It's Outdoor Wednesday time, which is hosted by Susan of
http://asoutherndaydreamer.blogspot.com/ I have a few people ask about the pool so I thought of taking this opportunity to show you the progress. Just remember to visit Susan afterwards and check out everybody else's contributions too.
The pool was the easy part. It is pretty much done but it is what surrounds it that is taking forever to finish. This is the view from the master bedroom.

This is the view from the office.

Right now, they are working on the floor drain. Do you see that long strip?
And this is the view from the family room. I wish they could start adding the fun features but they can't until the concrete is poured.

Here is another view from the family room.

View from the kitchen dining. We are bird sitting until Thursday, see the 2 parrots in their cages?

and this is the view from the breakfast nook. As you can see, all my orchids are on the table. I cannot wait to put them back outside. I wish the deck would get done soon.

This is one reason they haven't poured the concrete on the deck. Our house is situated on a hill and this part of the pool's ground was 2.5 ft. lower so they had to build it up and then build a retaining wall.
What do you think? Should I paint the hollow blocks in terracota?

My poor plants on the terraces! Some have been buried in dirt, sand and cement. I can't wait to be able to clean up down there and get the plants healthy again. Looks like I am going to have to redo the whole thing.

They still have to lay the brick coping around the pool but we are able to use it. We sneak in as soon as the pool guys leave, lol! The water temperature right now is perfect, it's warm and we don't even have to turn the heater on.
Hopefully the next time I post more pool pictures is on Met Monday, when everything is completely done.

Thank you, Susan for hosting this Wed. event and thank you all for coming!
Ooooh C/X this is really looking beautiful my friend and I see AJ is making good use out of it already...too funny...I think this is going to be awesome my friend...Can I come for a splash...I swear I'll leave my BIG purse home and just stay outside Ha ha!! May you have a great Wednesday girl...hugs and smiles Gl♥ria
Christine, it's looking pretty darn refreshing! It makes for a great view out of any window. AJ's got the right idea! You'll have it looking great in no time. ~ Robyn
Looks very beautiful. We decided not to get a pool at our new house.
We just have a spa. Today I was thinking, with the heat, how much I would love to go for a swim.
Christine that is amazing! I cannot believe how fast they build them. It's really beautiful.
~Happy 4th! ~Melissa :)
its looking great christine,cant wait to see it all done..
Nice how every part of the room in the house has a magnificent view of the pool :-) It has a refreshing look in it - very perfect for the summer.
I'm sure you already have ideas as to how to decorate the surrounding of the pools and do some landscaping :-)
Happy Outdoor Wednesday!
Christine, the pool is coming along beautifully! What great views you have of it from the house. I wish I could take a dip in it with AJ. It's been so hot here in CA!
My Wordful/Outdoor Wednesday is all about something that was 'taken from our yard'. But at our request. Happy Wednesday to you.
Hi Christine. Wow, beautiful house, great place to unwind.
Christine! This is going to be beautiful, and you will enjoy it so much! Loved seeing your progress.
Sheila :-)
You have such wonderful views of the pool from each of your rooms. It is really quite lovely. It will be spectacular when it's finished.
What a fun addition to your family home.
I love the perspective you showed throughout your interior -- to the outside.
Im excited for Monday to see the completion.
TTFN~~Claudia ♥
Hi Christine- Looks like you're gettin' there...I think it's so cute that your grand daughter can't wait to use the pool...I don't blame her...it looks so inviting.
what a great pool, is it one of those fiberglass pools that are premade? I just love the shape.
I can't wait to see it finished...I work cheap...I could come and help plant...;o) Just kidding but that pool does look inviting.
Happy OW!!
love the look of the great pool so refreshing
How beautiful! Our dream is to have a inground pool someday. :)
BEautiful Christine - the pool and AJ! Looks like she's lovin' it already and you don't even have the fun features yet. laurie
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