This is exciting! I am finally going to join Beth's silver party at
http://thegypsyfish.blogspot.com/. But of course I will not abandon the other parties so after you visit Beth, go see
Let's all have fun and go there!

John's patient was selling this vintage sterling Poole 6 piece silver set. He came to the house to show me but after I saw the price tag (over $5000), I looked at the tray but I did not even bother to unwrap the tea and coffee set to look at them. I knew they were out of my price range. But, he went to see dh at the clinic and told him he will give them to us for $1500 since that was the offer he got from the antique shop downtown. He said he would rather sell it to us than to them. John asked me if the set is worth that price.

So I went to work. I searched Ebay and found a set selling for $4999 and a 3 piece set (no tray) for almost $3000 and a 5 piece set (no tray) for over $3000. I told him they are definitely worth what he is selling them to us for. The tray alone is huge and heavy, almost 30 inches long so you can imagine how big this set is. I don't even know where to put it permanently.
Anyway, dh was not convinced yet so he checked Replacements.com for himself only to find out that the replacement value is almost $7000. I know Replacement is always overpriced but I think the deal was still good. To make a long story short, we bought the set and it is sitting on the breakfast nook right now.
Take a look at the design on the tray, very ornate.

and here is the whole set, a tray, coffee pot, tea pot, waste bin, sugar and creamer, all of them marked "sterling" and "Poole 990" at the bottom. The pattern is Lancaster Rose.

Do you see that little strip on the handle? Did you all know what it is for? I just found out and I wonder if I was the only one who did not know its purpose. It's to keep the handle from getting hot.

I copied this picture on Ebay and they have it listed for $4999.00.

I also have this Victorian EPNS marked silver plated set. I have posted this set before when I used it as a centerpiece on one of my past tablescapes.

I just love the bird finials.


Coffee pot

love the etching on the body

Last but not least, I am showing you our Sheffield coffee pot. It has an ivory finial and has ivory strips on the handle too to prevent it from getting too hot to handle when there is hot fluid inside.

Ok now for Metamorphosis Monday....... just take a look at how the breakfast nook used to be before the pool was built.

I replaced the valance with one with blue plaid. And you can see the pool from the windows. See the blue water?

I brought the orchids in because it was freezing last night again.

and I added this ivy topiary. Isn't it pretty? I bought 2 and I wish I bought more because they were on clearance at $5 each. I know the ivy is hardy because of all the hanging plants I have on the porch, the only 2 live ones now that did not freeze are the ivy.

Thanks for coming and now, let's all go visit our gracious hostesses!