Friday, June 5, 2009

Double Celebration, 100th Post, Free Give Away!

100! Don't you just love that number? It was my favorite number when I was still in school when we had tests. Today, it's a number that represents a milestone on my blogging. I can't believe it is already my hundredth post when I only started blogging last January 21st of this year. Had I only known it was this much fun, I would have blogged a lot sooner. And do you know why I enjoy it so much? It's because I have met so many of you wonderful people. To help me celebrate my 100th post, I would like to offer a giveaway. Leave a comment on this post and you get an entry for each one. Post one of your tours or sightseeing with me, I will give you another 3 entries, or on second thought, let's make that 5! That's right! 5 additional entries if you join me in posting for Sightseeing Saturday. Do you think I am trying to encourage you? LOL! I will draw the winner and announce it on my next Saturday's post. The winner gets the ff: a tablecloth for a table for 6 with 6 matching napkins that I bought from Grand Cayman, a set of 4 black ruffly placemats, a set of 4 ceramic teapot napkin rings, a religious icon from Tallinn, Estonia, a blue and white ceramic box, crocheted and vintage linen doilies, a souvenir pen and Matryoshka nesting dolls from Russia
Do you know why I called this post a double celebration? I am also celebrating because I found the pictures I took when we visited Paris. I have looked in the 2 computers that I always use and 2 external back up hard drives for months and could not find them until this morning. I found them in my HP laptop that I have not used for a while. Yipee! I was so happy when I found them and I am sharing them with you for Sightseeing Saturday. So far,
Chandy of
Lorna of
MoziEsmé of
are participating. Their posts should be ready anytime so please do not fail to visit them. If anybody else wants to join, please send me a comment and I will add your link too . Yipee , they get 5 more entries for the giveaway!

I will just show you mostly pictures because I was so in awe of the beauty of everything I saw in Paris that I could not concentrate listening to the tour guide. I could not even decide if I would look left or right because all the buildings and sceneries were just amazing.
Look at all the flowers in the windows.
Everywhere you look is gorgeous!

Arc de Triomphe
Louvre Museum, home of the Mona Lisa painting.

Napoleon's Burial Site

Now, let's have lunch and champagne while we cruise on the River Seine.
There's John and AJ enjoying the food and the cruise.

Just sit with us and enjoy the breathtaking view.
Notre Dame
Isn't the architecture gorgeous?
Notre Dame Cathedral
Aaaah! This is what I call LG! Life is good!

I don't know why but I love all the bridges and there were several!

AJ and the famous Eiffel Tower in the background. I didn't realize how huge it really is until I was right there.
I love this picture! I like seeing the Statue of Liberty with the Eiffel Tower but I wish the Statue of Liberty was bigger. But we can't complain, after all, it is a French country.
You will be smiling like this too if you were there!

Hmmm, that was a lot of fun seeing Paris again. I would really like to go back and stay a little longer to browse through their antique shops. I LOVE French antique furniture.
I hope you enjoyed the tour as I have! Please join me again next Sat. for another tour!
For my Pink Saturday, I would like to show you this little egg shaped compote. I told you we collect eggs. It has pink roses so that qualifies it, right? Beverly of is our gracious hostess for Pink Saturday, of which year's anniversary was just celebrated last week.
The compote is made in Germany by Dresden. As you can see, it has a chariot pulled by 2 swans, which is maneuvered by a cherub and there is a cherub on each handle.

Thank you so much for helping me celebrate my 100th post. Keep those comments coming cause I want you all to have a lot of chances in winning.

Thanks Beverly, for another fun Pink Saturday!


Marjorie (Molly) Smith said...

Good evening, Beautiful pictures. Paris is a beautiful place,
Congrats on your 100th post. Please enter me into your give away.

Patricia @ ButterYum said...

Oooh, I just love the number 100 too (Monks favorite number!!!). Congrats. I just love giveaways :).

What stunning photos and architecture! I really love, love, love Matryoshka Dolls too!!!

Thanks so much for the opportunity to enter! Happy day


Picket said...

Hey girl....CONGRATS ON YOUR 100th POST!!!! That is awesome and your giveaway is a treasure trove of goodies for sure..throw my name in that pot (krinkle the edges alittle so you can pick it out from the others real easy! lol)

Love that beautiful header pic you have now...just beautiful...and speaking of beautiful....oh my word girl you in Paris!!!! That 'tour' was is a beautiful place and I loved seeing it and your beautiful family...

loved the detail on that little compote..loved the whole post sweetie...hope you have a fantastic weekend and congrats again on the 100th post! ~♥~

Silvia said...

beatiful pictures and you look amazing..congrats on you 100 post!thats great.
thank you for the tour i hope to visit Paris someday:0)...have a great weekend.


Chandy said...

Alright, dear Christine, my post is ready for you at Texas midnight! I forgot about your giveaway and how exciting that Lorna is joining us! (Again, I didn't know, lol)

Love all your pictures, but the best one is the one where you're holding up a goblet. So chic!

Chandy said...

See, I'm so excited for you, I forgot to say congratulations on your 100th post! That stash is so awesome!

Nicole ~ said...

Oh Christine, I am so excited this is your 100th post, and let me tell you, I have enjoyed seeing your post so much!! It is so much fun to see all of your travel pictures, and such a delight to see all of your pretty things.

Speaking of travel pictures, these pictures of Paris have me in awe!!!! They are wonderful, and they capture so many great images!! And, AJ is one lucky girl to have such wonderful grandparents taking her on such amazing adventures.

I have hardly had any blog time lately. I have been so busy with work the last month, and then yard work when I get home that I am exhausted at the end of the evening. I hope to catch up on everything that I have missed over the weekend.

I hope you have a wonderful weekend, Nicole

SmilingSally said...

I love that compote. Your Paris pictures are exciting. I remember our trip in 1994. I loved it!

Tara said...

What a wonderful giveaway! I hope I win, however it's doubtful since I never win anything! Sorry i can't do your travel post, I don't have anything that would work. I may just have to join you sometime by creating a trip I would LIKE to go on! YIPPEE that you found your Paris pictures. That had to be such a disappointment. The pictures are gorgeous, I love the black lamp- posts. Your little Granddaughter looks like you I think, she's adorable. Your Dresden compote is fabulous too. I can't believe how many things you have collected. I can't wait to see more. Happy Pink Saturday and have a loveleigh weekend!

Mozi Esme said...

Happy hundred! What a sweet giveaway... And I love the Paris photos!

I'll be posting some Scotland photos tomorrow, so count me in on your Sightseeing!

Cindy (Applestone Cottage) said...

Congratulations Christina! It's been so much fun getting to know you. Lovely pics from Paris, oh how I would love to go, you look so cute girl! Congrats again, Cindy

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your 100th post! That's a lot of post in under a year :-) And you really went all out with the giveaway. they are all just wonderful. Well, everything you share with us through your posts are :-) And again with the egg with all those details. I think I'd be afraid to hold it for i might break it!

Aaahhhhh Paris. People are in love and always dream of going there. And I can see why. I remember that glass pyramid when I watched the Da Vinci Code LoL.


Chandy said...

Christine, you should include this blog. Remember MBW, another Pinay? She hasn't posted in a while but her last one is about a castle in Germany and she tons of pictures!

Re-invite her to SS so we can see more of Germany! The only I've see her do is 2nd Time Around so this is a great opportunity for her to get to know all of us, too!

Ok, heart ya!

Anonymous said...

congrats girl.has it been 100 already?man that was fast,huh?
oh Paris------------how i would love to go and see and eat.ooh-la-la.the food.yummmmm
wow,your prizes are super.yep,you're right,i am having a lucky spell right now,huh?good luck to all...ann

Chandy said...

I saw, I saw! ;-) How fun is that?!

I also quickly clicked on their links and visited. So cool!

Sandi@ Rose Chintz Cottage said...

Amazing photos! Love the little egg. Happy Pink Saturday and enjoy your weekend.


Unknown said...

What beautiful vacation pictures! I am just a touch jealous.

Pam said...

I have always wanted to go to Paris. Those photos are beautiful! I am so jealous! : )

imjacobsmom said...

Christine, 100 posts already, WOW where does the time go? Thanks for sharing another great tour! I've always wanted to go to Paris and this is really enticing! I absolutely want my name thrown in for your give-away, too! Happy Pink Saturday! ~ Robyn

Helen said...

Dear Christine .... I remember your very first post .. and it seems like it was just yesterday. Congratulations on a job well done. Looking forward to 100 more!

Tomarie said...

C~ Congrats on your 100th post! You have done such a fantastic job on your blog! And I love that you've taken us places we've never been before on SS! Now! I knew it was a beautiful city, but your pictures make me really ache to go there now! They are just beautiful! And I love that AJ is getting to see so much of the world!
Your compote is a real work of art too! Just like Paris! :-)
When you give a really give a GIVE-A-WAY!! Oh please through me in the pot too! And crinkly my edges just a little more than Picket's okay?! Haha! :-)
Congrats again on your 100th more and I wish you continued successs and fun on your blog!!
Love ya! L~

Lorna ~ Lace and Ivy Cottage said...

Hi Christine,
Congratulations on your 100th post! I'm only a third of the way there. What a great tour of France. The architecture is breathtaking. If I were to travel there someday, I would definitely see the Louvre and take a pilgrimage to Lourdes. AJ is one lucky little girl! And your giveaway, wow! What a treasure trove, but the icon of Mama Mary is a treasure in itself. You are very generous. Thanks for sharing your travels with us. It's the next best thing to being there!

Unknown said...


~Really Rainey~

Susan @ A Southern Daydreamer said...

Congrats on your 100th post Christine! Seems like just yesterday that you created your blog! Susan

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad you found your photos! They are absolutely gorgeous. ;)

I'll make it there - one day.


Thanks for the chance to win the goodies!

Marty@A Stroll Thru Life said...

Wow Christine, I still can't believe how generous your giveaway is and CONGRATULATIONS for sure on 100 posts. That is indeed a milestone. Your pics of Paris are gorgeous. Such a pretty place. I would love to go there, but you always take such pretty pics that we feel like we got to go along. Your egg compote dish is fabulous as are all your other egg dishes. Such lovely detail. Just Stunning. Hugs, Marty. PS, I hope I win. lol

bj said...

Thanks so much for sharing these lovely photos with us...and the wonderful Pink!!
xo bj

Susie Jefferson said...

What a great post, thanks for helping us to visit France with you. Love the Dresden compote, it's amazing. Happy Pink Saturday (and pls enter me in the draw).

Marty@A Stroll Thru Life said...

Christine, I just did a post about your 100th post and giveaway. I hope you get a lot more entries. Good luck. Hugs, Marty

Terry said...

Congratulations on your 100th post.
Wow your header is lovely .I love the butterfly enjoying the Lantana.
Your photos of Paris are all amazing.
I am so glad you found them.
This has been the most delightful tour .I have had such a sweet time stolling along with you .
Thank you for including me today.
You are such a blessing.

Mozi Esme said...

OK - I think I've figured out the logo on my post!

Unknown said...

Your pinks are lovely, but I prefer the travel photos. Love the one w/ the statue of liberty and eiffel tower, too!

Tootsie said...

Paris looks very similar to Old Montreal here in Canada...maybe just a little prettier...but the old buildings are similar...
That is one crazy good give away!
congrats on 100 posts...I missed my 100th- can you believe that?
and your pink Saturday entry is very pretty!
I do hope you are having a good weekend girl

Bargain Decorating with Laurie said...

Congratulations Christine! I am so impressed that you have already reached 100 posts. And what a generous give-away, but then you are always such a generous person. (Does that get me any extra entries-lol!) Congratulations on finding your pix of Paris too! They are beautiful! That Dresden piece is fabulous! laurie

Bargain Decorating with Laurie said...

Forgot to say, your blog looks so pretty. laurie

sunnymama said...

Congratulations on your 100th post. I've only been blogging since February this year and I'm loving it so much too, especially meeting wonderful blogging friends :) How generous of you to do such a lovely giveaway. I really loved all your sightseeing saturday pictures, thanks for the tour!

LuLo Designs/Blue Eyed Tango said...

Hi Christine! Congratulations on your 100th post! Thank you for the wonderful tour of Paris! My favorite photo is with you and AJ in front of the Eiffel Tower! So pretty both of you! Maybe someday I'll get to visit there. You are a very generous person to have this give-a-way! How sweet you are!

Justine said...

Wow, with all your travels, Paris finally left you in a state of awe, huh? Maybe some day I'll get there. Doubt it though!

Happy 100th post! How exciting!!! Count me in for the giveaway!

Justine :o )

Melissa Miller said...

Hi Christine!
100 POSTS! ~WOW~!

That is really a great accomplishment.
What a wonderful and generous giveaway you are having.
~Beautiful photos too.

Have a happy Sunday.
~Melissa :)

Jill said...

Just found your blog through the office tour...I'm enjoying it very much! Congrats on your 100th post, too!

Happy To Be/ Gl♥ria said...

Christine..Congrats on your 100 post...that was fast my friend...loved seeing Paris...and did you know our statue of Liberty was a gift from France...guess that's why our is bigger...loved seeing AJ...May you have a great day girl...Hugs and smiles Gl♥ria

Anonymous said...

Hi Christine! Oh, what a wonderful post today! Congratulations on your 100post! Woo Hooness! Isn't blogging the most fun?
I must tell you - I love your pix of Paris. We'be been a couple of times and you've just brought back sweet memories to me.
I have to tell you, Christine, you are just so beautiful - inside and out!
Be a sweetie,
Shelia :0

Four Paws and Co said...

You take the best travel photos - I almost feel like I'm there with you. Great PS post too. Congratulations on 100 posts! ♥ Diane

Beansieleigh said...

Congrats on your 100th post! Happy Pink Saturday, and have a wonderful week!

Anonymous said...

Congrats on your 100 posts. I have just started my blog, so I have a while to go. I love all your pics. It was wonderful for you to share them. Great give away idea too.

All my best wishes for the this year.


{Bellamere Cottage} said...

Oh Christine...I so enjoy your tours...with lots of commentary too!

I'd love to win that great giveaway... :-) Love it allll.


nanny said...

Love your Paris photos,,,gonna have to get mine out. You made me want to reflect/ha
Please put my name in the great giveaway.

Shaam said...

You took such great photos! I love Paris. Please enter me in your fabulous giveaway! I am almost at 100 too and will be having a giveaway probably in a month so keep an eye out for that ;) Thanks!

All the best,

Printersdevil said...

Beautiful photos! I would love to join your Sightseeing Saturday.I don't have anything exotic, but do have some interesting stateside things to share. Please enter me in your contest, too.

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