Kate of http://www.centsationalgirl.com/ is having a "Where Do You Blog" party and I thought it would be fun to join and show you where I also blog. Please visit Kate to see everybody else on her participants' list where they all blog.

As for me, I usually do it from our home office using my desktop computer. I have 2 laptops (hubby has 2 laptops too, lol! And yes, we are computer crazy!) but I prefer blogging using the desktop because it is a lot faster. Besides, I am able to watch news on TV at the same time.
I was so happy to find this swivel and adjustable chair. I put my legs up so it is important for me to sit on a chair with a big seat and no side rails because the rails hurt my thighs.

I also have a small Vaio laptop that I use when I want to go double time in leaving comments. Do you think I am a fanatic blogger? LOL! All I have to do is pivot my chair to the left and there it is. The Dell behind it is my hubby's. That is his side of the desk.
The home office is very conveniently located right outside our master bedroom, so it is the first room I go to after I get up.
When I want to watch a DVD or when my hubby wants me to watch TV with him in the family room, I take the little laptop with me and just blog there too.
I either lay the laptop on the recliner's arm rest
I mostly compose my blog on my PC in our 2nd floor office, but I do most of my commenting from my laptop, which is in the kitchen.
Your blogging "home" looks quite inviting.
Why doesn't it surprise me that you also have a collection of computers! You are so funny...commenting on 2 at a time, even I don't do that!
Your desk area is wonderful.
You have many. But you like a desktop. I was beginning to wonder if I was the only one, not on a laptop. :-)
But you have mastered laptops, so you are a zillion miles ahead of me. I simply can't get comfortable with my husband's laptop. -sigh- And it's a big Mac one too. -sigh-
I love your outdoor views! I'm like you, I prefer to use my PC to blog. I've got a large touch screen in my kitchen that I'll use if the kiddo's aren't on it.
I just can't get the hang of using a laptop efficiently. I wish I could so I could move around as needed.
I'm visiting from Kate's "where do you blog" party.
Thanks for visiting mine and leaving such a sweet comment!
You have lots of pretty spaces to blog, and a pretty view also.
Christine, it looks like you have the art of blogging covered. Double time! Wow, you have this down. ~ sarah
Wow, Christine you do have a lot of computers and lots of places to use them. Very nice office and what a nice chair.
Hi C, it looks to me like you are a blogging queen, You can blog all over your house , that is great!!! Kathysue
I thought I was lucky to have 2 places to blog, but goodness... you have so many beautiful spaces to blog. I NEED A lap top...... I keep thinking we NEED a lap top so I can move around. You've inspired me...
Wow, you have so many options! Love that all in one computer. It looks so convenient. :-) You have lovely view outside.
What a beautiful space! I love all the seating you have. :) Thanks for the visit!
Actually, Christine, You have beautiful views in and out and through your home! Love that you are able to do multi-blogging tasks! haha
Blessings & Aloha!
(Thank you sooooo much for popping over, dear friend!)
Christine, you have beautiful spaces to live and work in. I have a little cubby where I use a laptop. It is actually quite messy right now....but I will clean it soon (I will, I will...).
Thank you so much for stopping by my blog and for your kind comments.
Hugs to you,
Oh Christine, I WANT your chair! That is wonderful and looks SO COMFY. I also sit with my legs under me, this would be fantastic and I LOVE the leather! The whole room is SO inspiring...
thank you for sharing,
Hugs, Donna
OK Christine,
I think you have it made in the shade!
I am in awe of your gorgeous computer center with the also gorgeous view!
Way to go girlfriend!
Christine, the luxury of your beautiful home never fails to awe me! Simply lovely!
Ants? In your home? Never!!!! LOL
That is a beautiful office. I have my own office where I blog and watch most programs in that room. I have a couch & a nice TV.
totally awesome! and I want a touchscreen too now :)
Wow. You have quite the set-up. I think my choice would be poolside:) Love those egg illustrations.
That is some set up you have! No wonder you can comment on so many blogs! You are a whirlwind!
You have a command central, awesome !!! I love the speed of my desktop too, so I have to force myself to use it ~ it's tucked away in an armoire . . Thanks so much for linking up ! This has been so much fun exploring everyone's space!
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