My luck started already!! I am so excited! As my mom and I were getting ready to drive to the shop, I saw a package in front of our door. I went to get it, opened it right away and I was so happy to see this Polish pottery cross sent by my dearest friend, Jane. Isn't that just too sweet and thoughtful? You probably know who Janie is, aka Blondie of Blondie's Journal! Thank you Jane, I will tie a ribbon through it and hang it in the shop but I want to be sure that nobody buys it because it is mine, it is my good luck charm!
Below are before pictures. The walls were an ugly green. The items on the shelves are not mine. The owner still had to empty the space.

I had it painted yellow. This is just one huge room with a smaller enclosed room in that corner and that corner is my shop, at least after I fix it up. The other vendors are just renting small spaces with imaginary walls so I am excited about my little private space.
I am putting a sign above that entrance saying "Christine's Corner" You will see it in the last picture. It's just hand made by me, nothing fancy. I really did not want to spend too much money on this shop yet. I just want to see how it goes first.
My landlady is not done emptying my space yet. Those stuff in front of the door are going and so is the desk inside and all the junk above it.
I thought I would be able to start stocking it today but the landlady said she is gettng the carpet cleaned tomorrow morning, so I might as well wait until it dries. I will go back tomorrow after lunch. I also asked the painter to paint the trims too and he is going to do that tonight.
I am going to sew a curtain for that door so I can replace the existing one.
Do you like the color of the wall? I am pretty happy with it cause I wanted the room to be bright and I think I accomplished that with this color choice.
Here are a few items that I am selling. Yep, I am going to try to sell that magnolia oil painting that I did myself., just to get a feel of what will sell. I have more that are already labeled, the car is packed also, but I still have so much to label. I need to go to our attic too and the walk in closet in the garage to see what else I can let go.
Christine, I admire you for taking on this venture and wish you the best of luck. I do indeed like the yellow walls. They look great with the white shelving. Your artwork is lovely - you are a very talented woman. Please keep us updated on happenings at your shop.
Hugs, Beth
I am so happy for you, it brings tears to my eyes!! I love the wall color!!
Hi Christine...
Ohhh my goodness, Girlfriend! I didn't even realize that you were thinking about doing a shop! I am sooo far behind...I do apologize!
Wowzer...what an exciting adventure, Darlin'! You know, I think you are going to love doing this...and I think you'll be really good at it! I'm sooo happy for you, Girlfriend! I would just love to do something like this but I don't think I have the energy! Anyway...I love, love, LOVE the sunny, cheerful, buttery yellow wall color! It's perfect and really does brighten up that room! I like the white trim paint too...looks nice with the white shelving! Ohhh...I wished that I were closer! I know one thing for sure...I would love to do a little shopping at Christine's have the best taste!!! I know it will be a classy place! Well sweet friend, I'm sending you my very best wishes and blessings for great success with your new endeavours!!! Keep us posted on your progress...okay?
Love ya,
Chari's just me again! I really did want to say how very beautiful your Polish cross is! You're's the perfect item for bringing blessings to your shop! Jane is such a dearheart...isn't she? So very kind and thoughtful!!!
Christine, I am still on blog break, but I could not miss the opportunity to wish you best of luck with this venture! I'm so happy for you that you have this shop, and it is lovely. I wish you much success, my friend. MUCH! Love the cross that Janie found for you, and it's a perfect store blessing present! :-)
Speaking of blessings, please remember Mr. Magpie in your prayers as he has had some health issues of late.
I didn't know you were opening a shop....I wish you the best Christine..
Christine, that is going to look so nice. That is great that you have all those nice shelves to fill. Good luck!
Christine...what a very exciting time for you...I am very happy! love the new wall color..much better than that green.
Oh fabulous! I didn't even know you were going to open a shop. I must have missed that post. But I wish you the best, your collection is lovely and you'll do well. I did that for three years, rented a space at a big antique mall here in Carlsbad. I had much fun doing it, but with maintaining it and a full time job, in addition to moving and remodeling, I couldn't keep up. Anyways, I am really happy for you! Can't wait to see your final display :)
I somehow missed that you are opening a shop. I'm so excited for you.....CONGRATULATIONS AND BEST OF LUCK!!
You'll do a great job, because you have so much talent..... love the yellow walls...
Christine, the yellow walls make Christine's Corner very welcoming. This is a fun enterprise for you; how many hours per week will your shop be open?
Oh how fun, it is going to be so exciting to stock those shelves.
Oh Christine, I just know you will do well. You always do such wonderful vignettes, so your shop will look fabulous. I can't wait to see it all done. Good luck. Your cross is such a precious gift. What a thoughtful friend. Hugs, Marty
Christine, how exciting for you. I know I have a ball with mine. Tons of merchandise coming in these days, everything from fall to Christmas. The shop is transforming itself right before my eyes.. lol
What sorts of things are you going to be saleing? Keep me posted... best wishes for it to be a huge success!! hugs ~lynne~
Oh this is exciting! I hope you do well! I cannot wait to follow you on this adventure and hear how things go! Congratulations and Best wishes!
Good luck and much success, Christine! I envy your adventure!
Very nice, I'm lovin' the new color! I wish you the best!
I do like the color you chose!! I wish you much success!
Christine...this is soooo exciting! I've always thought it would be sooo much fun to have a booth or little shop! I can't wait to hear more about this new adventure! You're gonna do great because you have wonderful taste and only buy great things! :)
Christine, good luck. I love your things and so will everyone else. Your style and grace and beauty comes through in everything you touch. Best of luck and good fortune to you. May you be blessed many times over!
Best wishes, I think you have picked a lovely fresh colour for the walls. Such good taste, I am sure you will do well.
I wish you such good good luck on your business venture. I would just love that, I think. I'm anxious to see how you like it.
I love your cheery yellow walls...just perfect, I think. Your room will radiate "HAPPY"....:))
xo bj
wow Christine! am sure you will enjoy it, best of luck!
I love the new color, bright and clean looking! I can't wait to see when you have it set up.
Love the cross Jane sent you! I wish you lots of luck, a new adventure!
Make a nice bright curtain too. It will be very welcoming!
I'm behind in my blog reading. Congratulations!!!!!!
How exciting about your shop! I hope you will post photos when you get it all set up. Good luck!
How exciting! I didn't know you were opening a shop! Congratulations, and good luck, or rather God's blessings, on your venture!
Of course I love the yellow walls! I love anything yellow!!
Beautiful cross! Sweet gift!
I think I missed something. Your opening a shop?
You will be awesome at it, that's for sure. I wish you success. Love the cross you received from Polish Pottery.
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