Today, Marty said we can post just about anything for her Tabletop Tuesday Anything Goes party and she suggested maybe we want to show some presents we got for Christmas.
So, that is what I am going to do so I don't have to think too much, lol. You can see all the other participants at . Thank you for hosting again, Marty!
We opened presents on Sunday because we were too tired driving back from Pensacola on Christmas Day and John still had to do hospital paperwork as soon as we got home. It just makes it more fun since it extends the holiday celebration. Do you see the tiny hat on John's head? LOL! AJ sent it to him and it is a University of Michigan (his alma mater) tree ornament. He loves it of course. Go Blue!
The frame above which I just finished hanging, is what I gave him. I ordered it from Maria of . He really likes it. He was amazed at how much it looks like his Sevres eggs. I had to point out that it is drawn with his name "John" all over and he got even more impressed after that.

I like it up there.
He gave me a set of 9 Tiffany sterling silver spoons with gold wash bowls in the Palm pattern. He got them from Ebay and he sent me the link afterwards so that I can have the information. I could not believe how much he paid for them. I guess I am going to have to keep them forever and never sell them in my store, lol.
They are monogrammed but I could not figure out the letters except that it starts with an M. Turned the other way, it could read like a W so it must really be meant for us.
John also gave me more Old Britain Castles dishes to complete my collection. I started with 8 dessert bowls that I bought from Marshall's and look how many pieces I have now. All I am missing now is a tea set. I already have a lot of cups and saucers too.
His daughter, my stepdaughter, sent me this Coach purse and a wallet and scarf. She knows my Coach addiction too, lol. Thanks, Kerri, I really love it. See? It even has my maiden name initials, CC.
This I gotta show you. It was in my stockings. It's a pair of reading glasses with built in lights. It makes me smile everytime I wear it. It's really pretty cool!
Here it is with the lights off.
I got other presents like shirts, another purse, lots of body lotions, etc. but I will show you just one more. My daughter sent me this set of jewelry. It's perfect cause I wear a lot of black outfits. I love it. Thanks, Rochelle!
Everything looks so beautiful, Christine! I'm sure you had a wonderful Christmas and I always enjoy seeing your most gorgeous home.
Be a sweetie,
shelia ;)
You did receive so many nice gifts! You must have been good this year. :D
Have a great week.
Christine, you sure did get some mighty nice gifts. Love the tiffany spoons and those dishes are wonderful. I would love a set of those. Wow, that is a nice Coach bag. Merry Christmas.
Hi Christine,
So many lovely gifts, and they couldn't have gone to a nicer recipient! The little Tiffany spoons are wonderful, definitely "keepers." Your dear husband certainly knows what you like! I guess that makes him a keeper too, right? ;)
I hope you and yours have a fantastic 2011!
Kindest regards,
Christine, looks like you had a nice Christmas! the Tiffany spoons are certainly keepers. I know you will enjoy using these and the beautiful dishes. Happy New Year! ~ Sarah
Oh Christine! What beautiful presents. Love that bag! I just got a new Coach purse too...and wallet... :-) God bless my Hubbs!
Glad you had such a wonderful Christmas.....and Happy New Year to you and yours...
You now, started the bountiful year, huh? Keep it up, Ate.
Everythings perfect at your beautiful home.
ENjoy the bountiful NY to come.
Lots of hugs,
OOH LOTS OF LOOT!I love those spoons and that coach bag!
You hit the jackpot with all your wonderful gifts!
Happy New Year!
What fun to see your beautiful gifts! Yours to John looked just perfect. I love how you arranged your lovely spoons under the cloche -- such a pretty vignette!
Love those tiffany spoons!! Those are amazing. What a thoughtful husband you have.. mine certainly doesn't know the difference between a McDonald's stirrer and a silver spoon ;-).... I love your purse too.. But I love the gift you gave John. The artwork is amazing. I love the spoons under the cloche!! Beautiful.
You may get two comments from me. I just wrote one but ...where is it.? all your beautiful gifts. Those lighted glasses are waaay cool..and the gift set from yur daughter is beautiful.
So glad you had a good Christmas..
love bj
May your New Year be filled with many Blessings and abundances of Joy for 2011. From my mountain to yours, Until next year
Hugs and Smiles Gl♥ria
I just saw a commercial for those reading glasses yesterday. At first I thought they were kind of silly, but actually, the more I think about them, the more I think they're a good idea.
Merry Christmas!!
Love the Coach purse! Those glasses are cracking me up!
What gorgeous gifts, Christine!
I loved seeing all the photos.
santa was especially good at your house! What great glasses!
Well Santa (aka John) was sure NICE to you!! Lol! Bee yoo ti ful gifts Christine! And from your kids too. The egg to match your sevres eggs was sooooo cool!...Well not as cool as the original eggs...but that's just me *winks* I hope you've caught your breath cuz it's almost time to come see me!! Vanna
Hey Christine -- thanks for stopping by -- I found my fox hunt plates on eBay -- I kept searching for quite some time before I found that set though. I also love the design that Wedgewood has with the little fox running around the plates. Good luck on your "fox hunt"! Can't wait to see what you find.
You got the most wonderful gifts for Christmas. Those dishes are beautiful. Love the framed picture you got for John. Beautiful purse and boy could I use those glasses!
Looks like you were a very good girl last year. Loved all your photos. Happy New Year.
Looks like a great Christmas! Your tree is gorgeous! :)
Merry Christmas!
Oh such wonderful gifts. Looks like you both had a fabulous Christmas. Thanks for joining TTT. Hugs, Marty
Christine, I love the photo of John with the ornament on his head! So cute! What a great idea to give him the framed drawing of his beautiful egg. Love your Tiffany spoons - gorgeous. I hope John likes your pretty new purse, because I know he'll be holding it a lot! Love the English Castles Christmas set. Glad y'all had such a great Christmas. Wishing you and your family a wonderful 2011! laurie
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