that for what you paid was a steal because the pieces are so elegant and almost like museum quality!!!
I am so envious!!
I have benen so busy so thanks so much for sending me the link because I would not have wanted to miss this post!!
Dear best
I hate to be a troublemaker but I have to inform you of my opinion. After vieuwing the pictures of your porcelain items I'm afraid that most of them are modern reproductions. If you'd like to know more, you can contact me on my email.
Mr Di Egidio
L'Egide Antiques
Hi Christine,
WOW what a wonderful lot of treasures you purchased on your first auction. I would have loved to have been there.
I especially love the Sevres compote with the cupid supports.
I actually have a similar one and have been trying to research it.
Would you be so kind and email me wht the auctioneers description was and could you please send me a picture of the base so I can see if our backstamps are the same. I would be so grateful and I loved
your blog
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