For my pink contribution, I want to show you a salt cellar. I have sold so many at the store but I kept this because it is one of my favorites. It had a tiny pink spoon but when the grandkids were visiting a few weeks ago, one of them played with them (I have 3 tiny spoons) while I was at the hospital in Jackson watching my mom and we can't find them. Isn't the salt cellar cute? It's a Nippon.
Another pink I want to show you are 3 mini Polish pottery vases with pink flowers.
But wait, there is one more party that I do not want to miss, Laurie's A Few of My Favorite Things at
For my favorites today, first let me show you what Maria of Personalized Sketches and Sentiments made for me, actually for John. Shhhh! Don't tell but I am giving it to him as one of my Christmas presents and right now, it is kept in the garage. If you are familiar with her artwork, the Sevres egg urn is drawn with his name "John" all over. Didn't she do a fabulous job copying John's favorite egg? The details are amazing! You can order your own personalized artwork too by going to her site at
I also have a French art nouveau inkwell with a lamp attached. I won it on Ebay with the intention of selling it at the store but I could not part with it, lol. So, it is sitting on my desk with my favorite pictures of kids and grandkids.

For sightseeing, I want to share with you how we celebrated my mom's 90th birthday 2 years ago. I might have blogged a little about this but I want to show you more. It was held at Ginn's Reunion Resort in Kissimmee, FL. I highly recommend the place for any family reunion, big or small. I was unable to take a lot of pictures of the place but they had lots of amenities to be enjoyed like tennis courts, swimming pools, golf courses and my favorite was the water park. They have condos and houses that you can can rent. We rented 2 condos with 3 bedrooms each and a big house with 5 bedrooms and we had enough room for all of us. All of my mom's children, grandchildren and great grandchildren attented from 5 states: California, Illinois, Missouri, MS and Fl.
This is the house where we mostly congregated. We ate here and played games and the kids swam in the pool
Here is all of us. Even exes attended, lol.
Below are all my brothers and sisters, my mom and yours truly.
The ones in green belong to me, my 2 daughters, son, daughter in law and son in law.
Below are the great grandkids. 4 of mom's great grandkids are already in College. One already graduated but is taking her masters now.
The great grandkids swam a lot. They had a ball playing around and they had a drawing contest. They had to draw my mom, lol, and they all won!
We all had a lot of fun in the water park, especially wading in the lazy river.
Our next reunion will be on a cruise and it is coming soon. I can hardly wait. My mom is always very happy whenever we are all together.
Your salt cellars are beautiful...I feel bad that the spoons are lost. Hope they turn up soon. Remember when I was looking a the salt cellars in one of your shops in Natchez? Still haven't found anything!! I like the glass ones with silver spoons. Your pottery vases are so pretty and I would love to see John's face when he sees the sketch of his egg!! What a sweet and thoughtful gift!
Love seeing pictures of your handsome family! There are so many of you. I remember this party from when I first started following you. It looks like it was a great time.
Is it getting colder by you? Today was only in the 30's. I better start getting used to it!!
Happy weekend!
Christine, the party for your mom looks like a fun time was had by all. She looks very young to be in her 90s. You have good genes. LOL
Happy Pink Saturday! ~ Sarah the family photos. Your Mom is lovely!
That inkwell is over-the-top gorgeous and I can see why you wouldn't want to part with it :)
You have such a lovely family and how wonderful for you all to be able to get together and enjoy such a wonderful trip. I love the pic of your mom on the chaise. She is so special. Hugs, Marty
What a fantastic reunion Christine! That was very nice you all got together. Love your salt cellar too. Very beautiful. I also couldn't help scrolling to the next post and seeing your gorgeous turkey table setting. Love the dishes and the statues! Just gorgeous. Happy Pink Saturday!
Always love to see your post! What a wonderful family reunion and to celebrate your mom's birthday with all her children, grandchildren, greatgrandchildren! Wow!
Blessings & Aloha!
(Thank you dear friend for posting the drawing as one of your favorite things on this post. I wanted to let you know that I have it shown on my current post.)
You are so lucky to be able to celebrate this mile stone of your Mom's with your whole family! How wonderful!
Debbie - Admin for
Oh, Christine, your mom is just beautiful. 90? She sure is pretty. You take after her because YOU don't look old enuf to be a grandmother.
Your whole family is so good looking...the men, so handsome, the women, including you, sweet friend, beautiful.
It looks like a perfect place to have a family reunion. Lots of fun...and a cruise for all of you will be heaven.
We went on a family cruise 2 yrs. ago and I have never, in my entire life, had so much fun.
Can't wait to do it again...
love, bj
Happy Pink Saturday. Thanks for sharing your family photos. Loved the salt cellar.
Ohhh Christine, what a beautiful family you got! It's nice to see them and all the fun you guys did. Thanks for sharing.
Christine, what wonderful photos of your mother's b'day! That does look like a wonderful place to stay. Your pinks are so pretty. I hope the little spoon for the pretty salt cellar will show up. The sketch is wonderful, and what a great idea for a gift for John! I'm so glad you didn't sell the ink well. I've never seen anything like that - with the pretty lamp on it. It is beautiful. I really appreciate that you are a regular at linking to Favorite Things. You always have so much beauty to show us. laurie
I so enjoyed the pictures of your mother's birthday. What a good time you all had! Getting family together is wonderful, we do it often also. I love your salt cellars.
Hugs, LisaKay
MOre fantastic pics-you never cease to amaze me!
Looks like a fun time was had by all. These will certainly be precious memories someday. I like the drawing of the egg- I know John will too.
Wow, looks like you all have a great time! What a fun get together!! Can I please be adopted into the family! LOL
Your mom looks so beautiful and well rested. My goodness, what a time you all had. Sure looked like a blessed event for all!!!
Looks like a great place for a reunion!
So did the exes have to wear a different color shirt? :)
I don't see John there?
What a wonderful home and big family. Your Mom is awesome...
your mom still looks great at 90. she looks younger than her age. you have a big wonderful family. thanks for sharing with us your family's memories.
mine is here...
wow looks like in a different world... I remember the movie edward scissorhands in your community.. lovely people...
My Nostalgia here
Wow you have a big and happy family Christine I love the French art you've won from eBay, don't resell it lol..
Very nice collection. I am entertained by the smiles and happy pictures of your family. You are one blessed Woman.
My Nostalgia here
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