Where did the time go? Grandkids are growing so fast! B turned 3 today so I thought I would put some pictures together of his growing up. He has always been such a very happy boy.
Below was taken in the hospital right after he was born. He was delivered right on that bed and I was right there too while he was coming out. Shown here are Tina, B's mom, my other daughter Rochelle and her daughter and our oldest grandkid, AJ.
just a few weeks old here
I think this is the one and only picture where I can see him crying, upset cause he could not lift the pumpkin. LOL! This is one of my very favorite pictures of him. He is just so expressive.
This was a few months ago when they visited us.

Happy brithday, my dear boy! I love you very much and I miss you and your BIG smile very much! Wish you could come visit again soon, but I am looking forward to being with you on a cruise soon.
I am sharing a few videos below.
Happy Birthday to B!
Christine this is such a cute post! J and I enjoyed watching his dance so much.
Happy Birthday to B !! :D
Happy Birthday Little B.. You sure are a precious fella..
Allllll of them, are precious!
Awww.... what a little cutie (just like all your grandchildren). Happy Birthday to little B!!
They are a beautiful family and he is a doll. They do grow fast. Our grands are 3 1/2 and almost 2. How is it time goes so fast?
Nice pictures, Mom. Happy Birthday, B! We all love you so much and wish we could celebrate with you today!
He is so darn cute Christine!
And your daughter is beautiful like your Mom!
I meant her Mom, you!
Such beautiful children! I know you adore them.
Adorable! I remember the dance video, LOL!
Christine, what beautiful photos! You have a wonderful family!
Family is so precious and I know you cherish yours!!
Beautiful family!
Happy bday B! You got a very beautiful family and I love documented memories.
Hope B has a wonderful Birthday!! Thanks for sharing the pictures!!
Those are 2 adorable little boys!!
Happy birthday to little mister B! Aren't grandchildren wonderful, Christine? I hope you are having a great week!...hugs...Debbie
Thank you for dropping by and sharing the pictures of your adorable grandson. Happy Birthday to him. You have been blessed .
Blessings, Pam
He is so precious. Your whole family is lovely. Happy Birthday to a little sweetie!
Oh Christine, he is such a cutie pie! I love that photo of him asleep with the big bunny! How well I remember the photo of him trying to pick up the pumpkin - too funny. Just looking at that smile makes me smile! laurie
What a fun post. He is so adorable. You are very blessed. Hope he had a wonderful Birthday.
Oh my goodness, Christine! I just saw this post! Happy belated birthday to little B. He is just the most adorable thing. Do you know I actually got tears in my eyes watching that video? It was because he was just so precious and I was thinking how lucky you are and how proud you must be. And his little brother is just as beautiful! As is your daughter(s) and your son-in-law is pretty handsome himself!! :)
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